I was talking to a friend and client this week via Facebook. We were discussing her next moves in business and ministry, why those moves are smart and wise, and reflecting her need to step out on faith.
Here’s what she said: “A tiny bit of me struggles with what others will say or think about me. . . I know this shouldn’t be an issue because people will talk regardless of what you do.”
Do you ever struggle or wrestle with, “But What Will They Say. . . ??”
Look, I totally GET IT!
So here’s how I responded to her.
I pray this is encouraging to you to #BeBold this year and step out and do the things, say things, be the things, “whatever” the things God is calling you to do!
My response to her:
None of those people will have to answer to God for the life you live.
^^^ That’s what frees me up and keeps me going in boldness and confidence!
Oh! If I told you the many times I struggled (and still do) with the insecurity and wondering what people would think of me if I did this or that. . . said this or that. . . wore this or that. . . took this or that position. GOODNESS!!
The countless times I’ve ran from the thing I knew I was supposed to be doing or saying or “whatever-ing” – and buried my head in the sand. Only to discover that right there, in that sand was the very place I needed to begin praying for my boldness and confidence, to be the woman who God designed ME to be.
(Do you resonate with any of those?)
Some of my all time favorite books on praying is Stormie Omartian’s Power of A Praying Series. This woman uses the wisdom and power of scripture, plus the grace and influence of the Holy Spirit to help you pray through ANYTHING! Yep! Even our issues as women business leaders.
If you’re on the go or busy with little ones, I know how challenging it can be to grab a book, find a quiet corner, and actually sit down to read. Thank God for Audible! You can listen to an entire book, as you run errands, nurse your babies, wash dishes, or during the commute to and from work. Many of Stormie’s books are available on audible!
New to Audible? Here’s 2 FREE Audible Books, as a new customer! Start listening NOW!
It’s Not Even About Me
In those times, God reminds me that it’s not even about me, but Him and those whom I’m called to serve, impact, love on, etc. If I don’t answer the call and do the thing or say the thing or be the thing or “whatever” the thing, then the world misses out on the Glory of God revealed through Angelica. Guess what? Then I’ll have to answer to God for that.
What life could be changed?
What heart could be mended?
What soul could be saved?
What person could be encouraged?
What family could be inspired?
Just Go Out There And “Whatever It”
So I ask God to help me pull my head from out of the sand. Commit to no longer hiding and worshiping at the throne of other people’s opinions about me and my life (real or perceived – cause we can make up some silly stuff!), then I just get up and DO IT or SAY IT or WEAR IT or “WHATEVER IT.” 🙂
Yep, I’m mocked, laughed at, gossiped about, misunderstood all far too often, but I’ve learned (and still continue to learn) to be 100% ok with all of it. As long as God is pleased, then that’s what matters most to me. Often times the mockery, laughter, gossip, and misunderstanding are those who wish they had the guts to do the thing God is calling them too, but they’re far too scared.
You see, mine (and yours and others’) boldness reminds them of this.
In fact, it could possibly be the thing that stirs up the boldness within them to go out there and “WHATEVER IT”!
Be Bold!
Be bold in the Lord, my sister!
The world needs YOU and all of your peculiarity to SHINE so BRIGHT they have no choice but to look at you and say…
“What manner of God does she serve to have such boldness, light, and love? I WANT what she has!”
Here are two scriptures that keep me encouraged and reminded to #BeBold even when burying my head in the sand seems so much more comforting, in those moments of insecurity and doubt.
2 Corinthians 3:12
Since we have such a hope, we are very bold…
Acts 4:31
And when they had prayed, the place was shaken where they were assembled together; and they were all filled with the Holy Ghost, and they spake the word of God with boldness.
Finally, here’s my personal motto: “Folly is the woman who dreams and never wakes up to build.”
Be Bold. Dream Big. Build with Wisdom.

That photo of but what will they say. Touched me deeply. God has laid a ministry for women on my heart. I did not go through this for nothing, it was for his glory to lift someone else up. Remind them Jesus loves them, they are of value. I live in a super rural area so video ministry is my start as well as the churches, my Bishop leads.