I’ve been pondering Prince’s death, his life, his impact, his influence. Friday, I shared my thoughts with everyone over on Facebook.
It’s truly time we RISE UP as the Lydia’s of our Generation, make our mark, have great influence, and be the hope for our communities! People will see Jesus and the ultimate Glory of God reveal in us and through us from a life well lived and poured out on purpose. As my sister friend Melanie E. Scott says:
A must see! My sister friend, Angelica, sums up the bigger lesson in Prince’s death at 4:05ish. Hits the ball out the park!! Are we doing that? Are we that influential in the circle God gave us? Are we pouring out our gifts, talents, skills in such a way that we impact people to glorify God??!!
(I had to do 2 videos because of a bad signal.)
Check out both videos here and let me know your thoughts! 🙂
Part 1
Part Deux

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