Today’s the day we start our Proverbs 31 Woman Bible Study Series with Angelica! So many women are working and striving to become the Virtuous Woman we read about in our Bible. But sadly, many have not done a full Proverbs 31 Bible Study. That’s what this virtuous woman Bible study is all about! And I hope you’re ready to dig in!
Today’s video lesson is my introduction to the Proverbs 31 Woman Bible Study Series. I want to be sure you are prepared, have all of your materials, and you’re ready to rock and roll for this very special virtuous woman Bible study series!
Be sure to grab your copy of my beautifully designed Proverbs 31 Woman Bible Study Companion Workbook!
Grab Your $17 PDF Download HERE!
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Quick Links For Information In This Post
I’d like to invite you to pray with us! Today’s lesson pairs perfectly with our Proverbs 31 Woman Prayer & Affirmation Challenge. Join us in touching the heart of God with our prayers!
By the way, if you haven’t registered for the Proverbs 31 Woman Bible Study, be sure to do so NOW!
It comes with, Exclusive Study Video Lessons + Daily Study Blog Posts + Bible Reading Plan + Daily encouragement emails! Best of all it’s completely FREE!! You can register below. . .
Let’s Start Your Journey,
As A Proverbs 31 Woman NOW!
If you are new to Bible studies or are looking for ways to spruce up your study library, I have a list of my favorite Bible study resources. Some of them I’ve been using for over 20 years! You can shop my list here or check out a few of the items below.
I invite you to take a look!
Let me ask you this. . .
Do you ever get a tad overwhelmed when you read about the Proverbs 31 Woman? Like you don’t match up to all of who she is and what she does?
Tune-in to today’s Proverbs 31 Woman Bible Study video lesson, as I demystify this Virtuous Woman! She’s not as mysterious as you may think. . .
Proverbs 31 Woman Bible Study Video Lesson
Watch on YouTube (And Subscribe!)
Proverbs 31 Woman Bible Study Notes
- The Proverbs 31 Woman isn’t just about her deeds, but her character as a virtuous woman!
- Good, Godly character starts within your heart. So guard it and allow the Holy Spirit to mold it.
- The entire Proverbs 31 Woman chapter is actually a teaching written from a mother to her son.
- We need to be sure we are teaching our sons about the character of a Godly Proverbs 31 wife. Let’s not leave it up to chance! Legacy and eternity are on the line!
- I’m also sharing a few of my favorite Bible Study Resources!
- My favorite Bible.
- Highlighters & Pens especially for Bible Studies (you’ll love these!)
- Strong’s Concordance (never study your Bible without this!)
- Halley’s Bible Handbook
- You can take a look at the whole list here!
- Here is a video explaining how I use some of these resources and why they are my favorites!
Now Keep Reading About The Virtuous Woman!
Proverbs 31 Woman Bible Study – Day 1 Overview
The Introduction
I have found that many women get so overwhelmed with reading about this virtuous woman. They often question whether or not they can live up to these supposed “Proverbs 31 Woman” standards of living. (I know that’s how I used to feel.)
It can seem like an impossible standard to reach because she seems so perfect! After all, the Proverbs 31 Woman raises the bar of what we should aspire to be like.
I want to share this with you, though. . .
. . .it’s not about her deeds that makes her the epitome of womanhood, but it’s her character!
The Proverbs 31 Woman is a woman of noble, impeccable character.
In our Proverbs 31 Bible Study, we are going to dig deep into the characteristics of the Proverbs 31 Woman. We’ll be asking ourselves hard questions and evaluating where we stand and where we need to grow, as Proverbs 31 women — virtuous women who are sold out for Christ!
The real question we should be asking ourselves is not how can I be like her, but how can I have the character of the Proverbs 31 Woman?
(That shifts things a bit doesn’t it?)
You see, character leads to deeds.
Good, Godly character will always lead to good, Godly deeds. And well, not so Godly character will eventually lead to not so Godly deeds.
This Proverbs 31 Bible Study will show you how to grow in your Godly character, this way the Godly deeds will just flow from your spirit and you’ll be more like Christ!
Related: Everything You Never Knew About The Proverbs 31 Woman
What Is Noble Character? The Proverbs 31 Woman Is A Woman Of Noble Character
A Virtuous Woman Guards Her Heart
So then where does good, Godly character begin? As a Proverbs 31 Woman, how can we cultivate it?
It starts in our hearts.
Proverbs 4:23 reminds us to guard (or keep) our hearts with all vigilance for out of it springs forth life.
That’s POWERFUL, ladies!!
That word “heart” is the Hebrew word “leb.”
Here’s what it means:
- seat of emotions and passions
- seat of appetites
- conscience
- moral character
If you were to replace “heart” for one of these meanings, in the above scripture, I think you’ll see how important it is for us to take guarding our hearts seriously. Our hearts encompass our emotions, passions, conscience, and CHARACTER. God wants us, as virtuous women, to guard our hearts because He knows that’s where life happens.
The Proverbs 31 Woman maintains her noble character by guarding her heart because she understands that life flows from it.
Godly character starts in our hearts.
As we journey together in this Proverbs 31 Bible Study, you will learn how to maintain your noble character through Christ and then you’ll be able to live fully in the characteristics of the Proverbs 31 Woman!
I hope you’re excited…I am!
By the way…
Want to learn how to “transliterate” the Hebrew And Greek words from the Bible, so you can get a deeper understanding of what God is saying in His Word? Here are the resources I use for my Bible Word Studies
I invite you to take a look!
Who Wrote The Book Of Proverbs 31?
The Historical Background Of The Proverbs 31 Woman
Another really interesting thing about the entire chapter of the Proverbs 31 Woman is at the very beginning, we are told this proverb is a teaching, which King Lemuel’s mother taught him.
How interesting is it that his mother would teach him about the traits of a Godly, virtuous woman and what to look for in a Proverbs 31 wife?!
Have you sat down and talked to your sons about the character traits of a Godly Proverbs 31 wife?
I wonder how many good, Godly Christian families have taught their sons what to look for in a Proverbs 31 wife so they can carry on their family’s teachings, faith, and legacy to a new generation of Believers?
