Starting a profitable blog isn’t an afterthought. There’s a lot of consideration that goes into this process. It all starts with your blog niche. When you pick a blog niche you are doing more than just deciding what you will blog about, you are also choosing the audience you will speak to, the desire and need you hope to fill, and the unique angle you’ll put on that blog topic.
Not to mention taking a deep-dive into its promise of profitability.
I’m going to show you how to pick a blog niche that’s perfect for YOU!
Related: 101 Blog Niche Ideas
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How To Pick A Blog Niche
We’re going to walk through the steps you’ll need to take as you pick a blog niche that’s perfect for you!
First, let’s define a blog niche:
A small but clearly defined and profitable blog topic(s), written with a certain audience (avatar) in mind. These topics are created by identifying needs or wants that are not being addressed, and offering ways to help satisfy those desires.
Now, let’s move on to the 7 steps you’ll need to take in order to pick a blog niche you can’t wait to write about!
To make starting your blog easier, I’ve created the Online Business Blueprint for Christian Women Entrepreneurs!
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Let’s help you get started with your blogging business!
I’ll never forget when I first started out in 2011. I was CLUELESS! And there wasn’t much information available to tell me where to start, what to do, and what I needed to build my online business.
I want to make it easier for you!
The Online Business Blueprint will show you the main components you need to start your online business. I want you to keep this handy, as you work to build that business you’ve been dreaming of!
- Download the Online Business Blueprint. You’ll get the blueprint, access to my Business Vault, plus inclusion to my newsletter and advanced notice of all the exciting happenings around here!
- Print. Any paper will do. I recommend either laminating it or using a sheet protector. (Yes, you’re gonna get a lot of frequent flyer miles with this!)
- Keep it in your Personal Learning Library to have it easily accessible, as you’re building your online business!
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The Online Business Blueprint
For Christian Women Entrepreneurs!
Now let’s get back to helping your pick the perfect blogging niche for you!
1. What Would You Do For Free?
This is a question you should ask yourself before going into any business venture (not just blogging), especially when you’re just starting out.
Seriously, ask yourself:
“Would I do this for free?”
Here’s why.
The thing we would do for free is oftentimes the thing we have the most knowledge and expertise in because we’ve been in the throws of it, for a while.
The other reason to ask this is that it takes away the gushy feeling we get when we consider the opportunity to make money from our blog. Once we put the money factor into our decision-making, sometimes our choices become jaded.
Let’s be real money talks. . . it answers all things, right?!
However, you don’t ever want to build a blog simply because of a “paycheck.”
If you’ve ever been on a job, where you know you’re only showing up because you need the paycheck, then you know what I’m talking about. AND you know the sinking feeling you get in the pit of your stomach, every waking day when you have to show up to that job.
It sucks. Royally.
That’s exactly what it would feel like to pick a blog niche about something that you’re just in it, for the money.
Which leads me to this. . .
2. What Are You Passionate About?
Think about all of the things you are passionate about and all the things that bring you joy.
Make a list of them.
In no particular order.
Then seen where you have overlapping or complimentary passions.
These could become blog topics. . .essentially this is how you can pick a blog niche you would like to write about.
Let’s face it, blogging is the long-game when it comes to running an online business. And because of this, you also need to be passionate about the niche you are going to write about. If you can’t see yourself writing about something for at least 5 years, then don’t even consider going into that blog niche.
It’s not worth it.
You’ll burn out faster than a candle, on a 3 year old’s birthday cake who’s blowing feverishly, so they can get to the fun stuff. . . opening presents!
3. What Are You Already Good At?
Make a list of the things you are already good at doing.
While you might be passionate about something, if you’re not good at it (or willing to become good at it) then blogging about it will be like an uphill battle.
I’d start with the list above – your passions – and put a checkmark next to the things you already do well or better than most.
From there, I’d look at the remaining items and really consider if you’re willing to learn how to be good enough at them to write about it for a long time.
If so, keep them on your list.
If not, cross them off.
This is important as you prepare to pick a blog niche.
4. What’s Trending?
It’s one thing to be passionate and knowledgeable about a topic you want to write about for your blog niche. It’s another thing to be wise and know if this is a trending blog topic, which will then make it profitable for you.
Let’s dive into how to find what’s trending so you’ll know who blog niche is in high demand!
For our example, we’re going to pick the following blog niche to research:
“Home Decor Trends 2018”
Find Hot Topics
We’re going to use google to find hot topics.
