It’s Day 2 of our Proverbs 31 Woman Bible Study!
Today, we’re going to dig into Proverbs 31:10:
Who can find a virtuous wife?
For her worth is far above rubies.
In yesterday’s lesson, we learned being a Proverbs 31 Woman isn’t about deeds, but character. You can get caught up with yesterday’s lesson here!
In today’s video lesson we will dig into the meaning of the word “virtuous.” (And by the way, what’s so special about rubies?) It’s important to have a fundamental understanding of this word because it’s the foundation of all we will learn about the Proverbs 31 Woman, during our Bible study time together.
Be sure to grab your copy of my beautifully designed Proverbs 31 Woman Bible Study Companion Workbook!
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I’d like to invite you to pray with us! Today’s lesson pairs perfectly with our Proverbs 31 Woman Prayer & Affirmation Challenge. Join us in touching the heart of God with our prayers!
By the way, if you haven’t registered for the Proverbs 31 Woman Bible Study, be sure to do so NOW!
It comes with, Exclusive Study Video Lessons + Daily Study Blog Posts + Bible Reading Plan + Daily encouragement emails! Best of all it’s Completely FREE!! You can register below. . .
Let’s Start Your Journey,
As A Proverbs 31 Woman NOW!
If you are new to Bible studies or are looking for ways to spruce up your study library, I have a list of my favorite Bible study resources. Some of them I’ve been using for over 20 years! You can shop my list here or take a check out a few of items below.
I invite you to take a look!
Let me ask you this. . .
Have you ever really thought about what the word VIRTUOUS really means? I think you might be pleasantly surprised at its meaning!
Tune into today’s Proverbs 31 Woman Bible Study video lesson!
Proverbs 31 Woman Bible Study Video Lesson
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Proverbs 31 Woman Bible Study Notes
- The word “virtuous” is the masculine noun “valor.” It’s used synonymously with describing the valor of a man!
- The Proverbs 31 Woman is like silk over steel – feminine on the outside, strong of Godly character on the inside. (Remind you, any, of yesterday’s lesson?)
- Forget about diamonds! They might be a girl’s best friend, but rubies are PRICELESS and so are you!
- I’m also sharing a few of my favorite Bible Study Resources!
- My favorite Bible.
- Highlighters & Pens especially for Bible Studies (you’ll love these!)
- Strong’s Concordance (never study your Bible without this!)
- Halley’s Bible Handbook
- You can take a look at the whole list here!
- Here is a video explaining how I use some of these resources and why they are my favorites!
Now Keep Reading About The Virtuous Woman!
Proverbs 31 Woman Bible Study – Day 2 Overview
The Meaning Of Virtuous
The word “virtuous” is the Hebrew word “chayil”
It is a masculine noun that means:
- valor
- strength like a tree bearing fruit
- fitness
- health
- integrity
- uprightness
- to bring riches
I find it fascinating that God would use the same word to describe the valor of a man, to describe the virtue of a woman!
Now, this doesn’t mean we should be like men or masculine in any way, instead, we should focus our character on being synonymous with the meaning of this word. Like I mentioned in yesterday’s teaching, our focus isn’t on the deeds of the Proverbs 31 woman, but on her character.
So, ask yourself – how can I grow my character be virtuous (substitute the above meanings here)?
Want to learn how to “transliterate” the Hebrew And Greek words from the Bible, so you can get a deeper understanding of what God is saying in His Word? Here are the resources I use for my Bible Word Studies
What Is A Virtuous Woman?
She Is Silk Over Steel
I’m going to be bold and say the Proverbs 31 Woman is a woman who is silk over steel.
Her character and qualities are of strength, fitness, health, integrity, uprightness, and brings riches. Yet on the outside, she’s as feminine as silk – like a silk blouse or dress.
She is 100% woman. . . Feminine on the outside and stable in her very being (soul and spirit).
This is what your aim should be – strong, holy, Godly character, while still embracing and living in your beautiful femininity. God created women to be just like like this – Silk Over Steel!
Related: The Proverbs 31 Woman As You’ve Never Seen Her
The Value Of A Virtuous Woman
Her Price Is Far Above Rubies
The last part of this scripture talks about the Proverbs 31 Woman’s price being far above rubies.
Did you know, in Biblical times, diamonds were the least valued gemstone? Rubies had the greatest value and highest commodity of any gemstone. They were considered the “creme de la creme” of gemstones and highly sought after by the wealthiest of people.