We certainly have our work cut out for us, as mothers. But we can know this…if King Lemuel’s mother had the foresight to teach her son, then we have all the blueprint we need to teach our sons, too!
One final thing, as you are on this journey through Proverbs 31 Woman Bible Study. . .
. . . be open to how the Holy Spirit will move and speak to you about the Proverbs 31 woman character traits and how you can be molded by the hands of The Potter, after her.
Proverbs 31 Woman isn't about deeds, but CHARACTER! Godly character = Godly deeds #proverbs31businesswoman #proverbs31woman #biblestudy Click To TweetWant To Learn More About The Proverbs 31 Woman Bible Study Series?
I hope you learned a lot in this introductory video lesson of the virtuous woman! There’s so much more for us to learn and discover in The Proverbs 31 Woman Bible Study together!
Be sure to check out the next lesson in The Proverbs 31 Woman Bible Study Series! We’re going to understand what “virtuous” really means. I think you might be pleasantly surprised at what we discover!
Here are my other posts in the Proverbs 31 Woman Bible Study Series:
- Everything You Ever Wanted To Know About The Proverbs 31 Woman
- Proverbs 31 Woman Bible Study Companion Workbook
- Proverbs 31 Woman Bible Study Series – Day 1 (Virtuous Woman Character Traits)
- Proverbs 31 Woman Bible Study Series – Day 2 (What Does It Mean To Be A “Virtuous” Woman?)
- Proverbs 31 Woman Bible Study Series – Day 3 (Being a Proverbs 31 Wife – Are You His “GOOD Thing”?)
- Proverbs 31 Woman Bible Study Series – Day 4 (A Willing, Eager Worker)
- Proverbs 31 Woman Bible Study Series – Day 5 (How Far Will You Go For Your Loved Ones?
- Proverbs 31 Woman Bible Study Series – Day 6 (Being Mrs. Organized)
- Proverbs 31 Woman Bible Study Series – Day 7 (Are You Resourceful With Your Skills?)
- Proverbs 31 Woman Bible Study Series – Day 8 (Knowing The Worth Of Your Work)
- Proverbs 31 Woman Bible Study Series – Day 9 (Creating A Legacy of Philanthropy)
- Proverbs 31 Woman Bible Study Series – Day 10 (Being Prepared For The Seasons Of Life)
- Proverbs 31 Woman Bible Study Series – Day 11 (Your Impact On Your Man)
- Proverbs 31 Woman Bible Study Series – Day 12 (Are You A Proverbs 31 Business Woman?)
- Proverbs 31 Woman Bible Study Series – Day 13 (Speak Wisdom, Kindness, And Life)
- Proverbs 31 Woman Bible Study Series – Day 14 (Let Your Husband And Children Praise You!)
- Proverbs 31 Woman Bible Study Series – Day 15 (The One Thing That Matters Most – Eternity)
In the meantime. . .
. . .if you are intrigued about studying more about the Proverbs 31 Woman, I’d like to invite you to join my Proverbs 31 Woman Bible Study!
I take a counter-culture, deep-dive approach into the characteristics about this woman and how we can apply them to our lives. It’s not a beat-you-over-the-head-with-an-impossible-standard type of Bible study, either.
It’s about liberating you, to know the truth of God’s Word, so you can live in the fullness of your calling and purpose.
It’s truly a deep-dive + life application Bible study that will transform, comfort, and inspire you, as you walk and live as a Woman of Valor!
Here’s what I’ve created just for you:
Exclusive Study Video Lessons
Daily Study Blog Posts
Devotional Journal
Bible Reading Plan
Daily Encouragement Emails
The best part is. . . it’s Completely FREE!
Let’s Start Your Journey,
As A Proverbs 31 Woman NOW!
Let’s Chat!

I realized how many times I read the scripture without having a clear understanding of what I am reading. I am very grateful for this study so I can deepen my knowledge in God’s word. There are areas in my life where God wants to work in order bo become more like the Proverbs 31 woman.
I am so glad you’re learning from this study! So glad you’re here with us! 🙂
Thank you so much for sharing teaching and caring I love your spirit it’s just like your in the room with me I’m an essential worker and believe it or not I’m just able to sit down and really do my study properly. But it’s so good to know that even if you can’t keep up it’s still available I’m very thorough when it comes to the word of God. This Bible study is for me character not deeds.Blessing to you always.
I think day 1 was good, I find it funny whenever i read this area I always really skip the beginning verses and just start reading about the “proverbs 31 woman”, so I never really paid attention that it was from a mother to a son. I have a 3yo so he is still a little young, but I want to certainly put this into practice and teach him but also be an example for him! I feel like I have been working on a lot of areas in my life right now concerning my relationship with God and I am looking forward to increasing my knowledge through this study and my maturity levels in all the character traits. Thank you! – Ashley
You are on the right track Ashley! I just love that this scripture is just as much for men, as it is for women. Keep raising up your son in a Godly way!
I liked the first lesson. I really need to work on my character and find my true self.
Like most of the comments I have read and heard this scripture but I don’t think it connected until now. My son’s are grown now but I have 5 grandsons! And a plethora of nephews.
This is so powerful that I believe we should be teaching this to our daughters as well.
I believe this Proverbs 31 woman gives, is kind & does things out of the goodness of her heart & with good intentions for her husband, family & to others. An honorable woman. I do admire her. My sons are 25 & 30, and I believe it’s never too late to give guidance & keep in prayer for their future wife(s). As for my thoughts I am thankful for this scripture & am inspired by it. I Love how it is a mother speaking to her son. What a wonderful bible study! Thank you!
I really enjoyed this first lesson. I’ve heard a lot of people speak about the Proverbs woman but up until this moment I never knew that it was a mother speaking to her son ,. Great revelation. Thanks
It changes the perspective doesn’t it, Moneka?!
Never realized that we need to be looking at the character of the woman. I always looked at the deeds and thought “how can I ever live up to thst?” But now I have a new perspective. I have talked to my son about looking to be equally yoked to the woman he was going to spend the rest of his life with, but have never really broken down to him what characteristics to look for.
