It’s a MARVELOUS Monday!
I hope your day was great! I’m not sure if you know, but I post a Mindset Monday video every day over on my Facebook page. I chat about mindset issues facing most entrepreneurs and how to shift and fix those for your benefit. Believe it or not, these mindset issues will not only affect your business and sales, but also so many other areas of your life – marriage, motherhood, sisterhood, friendships, health, wellness. AND YES! Even your spiritual life.
A renewed mind is a healthy mind. It’s in this place that you can deliver some of your best products and services, serve your clients with excellence, and grow an incredible business of your dreams!
Take just a few minutes and stop by my Facebook page and check out today’s video. I promise it will really cause you to sit back, think and shift your mindset.
MINDSET MONDAY with Angelica Duncan!! Taking personal accountability and ownership for your success and failures. What that looks like in business (and life).
Posted by Angelica K. Duncan on Monday, January 11, 2016
I look forward to your comments!
Tomorrow is the last day to register for my LIVE video class: Business Launch Formula at the special price of $27. You’re getting over $100 in bonuses! After that, the price goes up to $47. No exceptions. No extensions. Even if you’re not 100% sure that you want to start a business this year, I would still take the class. You’re going to learn so much about discovering your passions and making it bankable, finding your ideal client, and how to use social media to build the business of your dreams.
Look, if I had waited until I was ready to start my business to begin learning about business and social media, I’d be way behind. Give yourself the advantage and get ahead of the learning curve. That way, when you’re ready to launch your business, you’ll already have all of the tools and resources you need to make 6 figures and be successful much faster, at record pace!
Special $27 pricing ends Tuesday, January 12, 2016 at 11:59pm. No excuses! No exceptions!

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