Tell your Future Self to get ready! Because the Proverbs 31 Woman Prayer Journal will be landing in your inbox in the next 5 minutes…
I absolutely love the Proverbs 31 Woman Bible Study! Any woman seeking to lead a Christian lifestyle should do this Bible Study. It's in depth, but not too time consuming. The way Angelica breaks down each verse is absolutely amazing!
But before you dig in, here’s what you need to do next:
Step 1: Click the special link - sitting in your inbox in an email from me called: "Here's your Proverbs 31 Woman Prayer Journal!"
Step 2: Download, print, and bind it to use as a companion guide as you study along with us for our Proverbs 31 Bible Study.
Feel free to cut, design, and get creative with the Prayer & Affirmation Cards.
This is the place where Lion-Hearted women in faith, ministry, and leadership unite! (Aka all of the down-to-earth, fun loving #JesusGirls)
It is always a blessing to be among the community of Kingdom minded believers of our Lord & Savior Jesus!! God does His best work amongst community!! Thank you for having this open & available platform that we may worship, co-labor & share in spreading the gospel of the Kingdom!! Blessings