Just took the pressure off of performance, instead of grooming your character, huh?
This is why I LOVE digging deep into the Word of God!
So glad you’re here!
She is a inspiration to me how she grows in strength and wisdom teaching her son about godly women. It’s a honor to praise our Heavenly Father 4 the love he gives us. I love this lesson so far great testimony
Great reflection, Talisha!
So glad you’re here!
Omg! I just reread the Proverbs 31. I find myself described in almost each verse. It makes me really question the relationship I’m in now, and even though its on it’s last leg, I know I’m doing the right thing by letting go, because reading the scripture made it more evident that he does not know what he has, and that’s why he doesn’t really value it as much as he should due to his own insecurities and lack of trust. I will not lower my standards or who I am (A PROVERBS 31 WOMAN) for anyone.
What an eye opener, I never thought to sit down with my some and talk to him about the traits of a Godly woman and what to look for, I always thought that just by me being a good role model as woman, mother that that was enough teaching in itself.
I know I have a lot to work on and I know I don’t measure up but I know God has me on the right track because it’s his desire and my will that will help me on this journey to discover the true essence of who I really am in Christ. I understand now it’s not all about doing a good deed but your character will lead you to do good deeds.
Thank you so much Twaneesa!! You just spoke my whole heart! I am struggling so much with my deeds and what I am doing for the kingdom of God, so much it keeps me up at night because I don’t know what my Godly calling is, or how to find it, overwhelming myself with just that alone, sheesh! I know God lead me here for a reason, so blessed God has opened the door for me to do this study! <3
I don’t measure up, my character is flawed, I just recently took a step back to check myself and found that my struggle is with myself and trusting Gods love until. I get my Character in line with the word of God. My life will continue to look like me walking in the same circle. This Bible study came at the right time. I’m excited about change, my Character, and falling in love with God all over again. Thank you for the support, God Bless you for what your doing.
Hello, My name is Keera and Today is day one. My major takeaway was the importance of Guarding your heart. I looked up this verse in several versions. The scripture had many key words like Guard, Heart, Vigilance, Diligence, and Keep. Another thing that stood out was that we are responsible for our character and teaching it to the next generation. I’m currently single with no kids or a significant love one. This devotional made me revisit the qualities that I want in a mate. As far as how I measure up as a Proverbs 31 woman… I feel that I’m not completely there but I’m striving to be All that God wants me to Be.
I signed up and the kids had me busy and I couldn’t sit down and study like I wanted to! As a homeschool mama it’s hard sometimes to find a moment! I am going through now because late is better then never right? Thank you for providing this study! I am so excited to sit down and do it! The Proverbs 31 woman has always seemed inspiring to me but I’m also a bit intimidated. I cannot wait to see how you teach us to be more like her.
It’s all good! It’s a self-study and will be here when you’re ready to dig in!
Anyone who reads Proverbs 31 can tell that this woman is filled with kindness, love, compassion. She is giving and honest and respectful of things and people. She shows great strength and character. It appears as those around her also hold a great amount of respect for her as well. I think that striving to build strong character is a great goal to achieve, but I also think we should not directly compare ourselves to this woman in so much that we discourage ourselves. We need to dive into God’s word and allow Him to speak to us and fill our hearts with Godly things and I believe we can achieve great character. It isn’t about what we can do, but what HE can do through us.
I have spoken to my child vaguely about the type of man she should look for in a spouse, but I have failed to really dive into deeper discussion. I want her to know the kind of man to look and pray for. I admire this woman for taking the time to sit with her son and discuss such an important topic with him.
I am going to apply this to my life by taking more time to discuss this with my daughter. It is my prayer that through this Bible study, I will allow the Lord to do a great work inside me, so I can develop more and become more like the Proverbs 31 woman.
As many time as I have read the Proverbs 31 I have never seen it this away “being a Proverbs 31 Woman isn’t about your deeds, but your character”. My feelings about how I measure up to the character traits of this Godly woman is I feel that I am slacking in so many areas. Wow so many times you say you want to be like this person or that person, but you never hear anything one say I want her traits. Wow mind is on overload but its a good thang.
This was a great reminder to me to slow down. I’m thankful for this study as I had started spending less and less time with God. When life keeps us busy it can keep us focused on our deeds vs our character. Staying too busy, taking on one too many tasks, can leave us burning the candle at both ends and our character being not always our best. I read this this morning and it goes right along with this. God is working. And Hebis always on time.
“Lord, take me where you want me to go, Let me meet who you want me to meet, tell me what you want me to say, and keep me out of your way.”
Hi there. I am a few days late and finally had the chance to start on day 1. I definitely need to work on myself and am definitely lacking in some traits. I really enjoyed the video too. I am looking forward to learning more.
By the way Angelica I am a mother of 5 daughters.
As I was recording Proverbs 31:10 in the workbook, the first thought that came to my mind was that NONE of the qualities [(spiritual, capable, intelligent, noble and virtuous – Amplified translation)] describing this woman are predicated on her outward appearance!! These qualities are all INTERNAL and considered to be PRICELESS!!
My second thought was that I need to focus on the “internals” within God’s own temple – ME!! My prayer is that He will open my eyes to see what is going on with my heart, mind & soul and transform these aspects of who I am as His temple via the power of the Holy Spirit.
YES!! Such good insights!!
I just started today and I’m really excited. I have always had a desire about getting closer to God and reading/understanding the word more. After reading Proberbs 31 I realize that being a virtuous woman comes from within more than what you have on the outside. I do have some characteristics but I can definitely use some work.
So glad you’re here!
After listening to the teaching today I realized that I have talked very little to my children about thei future wife’s or husband to my daughter. They are all adults and living independently from me. I tried to live a life of good character following God’s word and also asking for wisdom in all I do. Thanks for such encouraging message .
I am so excited to be getting started. I too enjoyed your statement ” A Proverbs 31 Women is less about your deeds and more about your character. I hope to have my character measure up with the Proverbs 31 Woman some day.
And you will!