In our day and time, we place a high value on diamonds. Women go ga-ga for a diamond ring and will show it off to the world!
And to think, rubies are where the true value is found.
Diamonds might be a girl’s best friend, but rubies are priceless!
Take for a moment and consider your worth and value. . .
You are fearfully and wonderfully made! (Psalm 139:14)
You are so important that God created great plans for you, while you were in your mother’s womb! (Jeremiah 29:11)
You are so precious to God that He sings and rejoices over you! (Zephaniah 3:17)
Think for just a moment about the worth and value you bring to your family, friends, and the world as a whole!
You. Are. Priceless, my dearest SisterFriend!
Diamonds might be a girl's best friend, but rubies are priceless! #proverbs31businesswoman #proverbs31woman #biblestudy Click To TweetWant To Learn More About The Proverbs 31 Woman Bible Study Series?
I pray today’s lesson blessed you BIG! We have so much more to glean and learn in our Proverbs 31 Woman Bible Study together!
Be sure to check out the next lesson in The Proverbs 31 Woman Bible Study Series! We’re going to talk about becoming that “good thing” to our husbands and why this is so important to him and our marriage.
Here are my other posts in the Proverbs 31 Woman Bible Study Series:
- Everything You Ever Wanted To Know About The Proverbs 31 Woman
- Proverbs 31 Woman Bible Study Companion Workbook
- Proverbs 31 Woman Bible Study Series – Day 1 (Virtuous Woman Character Traits)
- Proverbs 31 Woman Bible Study Series – Day 2 (What Does It Mean To Be A “Virtuous” Woman?)
- Proverbs 31 Woman Bible Study Series – Day 3 (Being a Proverbs 31 Wife – Are You His “GOOD Thing”?)
- Proverbs 31 Woman Bible Study Series – Day 4 (A Willing, Eager Worker)
- Proverbs 31 Woman Bible Study Series – Day 5 (How Far Will You Go For Your Loved Ones?
- Proverbs 31 Woman Bible Study Series – Day 6 (Being Mrs. Organized)
- Proverbs 31 Woman Bible Study Series – Day 7 (Are You Resourceful With Your Skills?)
- Proverbs 31 Woman Bible Study Series – Day 8 (Knowing The Worth Of Your Work)
- Proverbs 31 Woman Bible Study Series – Day 9 (Creating A Legacy of Philanthropy)
- Proverbs 31 Woman Bible Study Series – Day 10 (Being Prepared For The Seasons Of Life)
- Proverbs 31 Woman Bible Study Series – Day 11 (Your Impact On Your Man)
- Proverbs 31 Woman Bible Study Series – Day 12 (Are You A Proverbs 31 Business Woman?)
- Proverbs 31 Woman Bible Study Series – Day 13 (Speak Wisdom, Kindness, And Life)
- Proverbs 31 Woman Bible Study Series – Day 14 (Let Your Husband And Children Praise You!)
- Proverbs 31 Woman Bible Study Series – Day 15 (The One Thing That Matters Most – Eternity)
In the meantime. . .
. . .if you are intrigued about studying more about the Proverbs 31 Woman, I’d like to invite you to join my Proverbs 31 Woman Bible Study!
I take a counter-culture, deep-dive approach into the characteristics about this woman and how we can apply them to our lives. It’s not a beat-you-over-the-head-with-an-impossible-standard type of Bible study, either.
It’s about liberating you, to know the truth of God’s Word, so you can live in the fullness of your calling and purpose.
It’s truly a deep-dive + life application Bible study that will transform, comfort, and inspire you, as you walk and live as a Woman of Valor!
Here’s what I’ve created just for you:
Exclusive Study Video Lessons
Daily Study Blog Posts
Devotional Journal
Bible Reading Plan
Daily Encouragement Emails
The best part is. . . it’s Completely FREE!
Let’s Start Your Journey,
As A Proverbs 31 Woman NOW!
Let’s Chat!
Two big things we learned today: The true meaning of “virtuous” and the value of rubies. How does this change your understanding of what it means to be a Virtuous Woman? I’d love to hear your thoughts! You can chime in, by clicking here!
Or you can head over to Facebook and share your thoughts with me there!

I didn’t know the meaning of “virtuos” till today. It’s no wonder why we are able to carry and take on so much. I think back on situations I went through that should had broke me but someh ow I kept going. God kept me but he knew what he put in us as women to enable us to withstand whatever came our way.