Here’s what you’ll do:
- Type in the topic you want to research into the Google Search bar
- Click on “Tools”
- Click “Recent”
From here you can choose a time frame from the dropdown menu. (It’s best to use “Recent” so you can see the most recent posts.)
At this point, you want to click and read a few articles to get an idea of what’s a hot topic for the blog niche you are researching.
I’m seeing “Terrazzo” and “Fringe” as hot trends for home decor. So let’s investigate this a bit further.
Check Monthly Search Volume & Competition
So now, we need to see what level of interest exists for this topic, by conducting a keyword research. We’re going to use use Google AdWords Keyword Planner to do this.
(Just so you know: a “keyword” is a word or phrase people type into Google when they are searching for information. So, if there are alot of people searching for a particular keyword, then that means there is a lot of interest in that topic.)
To use to the Keyword Planner, you’re going to need to create a Google AdWords account first. (No worries, it’s free!)
Be sure to click on “Start Using Keyword Planner” at the bottom.
Once you’re logged into Google AdWords, here’s what it looks like. We’re going to add up to 3 of the hot topics we found earlier. Then click “Get Started.”
Check out your results.
As you can see, here are our results:
- Fringe
- 100K – 1M monthly searches
- Low competition
- Terrazzo
- 10K – 100K monthly searches
- Low competition
- Home Decor
- 100K – 1M monthly searches
- High competition
What this tells me is that “Home Decor” is a keyword lots of people are searching for, but it’s highly competitive. However, “Fringe” and “Terrazzo” have also have a high search volume, but they are not as competitive.
So if I were to start a Home Decor blog, I would want to include “Fringe” and “Terrazzo” as sub-niches because they would likely bring good traffic to my site.
High Traffic = High Profitability because you can monetize it so many different ways!
Check Google Trends
My next move is to check Google Trends. This is going to show me the interest of this keyword over a period of time.
Why is this important?
Because I want to know if this keyword has been trending downwards or upwards over the years and how long it’s been a keyword. All of these are important factors to consider.
You want keywords that are trending upwards and have been in existence for a while. The reason for this is that you want to be sure the content you write on your blog will still be relevant in years to come. Writing evergreen content is key to a longevity in blogging!
You don’t want to just be another one-hit-wonder in the blogging world.
Remember blogging is all about the long game.
Once in Google Trends, just type in the keyword you want to research.
From there you’ll see your results and you can begin analyzing it’s trending pattern and longevity.
I like to change the range to show the last 5 years worth of trends. It gives me a good overview of the keyword.
I also like to select the last 12 months because this gives me a micro-view on the keyword to know how seasonal it might be.
As you can see “Terrazzo” has a consistent upward trend and it seems to be most popular in the Spring and Summer months, which makes perfect sense to me!
From here, I like to check a keyword’s trending and popularity in the United States
And again, it’s consistent with worldwide trends, which is just as I thought!
Now, I’m going to compare keywords.
“Terrazzo” vs. “Terrazzo Floor”
What this tells me is that “Terrazzo is more popular than “Terrazzo Floor” but I could niche down and include topics on “Terrazzo Floor” because it is on an upward trend.
You can also take a look at which regions and cities where this keyword is most popular.
It will also give you “Breakout Topics” meaning these are sub topics of this keyword.
HINT: you WANT to write about these because Google is telling you they are trending upward!!
Check out Amazon Book Reviews
So now we are going to head over to Amazon and review some books for this topic.
Amazon is one of my favorite places to visit for research because it’s one of the few places where you can find just about anything AND everyone giving their opinion about stuff.
Let’s see if we can find any books on “Terrazzo” or “Home Decor”
I found this book on home decor and remodeling.
Let’s check out the reviews!
What I’m looking for here is what people are saying:
- They liked
- They hated
- They want more of
- They want less of
This gives me more niche and topic ideas for my blog!
Also take a look at the Table of Contents, this will give you blog category and sub-niche ideas, too!
Ideally, you want to try to research 3-5 books and jot down your notes.
I spend more time reading the negative reviews than I do the positive ones and here’s why. . . if this book isn’t meeting their needs and wants, then I want to be that person who does!
Your #1 goal in blogging is to give the people what they want (and REALLY need).
All of this will help you brainstorm ideas of how you can meet the market needs and demands with your own blog and develop a solid content creation strategy.
5. What Are People Saying They Want More (Or Less) Of?
As you’ve looked at what’s trending, you should also write down what people are saying they want more (or less) of.