As a a Pastor my thought life is already filled with insecurities and “measuring upl especially with my male counterparts. Not to be like them but simply to impact those around me . This study re-directs my thoughts and heart to a more authentic form of worship work on me not to measure up but to level up in my Godly Character such a great nudge and reminder it’s not about what you do but how you do it 🙂
YES!’ Godly character for the win!! So glad you’re here!
I am liking the sound of this new shift in my life. I love the introduction and it has given me confirmation that signing up for this bible study was the right move. I continuously let down the guard with my heart and it has always been misused. I can not wait to indulge in this study.
So glad you’re here!
As I just went through the first days introductory lesson I am inspired to look inward at my character to find out what traits I need to work on, obviously with the help of the Holy Spirit.
I always had this perception that the Proverbs 31 woman was perfect in every aspect. She was fully capable of running her house, working and being the perfect wife. I felt this lady was nonexistent. As I read, the traits this woman holds is obtainable. I feel there are some areas that I need to be consistent with in my life.
I feel like I fail daily. I’m learning to have even better character. I’ve worked very hard to be a better woman than prior. But I still feel I truly need to get into action build a better character for God . I can never measure up.
I love studying the Proverbs 31 woman. I’ve always found her to be intimidating and felt like a complete failure when I measured myself to her. Then I did a study at the beginning of the year with some young women I mentor and started seeing her in a different light. I’m navigating through a dry and sad season right boy I feel a strong pull to this study- I know God is leading me and I am eager to see what He has in store for me here
I’m just beginning today and I feel inspired already just listening to you talk about guarding our hearts and working on Godly character traits. I’m encouraged to teach my daughter what to look for in a spouse and listen to what God has to say to me! Thanks for this opportunity to study with you!
I started today I believe that the tongue can cause so much harm and hurt. Yet the tongue of a Virtuous Wife is the law of kindness. This tells me that we should always lift people up with our words. I pray that God continues to use me in ways that I can grow and be more like him.
Never realized that we need to be looking at the character of the woman. I always looked at the deeds and thought “how can I ever live up to that?” But now I have a new perspective. I think day 1 was good, I find it funny whenever i read this area I always really skip the beginning verses and just start reading about the “proverbs 31 woman”, so I never really paid attention that it was from a mother to a son. I’ve been working on a lot of areas in my life right now concerning my relationship with God and I am looking forward to increasing my knowledge through this study and my maturity levels in all the character traits. Thank you!
I’m so excited to be a part of this bible study. I’m really not sure how I will measure up to this Proverbs 31 woman; but with God all things are possible. As you have stated Godly character=Godly deeds and I’m claiming this for myself. I want to see a transformation that can only be produced by God. I’m so ready for the next lesson. Praying for myself but other women as well Amen.
Character is what defines you. I know I need much improvement in this area. I want a deeper and richer understanding of GOD’s word. Be blessed
I’m looking forward to this bible study. From what I can see I have a lot to learn. I’m very excited about it. Thank you .
I just finished reading about the Proverbs 31 woman and I’m blown away that this chapter was written by a mother for her son. I think that is awesome.
I enjoyed the first day of this Bible study. I, too was focused on deeds and not character. Thank you for such a great understanding.
I’m really excited. I desire a closer walk with God reading/understanding the word more will allow me to do just that. I enjoy the introduction and looking forward to my spiritual growth as a virtuous woman.
So excited to go deeper into one of my favorite scriptures in a new way! I have done a lot of studying on this and other personal studies but my soul is so excited to learn even more from what God has showed you to share with all of us! Personal Bible studies are crucial for growth. I believe it helps us grow deep roots and helps sustain us and then we can help others. What a beautiful way to look at Proverbs 31 woman through character and not just deeds. My prayer is that through this study I will have an even deeper walk than before and become all that God wants me to be as a woman, wife, mother, and friend! Thank you Angelica for sharing your heart and what God has revealed to you! Blessings!
I enjoyed reading your post, Angelica is doing a good thing for us sisters. Your work and reading your post will only strengthen me to move forward in building my character as a Proverbs 31 woman I will continue working on dedicating my heart my life and every part of me to serve the Lord who has done so much for me. I will be committed.
I have some of these traits always working on more
I grew up in church but my relationship with God is not where I want it to be. From today’s video, I have talked to my daughter about what kind of man she should look for but now I can learn how to be specific with her. I will also be able to talk to my son too. I’ve been married twice and I have learned a lot from those marriages. Am I willing to do it again? Only if God truly says so.
I had to read and realize some of the traits I was taught and apply to my life now. I am so looking forward to learning on how add more of these wonderful traits to my life.
Never thought about these scriptures in that way, gives hope and feeling of achievement.
I have been searching for something to inspire me in this season of life. I’ve prayed that God would make my heart hurt for what hurts his. Heart being the key because that is where life happens. Thank you for this opportunity! My husband pasted away in Feb., my mother became very ill in March, I retired in May after 42 years of teaching, left my home to move into my Mothers to care for her and my disabled brother. It’s been a bit of a roller coaster ride, but after this morning introduction I feel my compass steady and I look forward to this study.
In being totally transparent I will say that I avoid Proverbs 31. I’ve read it in the past and have thought to myself “I am no where near what this woman is about!” But as I desire to draw closer to God there’s a tugging at my heart to come up a little higher. And so here I am! It’s interesting how you brought up it’s not her deeds but instead her character. So I’m on this journey I believe God has called me to in this season of my life.
I feel I have some character traits of a Godly women but I also know I have a long way to go. But I am so excited to get there.
I have some of these traits. I’m looking forward to learning more and growing more as a proverbs 31 woman
Good Evening, I thank God for Character because it
produces fruit. One of the fruit is respect. I remembet my mom teaching me about respect. She said it would take you futher than money. Character is so important to teach our future kings and queens and this generation. So they can pass it on to their children. Im so exicted to learn more knowledge about the Prov 31 woman.
our future kings and queens. I’m excited about the lesson
My children are grown and all have children of their own now. My heart was a bit pinched as I read about teaching my sons about what to look for in a wife. I talked about Jesus all the time in our home and tried to share scripture constantly. I never thought of doing this though. That makes me sad.