So true Iris. I can remember looking back on things I have been thru and being told that the Lord picks his strongest soldiers for the hardest battles, and after reading todays lesson, just a reminder that WE are strong we can endure so much pressure getting hit with lifes issues as hard as “steel” and yet still remain as delicate as a “silk” scarf!!! I looooove It!
Just completed day 2. So grateful for the reminder of my value, however I’m prayerful about the things I need to work on.
After being told I was worthless and would never amount to nothing , I feel more empowered through today’s study
I believe I can become a more virtuous woman when it comes to worrying and having anxiety. I feel I need to trust God more in these areas of my life where I cannot control.
Priceless. What does this really mean? The value is so great it cannot be measured. To think our value is so great to God that it cannot be measured is mind blowing. And to think society and the enemy does everything they can to strip us of this value.
Day 2 is amazing! I see a virtuous P31 woman being strong, prepared, a beautiful soul, kind, but also one filled with wisdom & integrity. Which gives her value that is like rubies. I love this & her example. Makes you want to be more like her. 🙂
Thank you for sharing this wonderful Bible Study with us. WOW! I’ve been in church all my life and never really studied this passage like this before. It’s so sad how we as women allow society to tell us what is popular to wear, do, think, etc. When we should be turning to the Word of God and see what He says we should do, be, act, etc. I really like your analogy “Steel on the inside and silk on the outside”. It is so true when we stop and think how strong God has created us to be and able to endure so much (when we rely on Him). Blessings.
Hi Ronda! Yes…it’s comforting to know we can go to the Word of God and hey his perfect viewpoint on us, as Women!
So glad you’re here!
I enjoyed Bible study. It’s good to know your worth because so many women have been told that they are worthless. And to know that God thinks you are worth far more than rubies. Is mind blowing…
Mind blowing, isn’t it Sabrina!
Our value is PRICELESS!!
Thanks for commenting! I’m so glad you’re here!
Just had the thought…yes we are to be strong yet feminine, wise, capable. BUT I think we fail often times as women because we compare ourselves to OTHER women. If we must compare ourselves to anything, let it be to God’s words or standard!
I find if I’m doing something like flower arrangement or card in a workshop I always feel there’s is better, and feel discouraged, but last year God gave me the strength to do bouquet for the bride and all the invites
A Virtuous Woman is To serve God with all of my heart mine is soul. Respect your husband teach your children how to love one another. Care for your body healthy foods, Use your time wisely, Beauty that only comes from inner beauty and Christ. That’s my meaning of A Virtuous Woman
I am enjoying the lesson, a lot need to be changed, I am doing some but I know I can do better
I recently was married but became single .I am starting a journey but this journey as a single woman mother of a special needs child. I want to build myself as the woman god intended for me to be and I am so blessed to come across this beautiful bible study which will help make a difference in my life i am ready for change.
Wow this brought tears to my eyes to know how much God loves me. My worth is far above rubies. It’s truly amazing how much God has poured into woman. The strength that a woman carries. I love my Father. I enjoyed today’s bible study. Thank you!
I love love love loooooove this verse. For so long I myselfl struggled with finding my WORTH. I used to find myself adjusting to “fit in” as opposed to being the woman I knew I once (always) was. I can remember my mom saying women are stronger than some men allow them to be and to never devalue myself….. in short, this verse is a reminder that we are the strength that others draw from. Without us there would be no “them” that is strength in its own. Women are strong, prepared, caring loving , have a lot of weight on us to carr for others because people depend on the woman for sooooo much. I vould ramble on and on about this verse. Ia m strong but delicate i am wise but forever learning more , I am precious and after…no beginning this day I know my value am priceless.
This verseis on sticky notes in random places now
Sticky notes for the win!!
As I was reading verse 10 I was thinking is this virtuous woman hard to find and are men intimidated by her?
Then you went on to explain what virtuous meant. The virtue of a woman but the valor of men. I was blown away. And then learning that gemstones were more valuable than diamonds. Thank you for that insight.
My prayer for today:
Please Lord don’t ever let me forget my worth. I am made in your image and your Spirit dwells in me. Help me to stand strong (steel) in my belief but humble (silk) in my speech. Help me to live a life that exemplifies You. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen
I just finished day 2 of this bible study it has been eye opener for me I need to work on some things but I’m not perfect I strive for progress everyday I want to be a virtuous woman I know that I’m strong and I know I have a purpose I also have the verses you said printed out in my room to remind me that there is a plan for my life i hope to be a better wife and mom so glad I’m here
Im loving this study!! I do feel strong inside, I would describe it as more like a peace when stuggles come about. I feel i approach them more level headed and dont freak out like i had in years past.
