There’s a lot of information out there these days for women, who are ready to start their business from home. Sometimes there’s just too much information, or it’s intended for those who’ve been in this business thing for a while. I find that oftentimes people forget what it’s like just starting out…or it’s way over your head or way out of reach for most beginning business owners.
Overwhelming! I get totally get!
I remember just starting out and trying everything under the sun that every guru and so-called expert said I should be doing. None of it actually worked until I got super clear on a few things.
Today, I want to simplify where you need to start, in your business, first.
So grab your journal and pen and let’s get started!
1. What Do I Want My Life To Look Like?
This is probably the first and most important question you need to ask yourself. Here’s why…
…this begins to paint a picture for you of your future.
See, many business owners build their life around their business, when instead, they should be building their business around the kind of life they want to live.
Consider things about your lifestyle, vacations, spending time with family, holidays, weekends, the number of books you want to read in a month, Friday nights at the local burger or pizza joint, being able to attend a professional sports game…make this HUGE dream list. DREAM BIG!
2. What Are My Passions?
Passion is one of the 4 P’s I believe every business owner needs, in order to be successful. I talk more about that on my Facebook page in a live video I did, just this past Tuesday.
You really want to consider your passions, the things you absolute love, are driven to do, charities and causes that speak to your love center. This kind of thing is important because you want to have a passion for whatever business you start.
It’s morally unethical to go into business just because you think you can make a lot of money at something or you hate your job or you just need to pay your bills. Those things alone will not sustain you in business, especially when the seasons of business come…and they will! Actually, you’ll bring all kinds of judgment and spiritual issues into your business and life this way. You’ll end up resenting your business, instead of loving it.
3. What Would I Do For FREE?
This is a BIG ONE right here!
Think about the thing (or things) that you could literally roll out of bed and do or that you can do in your sleep and not even think twice about.
Make a list of all of things you either do for free with ease and the things people already ask you to do. You’re like an in-house expert at this thing!
Sadly, many people are giving away free services every, single day that they could be charging for a grow a profitable business. Now, I’m not suggesting that we should nickel and dime people for everything we do in life. That’s the wrong perspective and just plain selfish and greedy. At the same time it’s not honorable for you to give away every ounce of yourself, your gifts, and talents without some level of compensation at some point in time, either. That kind of thinking and work is deeply rooted in the spirit of poverty. YUCK!
4. What Is My Body Of Work?
I’m certain you have experience and expertise in something!
Pull out your resume, sit down and write out everything you’ve done over the last 10, 15, even 20 years! Start looking for common threads among the work you’ve done. Even if you want to go into business for something entirely different than what you’ve been doing in your career, you’re going to be surprised at how much kill and expertise you already have to bring to the marketplace. We call this VALUE!
5. What Problem Can I Solve?
When you open up the doors to your business, remember this…
…you are in the business of offering solutions, not just products, to problems and issues for a specific market (demographics, psychographics), in which that market is willing to exchange their money for your solution.
Point blank, business owners are problem solvers. If you’re not solving people’s problems with a great product and excellent service, then you won’t be in business very long.
I really hope this article was help to you and got you thinking about the preliminary steps you need to take before opening up shop, as a business owner. I really wish someone would have sat me down and gone over this with me. I’m certain my journey as a business owner might have been more clear and focused.
If you’re ready to make money doing what you love and build the business of your dreams, then let’s get started with my class Passion To Profit! This class will give you the step-by-step formula I use every day to build my business, by taking your passion and expertise, creating a product or service, and turning all of it into the business of your dreams!
Comment below and let me know your #1 take away from today’s article. I can’t wait to hear from you! 🙂

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