However, I can still minister to my daughters-in-law and my daughter sharing this study and sharing the practicalities of the Proverbs 31 woman. Praise God for His faithfulness.
When I first read Proverbs 31 I thought I could never be this woman. However, by having “faith” and by having this study group – there’s hope. I need to work on being a disciplined woman.
Awesome first day! Going to put it out to the Lord to work on my “character”. Even though P31 was written by a mother for her son to find a wife that has Godly character – I believe it’s going to help me build Godly character so I can find me a “Godly” man with character.
I reread Proverbs 31 and was amazed that as a mother I never raised my son to look for a godly woman that would take care of hi. And I realized that I do have some of the qualities that she has. I also learned to have respect for my husband even tho I do take care of our home and raised the kids. I am looking to having the character that she possessed and be a woman of Proverb 31.
I feel that i am somewhat like the woman in Poverbs but i need to learn more and im using these bible studies for my personal life not for business. i am learning so much and im telling my ver good friend about these bible studies.
Although I don’t have a son, I know this information is good to share with my daughter. I struggled with being a Proverbs 31 wife because it was all about me at one point. Now that I understand the bigger picture of this role, as am more willing and able to shift focus from my deeds to my character. What an eye opener.
Thank you for being obedient and following God’s calling on your life to share your Godly wisdom with us.
I have a lot to share just not sure how to word it. I don’t want it to come out as a complaint or grip. I NEED God in a big way. My son is 24 and daughter 20 and my natural mind tells me it’s to late for this study on a virtuous woman. I don’t measure up to that woman I know in my heart that this is where I need to be. I have a control issue in many ways and I’m ready to let God have the drivers seat. Mostly because He has been working on me and making me aware of my thoughts, speaking and actions and I’m not liking what I see. So I thank you for inviting me to join this Bible study. If this isn’t what you want to hear let me know. My mom wasn’t that woman either and I see her come out in me more and more everyday. I don’t want my daughter and granddaughter to carry on our attitude. I know it’s not to late.
Thank you for sharing your heart with me!
Keep going and studying God’s Word and you will be the woman he’s designed you to be in no time!
I’m so glad you’re here!
I found this lesson to be very intriguing and I want to learn more. I understand what the lesson is talking about and what I need to be looking at in myself. Despite this in looking for the focus scripture for today I am lost. To me it seemed like it was focusing on the whole chapter not just one scripture. Can someone help me?
Yes! It was the whole chapter!
I just started this Bible Study. I am looking forward to doing this. I have a few of these characteristics, but need a lot of work. Thank you.
I’m always looking for a way to get closer to God and get immersed in his word. I feel that Proverbs 31 Woman is a good step in that direction. Speaking for myself, I can always use some improvement on my character. I look forward to the next video.
I just completed day 1 of the study and WOW! I am so thankful to God and to you for this study! I had to grin when I read that Proverbs 31 is a mother teaching her son about a godly wife. How precious and tender is that- wow. My son just got engaged to a beautiful woman and as his mom- I prayed well before he was able to choose a bride. Reading about this beautiful virtuous woman prompted me to pray that we would all be God’s beautiful virtuous women because frankly- we are daughters of the KING. I am dancing in my office. wooopwooop!
WHOOHOO!! Congratulations to your son!
Not as an measurement like that, have a .lot more to do and learn, I always try to do Godly ways and to have a Godly character at times, and to do the things God want me to do from my heart, needing God everyday and minute of my life for improvement and to work on me to have Godly. Character within my heart
My character is a reflection of mt beliefs. Proverbs 31 woman is unshakeable. I want to be more like her, but I look at circumstances around me and tend to go with what is seen and felt.
I am proud of myself for doing my best and being a Proverbs 31 woman in character through the development of the Holy Spirit over the years. I even went through a season where I had my son study Proverbs by writing the scriptures. I learned that I need to do better with guarding my heart and am excited as well as nervous to be here.
I enjoyed the introduction video. I am not sure how my character may measure up to the character of the proverb 31 woman but I pray it will as I go deeper into this study.
I have read this passage several times before, but not with the same perspective as looking at the character. Have two Son’s of my own, I now know how important it is to teach them to look for the characteristic traits of the women they shall become equally yoked with as they prepare their lives for marriage. As well as helping them become godly men worthy of a Proverbs 31 Women.
I am so enthused to just be a part of this bible study. I have been asking GOD to help me be that Proverbs 31 woman. But I must understand that everyone around me doesn’t have that same goal. So often in church, the work place women are trying to compete with each other which causes so much friction my prayer is lord help me to be in tuned with you and cleanse me so that I can be able guard my heart not letting tainted things come in.
Wow! I have to be complete honest here and say that I had an “awaking/epiphany a while back when I was at a “low” in my life; like many others I have dealt with what life throws at you. My own thoughts about myself reflected that low; I wasn’t a “good enough” person, I didn’t do a good job raising my children, I wasn’t a good wife, I wasn’t as pretty as “so n’ so”. I have always tried helping others be a better version of themselves but was “failing” when it came to helping myself – or so I thought.
In 2014 I moved 2,200 miles from my family and started another chapter of my life with my new husband. Needless to say, I was truly “alone”. I have always believed in God, accepted him in my life at the age of 7, went to church, learned the verses, etc. But at some point I forgot that “God had this” and started doing things the way I thought they should be in my mind – not God’s way. I did a lot of things that in retrospect I know hurt God, and they weren’t the best decisions that I could’ve made for myself.
When I moved where I currently live I knew no one. I don’t consider myself an introvert by any means but new people, new community…overwhelming. A neighbor introduced herself to me and kept inviting me to do things with her; walk the dog, bowling, library…etc. We walked, we talked, shared, traveled, attended church. I hadn’t planned on looking for a job but circumstances dictated something else. It was through the job that I found that I was blessed with another friendship. There are a group of people where I work (whoever wishes to join in) that have a Monday morning devotional, and this person always made sure to invite me to join them. We are truly sisters in God; we’ve adopted each other and our respective families!
