I’ve always been a girl with big dreams and big, larger than life goals, so big people aren’t quite sure where to place me. If you’re anything like me, you may oftentimes find yourself in situations when people don’t “get you” and it can leave you a little blindsided.
Can you relate?
One of the best things for me to learn (though it took a while) was how to get over it, so I can be all God has designed me to become.
Here’s the come-to-Jesus meeting I had with myself one day. . .
Look Angelica, if you’re going to go out here and do things people have never done, challenge the status quo, and fully operate as the woman God has designed you to become, people aren’t going to “get you.” Get over, honey. Go thrive!
And I did, eventually.
It. Just. Comes. With. The. Territory.
When people don’t get you, take heart!
You’re in good company.
I REALLY want to help you be able to handle and to thrive when people don’t “get you.”
My entire life I’ve always started and organized my own groups and clubs, even as a little girl. My first club was created in the 3rd grade. It was an ice cream club.
Our secret password was “I scream. You scream. We all scream for ice cream!” People paid dues to actually be able to eat ice cream once a month and to just hang out. (Now that’s not a bad business idea for all those ice cream lovers!)
I’m the kind of girl, where if I see where something can be better, I just go out there and make it happen. It never fails.
If you’re anything like me you quickly realize, with that oftentimes comes scrutiny and criticism, from people who don’t quite understand how you are wired and designed by God. They can sometimes view you as a threat to their establishment. It’s usually then, when those envious, venomous, and hateful comments and actions begin to happen.
Been there before?
(Deep-Hearted Question – Ever been one of those envious, venomous, and hateful people who didn’t “get” someone? #ouch)
Here’s the beauty in all of this – God has designed you to shake things up a bit and to go against the status quo.
You have to learn how to handle it, when people don’t “get you,” with grace, class, and poise.
Highlights & Ah-Ha’s
- We are one body with many members, which means we ALL function differently. Let’s celebrate that!
- From Noah to Abraham to Jesus all the GOATS were misunderstood. You’re in good company!
- Embrace how God designed you! Remember your uniqueness serves a glorious purpose!
- Know Thyself (In Him) – here’s an EXCELLENT book on discovering your power and purpose as a woman. (This is one of my “go-to” books!)
- I’m also sharing a few of my favorite ‘Sit-at-the-Feet-of-Jesus’ Resources!
- My favorite bible.
- TUL Pens(love, love, love!)
- A new journal will change your life!
Now Keep Reading!
One Body. Many Members.
The first place I run to, when I’m dealing with people who don’t get me, is the Word of God. It’s God’s love letter to me, so SURELY he has written down instructions or commands on how to handle situations like these. (Here is my favorite version of the bible. I think you’ll love it, too!)
Here’s what I’ve found. . .
. . .We are one body with many members. {1 Corinthians 12:12-27}
We are ALL members of the Body of Christ and just like our own bodies, each part has a specific function and duty to make our body fully functional.
It’s really not up to your ears to understand how or why your hands operate.
Your ears just need to focus on functioning as ears, and let your hands focus on being hands. When that happens, there’s a lot of harmony that takes place in the body.
It’s the same thing with the Body of Christ.
You aren’t designed to operate like anyone else. You have a specific design, function, and purpose. It’s perfectly ok when people don’t “get you.”
Quite honestly, it’s really not up to them to figure out how or why you operate. Instead, everyone should focus on being the BEST version of themselves and operating fully, as God has designed them.
There’s a lot of harmony that takes place in the Body of Christ when that happens.
(This whole topic reminds me of that Facebook video of the little girl who tells her dad to “worry about yourself” when he’s asking if she needs help buckling her seatbelt. Have you seen it? It’s HILARIOUS!! (And so so very true!) #worryaboutyourself)
You Aren’t The First Person To Be Misunderstood
And you won’t be the last.
So there’s no need having a pity-party about it, either. Ok?
People didn’t “get them,” either.
And you know what?
They focused on their calling and purpose.
They went out there and they made it happen for the Glory of God.
If there’s anything you can learn about handling people who don’t “get you” is to just get over it. Seriously.
Here’s a BIG TIP!!
IGNORE Your Critics. . .
. . .even if they are your family and friends.
I go way more into depth about this very topic, in this article. I think your should read it. Thrice.
Wallowing in the pool of other people’s misunderstandings will drown you.
Embrace How God Has Designed You
In other words, know thyself (in Him)
One of the best things you can do for yourself is to get an understanding of how God has designed you, discover your purpose, and get focused on operating in your unique, divine design.
One my favorite books on understanding your purpose (outside of my favorite bible) is Myles Munroe’s book – Understanding the Purpose and Power of a Woman.
It literally helps you understand your role, as God has designed you. He takes the time to compare society’s viewpoint vs. God’s viewpoint to help women discover who they are in Christ.
This book is an EXCELLENT place to start!
Another thing you can do is just sit in worship, grab your favorite journal (pick one of these) + a fancy TUL pen (love, love, love), and sit at the feet of Jesus.
You can grab them all here:
Ask the Holy Spirit to reveal your purpose, God’s unique design for you life, and even the next steps He wants you to take.
Then write it out!
Remember Habakkuk 2:2-3 says to write the vision and make it plain. #writeitout
It does nothing for God for Him to withhold your purpose from you. His desire is that you KNOW it, so you can FULLY OPERATE in it!
So if you’re unsure, ask.
He’ll answer you. *pinky promise*
What’s in it for you?
Let me tell you, when you know your purpose and have an understanding of God’s unique design for your life, it’s AH-MAY-ZING what happens!
There’s a confidence and surety that rises up within you!
You’ll wake up each day with a newfound excitement to seize the day!
You’ll even look at life through a different lens of passion and purpose!
You’ll be so doggone unstoppable for the Kingdom of God that people will have no choice but to “get you”!
(Did you catch that?)
Once you grab a hold with confidence and assurance of your election and calling and you begin to walk in it passionately and purposefully, all those people who don’t “get you” will suddenly start to “get you.”
They’ll “get you” because they see the anointing of God on your life, as you walk out your purpose in your unique design.
You cannot deny anointing.
Eventually you have to acknowledge it, even if it means you remain silent.
(I’ll take silence over false praise and support. What about you?)
Wrapping It Up
The next time you’re in a situation and someone is feeling a bit uneasy with how God has designed you, just remind yourself (and them) that you serve a great purpose and function in the Body of Christ and your gifts and talents are here to make everyone better.
Whether you’re just learning how to deal with people who don’t “get you” or you’ve experienced this kind of thing over the years – I want this post to be encouragement to you.
Bookmark it so you have something to come back and read on those days where you don’t feel so encouraged.
I pray blessings, favor, and a fuller understanding of your calling, purpose, and unique design.
Spend some time today in God’s presence to get clarity on His plans and design for your life.
I bet it’ll shake you up a bit. . . in a good way!
[clickToTweet tweet=”Wallowing in the pool of other people’s misunderstandings will drown you. #moveon ” quote=”Wallowing in the pool of other people’s misunderstandings will drown you. #moveon”]Let’s Chat!
Have you had a shift in your perspective when people don’t “get you”? Think about how you will handle it from this point forward. I’d love to hear from you! You can chime in, by clicking here.

Thank you for sharing Angelica. I have a big personality that’s often misunderstood, this was timely inspiration. The Lord is faithful. God bless you.
I’m so glad to hear this!