Just finished Day 2. I’m so far behind. This Bible study reminds me of where my priorities need to be. God first!! I admit I have fallen out of HIs word over the last few years. Having someone to check in with holds me accountable and I really need that. I know that when this is over, I will be the virtuous woman God intended me to be. Keep giving the Hebrew words and their meaning. Thank you Angelica for taking time to do this.
A late start is better than no start! You’re on the right track!
Yes today’s lesson was on point made me question my worth as to how I carried myself, to the point of always second guessing, am I good enough, I learned that yes I am , and if I can start to think the way that Jesus said I am I can start living my true purpose. I love the phrase “silk over steel”. Thank you ,thank you for a great lesson today. I look forward for growth.
My pleasure!
Such an eye opening devotion today. Knowing that a masculine noun was used to describe the virtuous woman is amazing. It make me look at her in a different light.
Eye opening isn’t it?
yes it is great that all women can now utilize the gifts.without feeling.they are not enough. Jesus says I a m enough
Just competed day #2. I am really enjoying this study!!❤❤
Thank you for sharing this wonderful Bible Study. This lesson is priceless.
A blessing to know how we should want to be seen by God as one of his Rubies. Praying for character.
Hello Angelica want a powerful word. I love how you give definition and examples. I have been torn down by people and never s peak g up for myself now after reading this verse i now know my self worth my inner strength and those qualities that make me who I am as a women. Masculine and be defined as virtuous
Love this second day study of Proverbs 31. Silk over steel! Woman of valor but still feminine!
The breaking down of the word virtuous, thank you that changes alot
Really love how you are showing us more and more how to have the character of this woman
Eye opening the word virtuous. how God used Valor for masculine and feminine. Love the description “Silk over Steel”. Knew I have worth, but the depths is mind blowing. Loving this bible study.
I can wait to apply this into my life. Lots to work on, I’m loving this ♥️♥️♥️
I am liking this study. I like to break down words and find out the meaning as I study. I like the way you talked about the Hebrew definition. As I have studied the Old Testament and how the Temple was built, gemstones were what was used. I can imagine how beautiful it was with all the stones. We are just as beautiful in God’s eyes and can be to our family.
I am learning so much already…like this was a mother teaching her son about characteristics of a godly woman and thank you for showing me how to dig in to find out the meaning of words in other languages. Can’t wait to dig deeper into the word.
Today has been mind opening! I used to know all this stuff!…but have forgotten. I have forgotten that God is the real source for my joy and strength! He reminded me today!!! GOD DON’T MAKE NO JUNK!!
Thanks for today’s lesson. It definitely brings me to a better understanding of who I am. I know that I am a strong person but to discover that I have the ability, power, force, fitness, upright and much more in me is EXCITING! Definitely need to pray for God to show me how to use those other characters in my life. Be blessed today.
I enjoyed the lesion, it made me take a look at myself and how I have not even thought about This and that God loves women and gives us value. I have to learn to walk in my value and remain a lady and be feminine.
Wow, day 2, to know that I am worth more than rubes just blows me away. Thank you Father.
Wonder day 2 lesson, makes me what to change my name to “Ruby”. Loving the lessons.
Thank you for the lesson. In going forward I am a Strong Woman bearing much fruit. I am more than diamonds and priceless like Rubies.
Thank you for helping me to become more of a virtuous woman. It is hard when you are a single woman. I am learning to have more confidence in myself.
My pleasure! I just love all my single SisterFriends!! So glad you’re here!
Day 2 and it is pushing me to look at characteristics I obtain, should obtain, capable of obtaining and what God is molding me to be. #rubyinthemaking
I absolutely loved today’s study! As the word virtuous was broken down, I was completely blown away! My goal is definitely to be that virtuous woman! Thank you for creating this study! Its so powerful & amazing!
Day 2, How virtuous broken is an eye opener, and Rubies precious gem. This truly a great 2nd day for me.
The meanings alone of virtuous speaks volumes to me. This lesson had me thinking just how I thought of myself without thinking with many mistakes and failures that tend to what to stick around and hold you back from the lenses of how God see us as those virtuous women. From this day forward I will shut down immediately any thoughts that may try and come to say anything other than what the I learned today this is a new day and walk a new me.