Moving forward – my “awakening” came on a day that I wasn’t at my best – I was struggling personally and the two women that had befriended my best could apparently “feel” this; it was a Saturday and I had not seen either of them but both of them began texting and sending Christian music videos. Just Be Held by Casting Crowns was the first and let me tell you it hit hard- the tears came and I didn’t think they’d ever stop. It was a cleansing that my heart and soul needed. Then one sent Still by Hillary Scott – this was where my awakening happened; where I realized that I AM ENOUGH – that I just needed to be still and “hear” God and trust Him to work in my life.
So now that I have totally gotten “off track”, here are my feeling on how I “measure up” to the character traits of this Godly woman; I feel that I fall short in many areas but I also realize that we are our biggest critics and that all that matters is what we are in God’s eyes. That being said, I do believe that I am a good person but there is always room to grow, I always try to stand for those that can’t. I no longer compare myself to others or compare others to myself: I am who I am and God is working in me. The Proverbs 31 woman is a loving mother, wife, giver that I will continue striving to be more like in my own life 🙂
Let me just say I am loving Proverbs, I have to be honest, this is my second time reading Proverbs, but today was like reading it for the first time.
I am loving the study of the word of God. I do see myself as a Noble Wife, married for 13 years and 2 children, my prayers have always been about God guiding me to be the Wife and Mother that I am today.
Again I am so excited to be part of the Proverbs 31 Woman Bible Study. Thank you.
I’m happy to hear this! So glad you’re here!
As I reflect on the godly character of the Proverbs 31 Woman, I realize it can only be found in Christ when I surrender to His will and plans for my life. It is His spirit working through my life to honor Him.
Hello! This morning is day one of the Proverbs 31 woman bible study for me. I really enjoyed the introduction of this study. Many times I’ve been told that I have characteristics of the Proverbs 31 woman. My mom taught me early on about this woman and she was indeed this woman herself. My mom passed away (it will be 2 years on the 30th of January) and it was amazing to see how many people showed up and acknowledged so much of this virtuous woman she was; her character, her drive, her positivity, and most important, her example. It is amazing to me how when people see me and automatically they y’all about the legacy of my mother. I aspire to be just like her as I grow old. I’ve made up my mind that I want to be a vessel of God, and everywhere that I go I want others to see the light of God inside of me. Last year was tough for me! I felt completely drained physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. I focused on taking care of everyone else except me. I consumed myself in work and my kids, leaving very little time for my husband (our schedules are so conflicting which makes it even harder) or myself. I realized that I wasn’t okay…the depression from losing my mom, adapting to having a newborn after eight years, being a teacher, and the rock of my family (still taking care of my younger siblings and being there for my dad); I let I had nothing else left. This year I promised myself that I would be intentional about taking care of myself this year. Filling myself up with positivity, and the word of God so that I could feel okay again and give my 100% to my husband, kids, students, and family again. This is what made me sign up for this bible study. To assist me in being filled with what I need to be okay and a vessel of God. I’m so excited to dig deeper and be filled with the wisdom and knowledge of the Proverbs 31 woman. It makes me even more excited to learn more and pass this to my daughter as she grows just like my mom did for me, and also my son…for him to know what exactly to look for in a wife when he gets older. I’m so excited to be the best wife, mother, and example to others starting right now!!!
I’m so sorry you lost your mom. Praying for your heart to grieve and heal in its own timing. So glad you found us! You are welcomed here!
Let me start by saying I’m happy, I have join with other women on this spirit journey. I have not taken time in the pass to really study the word of God the way I need to. When I ran cross proverbs 31 I felt this was the way God wanted me to start 2019. I thank God for each and everyone of you women that has joined and for the vision God gave Angelia.
Never realized this was from a mom to her son. It make me look at the chapter in a whole new way. My son has just now turned 20 and is learning to be a grownup. I will show him this and maybe some of it will sink in his thick head. lol.
This section is very insightful. I’ve learned that a Proverbs 31 woman is to conduct herself like a lady at all times. Her character speaks volumes of what she stands for.
Wow – I was blown away by this – It’s not about her deeds but her CHARACTER. I remember reading through the scriptures and saying I already do this and I do this but I don’t do this. Then I would stop reading and think- how can I ever become a virtuous woman? But now I see it differently!!!!!
I have always talked with my son, he is 17, about the kind of young woman he should look for but never this way (using Proverbs 31). And thanks for sharing the importance of leaving behind a legacy for the next generation.
Hello Angelica! I’m new here 🙂 I signed up recently, and began reading your posts about the Proverbs 31 woman and I love it! I just started with the lessons, but somehow in my phone, there is no sound in your video. What do I do?
Be sure to tap the video and find the volume control to increase it! Having both volumes up louder helps!
The part I have a problem with is my tongue some time .but I’m learning how to control what comes out of it
Character is something I have always strived for because I want to show the true character of Christ through me. In order to do this one must remain humble, full of grace and slow to speak. One must always guard their mind and tongue.
I enjoyed day 1. I am eager to learn the characteristics of the Proverbs 31 woman. I am learning to guard my heart as I have been abused by my soon to be ex husband for 21 years and was not aware that I was capable of guarding my own heart. I am praying that I can be godly woman of impeccable character and raise my beautiful daughters to be Proverbs 31 women as well.
Well as a woman in her early fifties who has been married for 33 years with 3 grown children who are all married or will be by the end of the year I am tempted to think I do not need this Bible study. Rule number one when you feel it isn’t for you, keep on going because if you think it isn’t it probably is!
As I said, my children are grown. My son who is in his thirties is married with three children. One of my daughters is marrying her boyfriend of the past several years and my other daughter is marrying her girlfriend.
As I am listening to Anjelica talk about teaching our children how to look for or be a Proverbs 31 woman I feel for a moment as though I have missed the boat and that shipped sailed for me. More than that I think how do I make this happen with my gay daughter. That is where I would normally shut down and withdraw. God gave me these three children and he knew long before me what I would have to help them through. I knew from their births how much I loved them and even more how much God loves them. I know he has instructed me to do so with ALL of them. I believe that God’s word is alive and if I study it and live it then it is impossible for it not to bear fruit in all of my children. So for me, here’s to hanging in this study and becoming the best I can be. Father help me to grow these traits in my own life so that I may help others.
