Join Us For A Proverbs 31 Woman Bible Study!

Are you a woman who desires to study your Bible and grow more intimately with God?

Looking to grow in your womanhood like the Proverbs 31 Woman?

SisterFriend, then this in-depth Proverbs 31 Woman Bible Study is just what you NEED!

You're Speaking My Heart...I'm Ready To Get Started!

Secure Your Spot Just In Time For The Next Round...


Secure Your Spot Just In Time For The Next Round...


It would be an honor to have you join us for the Proverbs 31 Woman Online Bible Study!

Join me and over 100,000 women, from across the globe, who want to dig into their Bibles and learn more about the Proverbs 31 Woman.

Together we'll discover the traits of this Godly woman and how you can apply them to your own life!

Listen in, as I tell you all about it...


SisterFriend, I can't wait for you to join us...

You’re in for a LIFE-CHANGING time in the Word of God! (pinky promise.)

Secure Your Spot Just In Time For The Next Round...


Here's what I've prepared just for you:

  • The first day of the Proverbs 31 Woman Companion Study Kit, in PDF format
  • Exclusive Study Video Lessons with in-depth scripture commentary, symbolism, and historical context – POWERFUL!
  • Daily Study Blog Posts to help you go deeper and gain meaningful insights about each day’s scripture focus.
  • Bible Reading Plan to help you prepare and stay on track with our study.
  • Daily encouragement emails for personal accountability and deeper introspection.
  • AND MORE!.

It would be an honor to have you join us for the Proverbs 31 Woman Online Bible Study!

*Note: The only thing we don’t provide for free is a copy of the Proverbs 31 Woman Companion Study Kit! (You may purchase it below.)

Grab Your Proverbs 31 Woman Companion Study Kit TODAY!

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A picture of Proverbs 31 Bible Study Diverse Women by Angelica Duncan

How this works:

I've made this super-easy for you to follow along and go at your own pace.

Once you’ve signed up for the study, all complimentary study-related materials will be sent directly to your email.

Be sure to read and reply to the very first email I send you! (It contains important information about this Bible study and asks you a personal question.)

Each day of the study, you'll receive an email from me. In that email, you'll get a special link that will take you to the daily video lesson and blog posts.

No worries if you get behind a day...or three. You'll have all the previous emails, with everything you need, sitting in right your inbox waiting on you, whenever you're ready to pick back up with the Bible study.

Buy your Companion Study Kit:

To get the most out of this study, I recommend you buy the companion study kit we’re using.

For this study, we’ll be using the Proverbs 31 Woman Companion Study Kit by Angelica Duncan, which you can purchase in the Proverbs 31 Business Woman Bookstore by clicking right here.

Other items you’ll need:

You’ll need a Bible, a notebook or journal, and something to write with.

Most of all you need to bring YOU and your heart! I pray you are open to learning something new and willing to receive from the Holy Spirit in this Bible study!

Secure Your Spot Just In Time For The Next Round...


It would be an honor to have you join me and 100,000+ women from across the globe in this impactful Bible study.

Imagine having an intentional way to deepen your understanding of scripture without feeling intimidated by the enormity of this larger-than-life woman...

...Instead, I'm showing you a biblical model of womanhood, so you can learn how to fully flesh out these Godly, virtuous character traits, in your own life.

Don't waste another minute...'s time to finally rise up and be the Virtuous Woman God's called you to be.

Secure Your Spot Just In Time For The Next Round...


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