Women’s leadership is quite different from men’s, simply because our influence plays a big factor in how effective we are as leaders. God just designed women to have BIG influence over our environment – no matter where we go! In order to walk powerfully in this role, you need to know these key behaviors of influential women leaders.
Does any of this sound like you?
- When you walk into a room, all eyes tend to be on you.
- When you write, people tend respond in powerful ways
- When you speak, people tend listen, take notes, and then go into action
(There may also be times when you get negative reactions to your words that were only meant to help, teach, or give insight. That’s ok, too.)
All of this is called INFLUENCE.
When what you do or say shifts the actions or behaviors of a person or group of people, you are exerting an influence on them. It can be subconscious or conscious. Regardless, it’s still influence. Your mere presence, words, or actions change the atmosphere and outcomes in people’s lives.
Influential women leaders all have certain things in common. These behaviors are part of our intrinsic designs as women. Some of us just have a calling or mantle to walk in our influence in a different kind of way. Go be INFLUENTIAL!

- Trust your intuition and be passionate. Our emotions and intuition are a good thing when it’s time to lead. Not because we’ll be a bucket of tears but because we can express what others in the room are feeling or thinking through our words, actions, and body language. Our passion is often on display – this is what influences people to join us!
- It’s not about you. It’s about the situations, people, and lives your decisions will affect. It’s not operating with a cutthroat, dog-eat-dog kind of mentality, instead they choose empathy. One of the key behaviors of influential women leaders is they care about those they lead. Because of this “care” it’s easy to have buy-in from your team. Remember this: People don’t care about how much you know until they know how much you care.
- In most families it’s the wives and women who plan holiday gatherings, birthdays, and special events. Coming together and creating traditions is important to us because we know those are one of a king memories and moments that build to create a legacy. Traditions are important because they weave everyone in a family or organization together with a common thread. Influential women leaders look to unite their teams with common experiences that bond everyone together.
- Just say no to the status quo. Influential women leaders question everything, but not in a combative spirit. They see the glass half full instead of half empty and they wonder why the glass isn’t pink covered in glitter anyways. We call this being graciously disruptive. There’s something radically attractive and powerful about a woman who dances to the beat of her own drum…or better yet creates the beat in her drum. She forges a path that others may follow and influences people beyond her own lifetime.
- Influential women leaders not only dream, but they believe in the dreams of others. Belief is SO powerful! Women tend to be eternal optimists. When you a have the support and belief of a woman she will influence that person to live up the greatness within themselves and see their dreams become a reality.

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