My prayer is that we all will guard our hearts from the thief that only comes to steal, kill, and destroy. What God has already said about us. There is work to be done. S.O.A.P.
Hello. Learning about the word virtuous and it’s tru meaning allows me to know is not about deeds, but it’s who you are. As each one of your very important roles you have acquired in life can benefit from each of the characters: upright, wrath, valor, fitness… This also open my eyes to areas of a virtuous women that I have but needs some work.
What a joy it is to be a part of such a thou thought provoking study of Proverbs 31, the meaning of virtue is so much clearer in my mind now and know that I can be compared to a priceless ruby iswonderful. In praise God for these life changing words of wisdom
This verse reminded me of my Mother. She was just as this verse described and taught me as well. She was the epitome of a virtuous woman. I aspire to be the same and help those discover their virtues too. Strong on the inside beautiful on the outside.
Hi Angelica wow today’s study really spoke to me I was made fun all my life and put down I always felt like I was worth nothing. Now I know that I am beautiful and wonderfully made
Amgelica this study today really spoke to me I was always made fun of and put down and always felt like I was not worth anything this really showed me that beautiful and wonderful ly made
Yes you are! The Father creates you WONDERFULLY!!
Great study today. I find myself struggling with insecurity lately.. praying That through this study I will be empowered by the Holy Spirit to know and value my worth.
I completed 2 days in one. Day 2 was revealing. Pushed me to acknowledge my vulnerability and lack of belief in myself. A woman of steel clothed in silk is definitely not how I view myself nor priceless. I know I have work to do.
What I love about this lesson is the break down of virtuous traits. We only see the word virtuous, and think it can’t be achieved. Thank you for making it plain and doable.
I struggle with believing and feeling like I am worth the “price far better than rubies.” I feel like I have the strong center core wrapped in silk. Pray that I can see myself as God sees me and loves me!
I didn’t realize a virtuous woman had these traits about her, it shows me that she is a great lady and much to be admire. I would like to see myself as God sees me. So I have work to do.
I must remain focus on what God has established in me. I’m valuable with great worth. Positivity is the key.
This is so true. Many times we are so busy that we forget to take time of who we are. When we start our day, as soon as we open our eyes we are thinking of the things that we have to do for that day. We need to remember that we are more then just a woman, we are a women of stell with beautiful blessing silk that cover us.
I have seen in the last few months that I can be stronger than I ever imagined, because God was in control. Silk over steel! “I can do all things through Christ who strengthen me.” (Philippians 4:13)
Just finished getting caught up, did all 3 days this evening and all I can say is this is going to be so empowering. Here is a brief introduction to me – I am a 55 year old mother of 2, grandmother of 3. But mostly I am a lifelong survivor of all forms of abuse and through it all I had one constant , my faith in the almighty God. I recently began attending church again, and am working hard on growing my relationship with My God. Thank you for the opportunity to join this bible study, I look forward to your daily messages and words of encouragement.
I am smiling so hard because I now the meaning of virtuous. Wow – I am feeling real good. I am loving the Proverb 31 Bible study.
” strong from the inside out”
I have read about a Proverb 31 Woman before, but truely never knew the meaning like you are explaining. Thank you so very much. My birthstone is a ruby and this means so much more to me now. Her price is far above Rubies, this is just mind blowing.
Silk Over Steel…that is something I will surely keep with me every day!!!
Two days into this Bible study and I’m already loving it. I love to know the definitions of things in the meanings of things. It’s one of the ways I teach and study is to find the definition of things so that they make more sense to me so this was fantastic thank you
First & foremost, nobody is perfect except Jesus Christ, but I also find its interesting to know that in that day & time rubies was the most valued gem & it’s red. Red like Jesus’ blood. The bridegroom of the perfect bride! Amen & Praise the Lord!! LOVE YOUR BIBLE STUDY
I have completed day 2 and wow- I love how you put that- steel on the inside and silk on the outside!
So excited to be part of this. Blown away by things I’m already being enlightened about like the value of rubies vs. diamonds and how virtuous to describe women is the equivalent of valor for men …. and I’m a word person! How have I missed that all these years?! ♀️ Thank you, Angelica, for all the behind-the-scenes efforts to pour into us in this study. ❤️
The meaning virtuous for the proverb 31 woman has really open my eyes to some new thing. First to know worth. Diamonds are a girls best friend but rubies are priceless. The prover 31 woman have many Godly characters that I want to have in my life. From this day forward I am striving to be a proverb 31 woman , wife, mother and friend of other women who are looking to possess those same qualities.