Proverbs 31 Woman inspires me to be a better wife and mother to my children. It wasn’t until recently that I started seeking God’s truth for myself. I’ve always applied things to my life and helped others based on the way I was raised, and the word that has been given to me while in different church homes, assisting ministries or listening to others but never really learning for myself. Now, I’m positioning myself to learn God’s word for my self and apply God’s word to my life. The verse that stood out to be the most is verse 30, Favour is deceitful and beauty is vain: but a woman that feareth the Lord, shall be praised. I believe already that I have a good and Godly character but I want to get to a point in my life that I’m being authentic and have the same character even when being provoked or upset about something.
As I read Proverbs 31 I realize I have so much more I need to do with me. I want my children to have a godly relationship with someone who loves the Lord as much as they do. I want them to be able to see the characteristics of a godly potential spouse. But the need to see it in me first. I look forward to the next lesson. Thank you.
The first part of this Bible study is an eye opener for me and I am not sure where I measure up but I’m hoping that I become closer and grow and learn to have a good Godly Character and know that the deeds shall come in time. I can’t wait to learn and grow from this Bibke study and thank you for allowing me to be a part of this. god bless you and thank you so much.
So i just watched the first video as i just started today. Im a little concerned about this study. Is it just for moms? I am not a mom but i still want to study the proverbs 31 woman. Is this particular study going to focus on moms?
Hi Jessica!
The study is for anyone. We have had women from all walks of life join us and be blessed. God’s Word speaks to everyone!
I am so looking forward to this study. I am in a turbulent time in my life. I need to focus on what I know I need and that is a closer walk with the Lord.
I hope I am doing this the correct way. It did not say what verses to read, but looking at the Bible Reading Plan some days we only focus on 1 verse other days more. Today I did 1-9
To be a Godly Woman we have to be Women of charcter that demonstates God’s love to everyone.
I truly think that God wanted me to find this Bible Study group. Since the lose of my husband I been wondering what am I suppose to do with rest of my life. Then I find this Bible Study group. I learned today that a mother is very important to her children and I need to be there to teach my children how to live a Godly life. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
My thoughts of a proverb 31 women is that I have some big shoes to fill. I have always thought of myself as a Christian woman who loves God with all my heart; I try to live right by doing things the right way I think they should be done. However, after reading about the proverb 31 woman I have fallen short of God glory. I always try to do good deeds but my character have not always lined up with God.. My goal through out this lesson is focus more on my heart and my action towards others.
The Proverbs 31 Woman is full of Godly Character. It’s not about what she does but the heart with which she does it. I can certainly improve on myself and that is my goal. I’ m not perfect but I am not condemned. With the Holy spirit’s help, I will improve upon myself. After all, God don’t make junk!!!
Day 1 and excited!!!! Going to compare different bibles version of Proverbs 4:23……..
Wow! Great first day of the Proverbs 31 woman! I am struggling with a few character traits of mine. One in particular…being critical of my husband. I mourn over what I’ve done to my relationship with my husband. Now, the first thing that popped into my mind is that “He’s played a part in this too.” Well, I’m not responsible for his part. I’m going to press on and take responsibility for the poor attitudes and destructive words I’VE thrown out there to damage our relationship. Please pray for me. I come from a looooong line of negative thinkers and “poor me” attitudes. Looking forward to Day 2!
I am going through a transitional stage in my life and I know this bible study will have divine direction for my life and surface the character I need to grow into for God’s plan for my life. I am really excited about this journey. As Angelica said in an email to me, there is a reason I responded to this invitation, Godly invitation. God is preparing me for more!
I will be back this evening I have class all day today I’m so excited to be doing this Bible study with you. Will check in later
Good morning Sister in Christ. I am so excited after this first lesson to really understand what a Prov31 Woman of God truly is and how in becoming this woman, I will begin to apply and live it. I love the deeper meaning in Hebrew or Greek so I plan to purchase Strongs concordance. So thank you for your obedience to the Holy Spirit and acting on His prompting and teachings that you are now sharing with the community of woman that desire to seek Gods heart by choosing to learn what a noble woman in character truly is. God bless and look forward to more, more, more!
Hello, today was my first day joining the Proverbs 31 Women Bible study and I truly enjoyed the introduction.. I will be praying to become closer to God. Right now I have so much going on in my life sometimes I don’t know which way I’m going, I feel like I’m being pulled in all directions.
I am starting this a few days behind. It has come at a perfect time. My husband and I have separated. I am questioning many things about myself. This first day was amazing. I want to dig deeper. Thank you for this series. I look forward to the rest of it.
I have never thought about the Proverb 31 woman in terms of her character. However I am afraid that I still don’t measure up to the character and have work to do.
Reading Proverbs 31 was certainly an eye opener. It almost scares me to think that I fall so short of this virtues. I have many of these traits but certainly need to improve on my thinking and reactions. I am looking forward to continuing this study, and thank you for the opportunity to share this study with so any woman.
I remember reading this scripture years ago and was focused on the deeds. Now, I have come to learn that it is about godly character. That is very enlightening.
As I was going through today’s study, I realized that I need to examine my Godly character. I have two daughters and over the years I have expressed to them to seek in a husband, a man who loves God the way God love us and follows His word. I also should have explained what he will need in a Godly wife.
Hi my name is Tania and today is my first day of this bible study. I hope to gain alot even though I work night shift. Thank you for allowing me to be apart of this group.
I enjoyed the introduction. I’m glad to be a part of this group. I have good character, yet a lot of work to be done. I think being a part of this group will help strengthen me in my walk with God.
I enjoyed learning today that becoming a Proverbs 31 woman is about character and not a long list of things I may never become. That the story came from a mom teaching her son what qualities his wife should have and that is what I need to be teaching my daughter’s to be. #mindblown
This is my first online study so it’s a little of a learning curve but I am enjoying it so far.
Way to grow, Leigh Anne!
Hello, I am so excited about this study. After reviewing today’s lesson I realized I have a lot of work to do within my self. And I can’t wait to really dig deeper into this study.
