Hola SisterFriend!
Here you will find the archives of my older “Biz & Blogging SisterFriends” training emails and income reports.
This way if you miss an email from me or you happen to join me later on in my journey, you’ll still have access to everything!
Plus, this will help put things into context — which I happen to think is super important.
Here’s why. . .
. . . Everybody seems like an overnight success.
But that’s just not how growing a business works.
It usually happens over time. For some people over a long period of time. Regardless, those who do the work and stick it out (diligence and faithfulness) WILL see results!
Also, I think it’s important to have this here as a record for me. I will help me be able to reflect, reassess, and re-evaluate my business as I move forward.
So this archive page is serving a dual-purpose, in that respect. I really like that! #personalaccountability
Training Emails
9.12.18 – PMS Challenge (Pray, Meditate, Study)
9.19.18 – Why Your Business NEEDS A Blog
10.3.18 – How To Pick A Blog Niche That’s Perfect For You!
Income Reports
9.26.18 – August Income Report
11.05.18 – September Income Report
Personal Invitation
If you’re reading this and you aren’t one of my Biz & Blogging SisterFriends (and you’d like to be), just go here to sign up!
You’ll receive exclusive emails to help you build your business and blog, serve your family and loved ones well, and live a life full of purposeful design — God’s Way!