This is important because now you are tapping into a need that hasn’t quite been met yet. Which means, YOU could write about one or more of those blog ideas. Or at the very least, incorporate those blog topics into your writing.
This is oftentimes what call “microniching” and where you’ll find your super fans.
And super fans are exactly what the BeyHive are.
You want these people.
All. Of. Them.
They are the glue to your blogging business!
When you pick a blog niche, always be thinking about how you can create super fans for your blog, by doing this very thing!
6. What’s Your Unique Angle?
So here is where you figure out how you can deliver your blog topic in a unique way.
It’s what we call in the business world – your unique proposition.
Because the reality of it is, there aren’t any unique ideas, there are simply unique ways of doing things.
Just think of Chick-Fil-A
What’s their slogan?
(put picture of chickfila slogan)
And they’ve MASTERED this!
That’s exactly what you want to do.
You want to master your own, unique way of delivering your content for your blog niche. When you do it’s like the sprinkles on a cupcake!
Many people feel certain blogging niches are oversaturated. And while there may be a lot of bloggers in a particular niche, I’d be willing to bet you could still breakthru and be very successful in those.
It all boils down to your unique angle or proposition.
So what are some ways you can pick a blog niche and bring a unique angle to it, especially if it seems to be oversaturated?
Here are some ideas for you:
- Bring your personality into your blog and writing style
- Write in your own voice
- Take an opposing, counter-culture viewpoint
- Give your opinion
- Tell about your expertise with the subject
- Decide on a perspective to write from (Think – Honest Toddler)
- Bring your culture, faith, beliefs, and experiences to the subject
Ask yourself…how can I spin this differently?
All of these ways can help you develop your unique angle for your blog niche, even in a very saturated one.
7. Is It Profitable?
How do you know this? Well, look around the interwebs and see if you can find at least 10 bloggers or businesses who are in that niche and are crushing it!
You could even shoot them an email to ask. (Believe it or not it’s not taboo to ask bloggers this kind of question. Most would be happy to tell you.)
But if you’re not comfortable asking, oftentimes you can find out by simply doing a search on their blog for “income report.”
It’s ok and very wise to look at which blog niches are most popular and have already been proven to make money and profit. However, this shouldn’t be the driving force behind your blogging niche decision.
At the end of the day, you should pick a blog niche you are passionate about, have some knowledge and experience with, AND if you weren’t trying to grow a blogging business, you’d talk or write about anyways to family friends and anyone else who will listen.
Want More?
This was a full article, packed to the brim with a simple plan to help you pick a blog niche that’s perfect for you AND to determine if it’s in high demand and will be a blog niche that makes money.
Be sure to check out my 101 Blog Niche Ideas! I’m giving you endless topics and ideas you can use to start your blog! You can read that article here.
To learn how to start a blog or website, I’d like to invite you to check out my “Fail-Proof” Beginner’s Guide To Starting A Blog where I show you how get your blog up and running in no time!
It’s really and truly “fail-proof” (even if you’re tech-challenged).
Download The Online Business Blueprint
Let’s help you get started with your blogging business!
I’ll never forget when I first started out in 2011. I was CLUELESS! And there wasn’t much information available to tell me where to start, what to do, and what I needed to build my online business.
I want to make it easier for you!
The Online Business Blueprint will show you the main components you need to start your online business. I want you to keep this handy, as you work to build that business you’ve been dreaming of!
- Download the Online Business Blueprint. You’ll get the blueprint, access to my Business Vault, plus inclusion to my newsletter and advanced notice of all the exciting happenings around here!
- Print. Any paper will do. I recommend either laminating it or using a sheet protector. (Yes, you’re gonna get a lot of frequent flyer miles with this!)
- Keep it in your Personal Learning Library to have it easily accessible, as you’re building your online business!
Grab Your Own Copy of
The Online Business Blueprint
For Christian Women Entrepreneurs!
Let’s Chat!
Tell me about the how your research is coming along with your blog!!
Have you discovered anything surprising? Will you stick with your original blog niche or move in a different direction?
You can chime in, by clicking here!

I’ve seen some posts on this topic which offer very generic advice, but your post was actually helpful!! I’m trying to figure out the direction I’d like to take my own blog, and your take on keyword research and amazon reviews put some new ideas in my head. Thanks for adding your own spin and expertise to a topic no one else ever seems to cover in depth!
Rachel, I’m so glad you found this helpful! I can’t wait to see your blog! 🙂