Thank You so much
I’m glad it blessed you, Myshia.
Good Morning,
Very enlightening. The importance on guarding the heart is so important to me and the reminder is helpful. I tend to think of the teachings of the imperfect women in my family and find that I am stronger in some of the characteristics of the virtuous woman than I am on others. Work to be done!
Love you insights, Gina! ❤
Today’s lesson really spoke to me. I try to pour into my daughters the importance of character and how your character speaks through your deeds. I pray that God will continue to guide me to be a Godly example for my daughter’s.
Today’s lesson really confirmed something I’ve been ruminating over for the past few months – my whole life has been built on deeds/work. While very successful, there are so many empty spaces that character would fill And the discoveries continue – mahalo, I am so thankful.
I love to see my SisterFriends grow, Matilyn!
Thanks for sharing!
I have grown from where I was in the past but still have a long way to go to measure up. My prayer for today is for the Lord to help me yearn for and seek only that which will help me grow into the Godly woman He designed me to be. To help me be strong in my faith and convictions but gentle in my delivery, And to help me purify my heart to reflect HIS love and character. Thanks for inviting me to join this study. I am looking forward to learning a lot.
We’re standing in agreement with you, Amy!
Thank you. Day one awesome. I never knew Proverbs 31 was written to a son from a mother. I am not good at balancing everything. I prayed for help to teach my son (14) how to find a good wife. God answer prayers!
God’s timing is perfect, Felicia!
It’s funny how we sometimes think that we’ve got it all together and then suddenly God sheds light in areas of our lives where we need a whole lot of work. That’s why I love Him so much. I’m really looking forward to this study. Praying for God to reveal some things about me that I don’t even know. I have girls and could use some pointers on what to talk to them about in reference to being in place for the man that God has for them and the Godly characters that they should be looking for in men.
I finally was able to start the Proverbs 31 Woman study today Sunday, so on day one I was so relieved to understand in not so much focusing on the good deeds but learning more about my character. I personally have been always focusing on doing good deeds because it was a way of making sure I’m doing good, but today i learned that when we have a good Godly character this will lead to good deeds. At the being of my walk with God I study about the Virtuous Woman, as the years passed by it became more of a routine of acts (deeds) versus a relationship with God, I realize now that my first love for Him became more of a routine and wasn’t feeling the passion. I was separated from my husband after a few years of marriage, during this time I met the Lord, I never got back with my husband and years later became a widow, today my children are all grown and marry, I have seven grandchildren and now I am partially retired and taking care of three of my grandchildren. I hoped that at the end of the study I can fall in love again and be passionate with God and become the Virtuous Woman God has purposed me to be.
Very interesting intro and am excited to study about the Proverbs 31 woman.
Just read the scripture, and I have some work to do with myself and with my family. I find that I have the good deeds, but not the character traits that I should. At times I feel empty inside even if a do a good deed. I really have some big shoe’s to fill.
I never thought about taking to my girls about finding good Godly character in a man, but I also what them to have good Godly character too.
I love that you have explained the key words ‘character’ and ‘deeds’ and how one impacts the other; I had begun to question which one gives birth to the other. I am now poised and keen to learn more!
This is awesome, but I think before we are able to teach our sons and daughters er have to understand and grasp Proverb 31 woman character for ourselves. I really never understood Godly character of Proverb 31. I am looking forward to learning and applying this into my life.
Wow what an initial awakening. Guarding your heart. I did not do that correctly. I have the character traits but since i never guarded my heart nothing real relationship wise could not be formed with a Godly man. Wow
Good evening! Thank you for making this available. I started the Bible study a little over a year ago and was pulled away due to life events. I am excited to say I am starting over from the beginning and looking forward to it as I really need to learn how to be strong enough to guard my heart.
Hi Kristi! I just love going through a study a second time a year later. There are so many new things that God shows me! I hope it blesses you!
Thank you for doing this study, I’m so grateful to be able to see what a true woman of God acts like and won’t have any more doubts. I feel I possess a few of the character traits, but guarding my heart has always been my downfall. I have always believed that if you treat others well and love them, then you will get the same in return. But all I ever seem to get is heartache. I’m truly looking forward to this journey. Thank you again.
This is the first time I have heard that the Proverbs 31 woman is more about her character than her deeds. I always thought she was someone you could never measure up to and she was very intimidating. I am glad to start a journey on her character and not necessarily on her deeds.
I read this chapter years ago, and this woman sound amazing. So amazing, I guess thats why I never read it again. I was NOT mentally(what I thought at the time) ready to be this way. Its funny though, because reading the chapter had more of an impact on me, than I thought. My character now, is ready. The spirit has moved me to dive right on, into this bible study. I want to grow so much more in my life, and I want to grow, not by man’s ways but by the Lord’s way.
I’m so glad I came across this study. I really did not understand what Proverbs 31 is implying to me personally, but when I’ve read this, I started to think deeply. I guess , Proverbs 31 is not only for sons or any male member of the family but also is good to share to our daughters, granddaughters, and nieces. To obt as in Godly character, this is a good read for all of us women. As a long time Christian, I still have some imperfections especially in my attitudes. Sometimes I forget how I am supposed to react, towards different unpredictable situations. God Word is indeed a sure place to go to when I feel overwhelmed and need proper guidance. Thank you Angelica for sharing this be as dutiful message about a Virtuous Woman. God bless you!
Hello, I truly enjoyed studying and reading the scriptures of this day. I have started the process late however, I am on board with the process. This reading/study has given me insight into my purpose and plans. I have been focused on other tasks in my life that I have not prioritized my focus. This experience has quickly placed me on track of what is most important in my life and that is my relationship with God and how to enhance and grow the kingdom. To answer the question, I never felt as though I could measure up to Proverbs 31 woman therefore, I stop reading about her as I have said to myself several times…. she does not exist in todays world. However, beginning this process I believe that focusing on the character instead of the deed has open my eyes and heart to gain knowledge about her and that it is possible to obtain. I’m sure my husband and family would be happier.
Such great insight, Lakeisha! And don’t worry about starting late — God has you on His plan for your life. Keep seeking Him!