Are You SUPER SERIOUS About Building Your Business And Growing Your Income In 2017?
Then Keep Reading. . .
When I first started my business, I went into it, with the mindset of:
“How can a Mommy start and grow her business online, while keeping her faith and family first, without losing her dress in the process?”
That’s been my passion and vision from day one! I KNEW there were lots of moms out there, who wanted to be home with their babies, but they also NEEDED to replace their income (or come really close). I also knew many simply did not know how.
This is what drives me — helping moms, like yourself, get started in business and stay profitable!

Hi! I Am Angelica And I Want To Welcome You To The Proverbs 31 Business Woman!
I consult with brilliant women who are looking to take their passion and expertise and turn it into the business of their dreams!
Whether you are just starting out on your entrepreneur journey or you’re looking to build and grow your current business, I can help you!
I know exactly where you are. . .
. . . Tell me if this sounds familiar to you.
You’re trying to piece-mill together your online business, so you can meet your income goals and finally leave your 9-5 jobs for good. Sadly, it’s been a hit or miss for you. Sure, you know some strategies, but you have no real game plan on how to put it all together, so you can actually hit your business income goals out of the park!
You’ve had coaches, in the past, that used predatory practices, which are rooted in manipulation and greed, to get you into their programs. Telling you that you’re not serious about growing their business if you aren’t willing to forego paying your mortgage, car note, and utilities to pay for classes and coaching.
Let me just tell you – that’s completely irresponsible.
God isn’t in that.
Worse yet. . .
. . .telling you that your business is none of your husband’s concern and you don’t have to consult him on any of your business affairs.
That’s completely unbiblical.
God isn’t in that, either.
Will you have to make certain sacrifices like cutting cable, foregoing that mani/pedi, or tightening up on the food budget, by not eating out for a month, so you can afford coaching and classes? Probably so. (I’ve done it! A lot.)
But this is reasonable and acceptable.
That other stuff is not.
I know what it’s like. . .
. . . to have a strong desire to grow a business and replace you current income (or at least come really close), but you’re not quite sure where to start.
I also know what it’s like to want more flexibility and freedom in your schedule, so you can be there for your family and actually enjoy a hobby.
I’ve been where you and SO MANY other women entrepreneurs are, right now!
If you find yourself in a herky-jerky, start-and-stop flow with your business year after year. . .
. . . that’s not good, because what you need is momentum that you can sustain and maintain for the entire year – and life of your business.
If you find yourself piece-milling together different business strategies with ebbs and flows of success. . .
. . . Well, that’s not good, either because what you need is a tried and true plan that works!
The good news is, I CAN HELP!
Running an online business isn’t hard, but it does take focus, consistency, and a strategy that you’re committed to implementing all the way to the end.
Let me tell you about my business success this year:
🌀 I’ve grown my Facebook page a breakneck speed.
🌀 I’ve consistently added new people to my list, day after day.
🌀 I’ve created and sold online courses that give my clients results. (Not. One. Single. Refund.)
🌀 I’ve had the honor of working with clients from across different industries and niches, whom I LOVE!
🌀 I’ve ended 2016 with my business in “the black” (Profit baby!)
I did all of this from home. Not bad for a wife and homeschooling mom, huh?

What if I could show you how to get your business up running, with some of the most savvy and simple marketing strategies I’ve used to grow my own profitable business? Would you want in?
❌ No more piece-milling it together.
❌ No more herky-jerky, stop-and-start flows with your business.
❌ No more guessing and trying to figure it out on your own.
A plan that actually WORKS! (As long as you work it.)
I’m ready to show other Mommies how they can start and grow their own businesses online. . . right from their kitchen tables. I’m not holding anything back, either!
I’m going to put it all out there! All. Of. It.
Welcome to “The 90-Day Intensive” with Angelica!
I am going to walk you through step-by-step how to:
💜 “Package Your Genius” and do more than just deliver products and services that you’re good at, but what your clients will love!
💜 Get in front of your ideal audience who is already hungry and salivating for what you have to offer.
💜 Help you build a massive following of raving fans.
💜 Grow your email list fast and furious – the money is on the list!
💜 Give you social visibility and proof, plus client awareness, so people can get to know, like, and trust you.
💜 Get clear about your messaging and business goals.
💜 Create a realistic plan, so you can hit your income goals for 2017
💜 And more!
I’m literally going to walk you through everything I’ve done and know works. I’ll even be using some case studies from my social media clients to show you where the trends are happening and what’s working in social media.
I’m leaving NOTHING on the table!
My goal for you is that, at the end of 90-Days you’ll have a savvy, simple system you can use over and over again to grow and scale your business — even if ‘life happens’ (pregnancy, illness, etc.) and you need to shut down for 60-90 days, you’ll know how to command an audience, get sales, and grow your business!