Wow , this has truly bless me . The meaning of my name is ( womanly and strong [Shalotta]). For years I’ve tried change or modify the strength part, thinking I’m not soft enough. In certain situations I’ve played the damsel in distress because I didn’t think I fit what I thought a woman of God look likes.. This has liberate me in my outlook on what I told and think a woman of God is! So I can embrace my feminine and strengths , qualities.
“Silk over steel”….love that! Strong women can still be dainty and feminine. It doesn’t mean we have to cower or be treated like we’re weak. Just means we were made to be soft, emotional creatures, with a strong, Godly character.
Knowing what virtuous meant is what I wanted to focus on; so I did look up the word in the dictionary and it said having or showing high moral standards. I thought to myself, today’s moral standards are truly different than years ago. Children did not disrespect their parents or any adults or they would be in trouble when they got home. Things have changed now because many children curse around adults or to an adult. I know because I am a teacher and I hear it all the time. So moral standards will vary between age groups and it would not fit for all for this scripture because the fear of the Lord is not involved here.
Now when you discussed the meaning of the word, it brought different thoughts to my mind. Especially when you talked about diamonds versus rubies in those days. I bet many women will be shocked just to hear about that. I am not into a lot of diamonds so finding this our made it even better to me. So I know I will need to work on all of those qualities to work my way towards becoming a virtuous woman.
I have never had this scripture explained like this. I realized that I need to change the way I view myself because it is contrary to what God says.
I am priceless. Fearfully and wonderfully made by God. Feminine but strong!
Just completed day 2. I’m loving this bible study. WOW!!! How can one word be so powerful?
Always thought of virtuous relative only to high moral standards, just skipped right over “far more than rubies”. This was enlightening. God is calling us valuable and strong. Silk over steel!!! Hallelujah!
I thank you for doing this study. I was intrigued to do it cause through out my life I heard of this virtuous woman. She was always talked about like an unattainable entity. I always felt that she was thrown in my face as a woman I should be but would never measure up to be. What I am learning now is that I have always encompassed qualities of the virtuous woman I just didn’t know who I was in God. As I learn who I am in God I know longer worry about striving, I work to live to do those things that are pleasing to God.
I really love the “silk over steel” analogy. I’ve been through quite a bit and people have always told me how strong I was……..sure I felt strong to a point, but a lot of the time ready to fall apart with only Jesus keeping me together. I didn’t value myself as wife, my ex’s love actions were never returned nor did his love show up anywhere. As a mom I had some REAL challenges. My daughter has Autism Spectrum Disorder and 7 other diagnoses. Her behavior challenges brought me to my knees. For the pst year since I left, I have felt a peace like I have never felt before! Before I had my challenges and trials to keep me going to the Lord, now those. Challenges are back in NJ while I’m here in Kentucky. I’ve been a-bit lost l just finally found a church that accepted me. I’ve been trying to get my walk back on track, but couldn’t find a way to remember to do it,Bible study, every day. I started with another study which came in my email, which served as my reminder. But, that didn’t excite me. Then I saw yours. Thank you!
I am a little behind, I dive deep into the word. What I learned today is that I underestimate my worth to my friends and my family. I have to measure my worth against what God wants for me, and not what other men/women want for me because men/women will let me down. God won’t.
Thank you for letting God use you in this way.
Good morning,
Its been my pleasure spending time in the Word of God today. I’ve read Proverbs 31 again an I really enlightened by the meaning of virtuous. I’m really feeling like a ruby right now.
The lesson for Day 2 was amazing from the video lesson alone. In dissecting the word virtuous and it’s meaning and then describing a virtuous woman as “silk over steel” ……it was life changing. It’s a reminder of how the woman God created us to be is a strong woman with the added bonus of softness and femininity on top. Yet, others may view our strength as something negative. It’s part of a package.
Day 2 is very revealing because it emphasized the meaning of virtuous within the embrace of our femininity. GOD doesn’t consider us to be inferior to man. We have characteristics as Godly women to become all we are meant to become as daughters of the Most High GOD!
The words that stood out for me in tonight’s scripture were: “Who”, “virtuous wife” and “worth”. This tells me that everyone is not meant to have her (she’s exclusive). The virtuous wife is already equipped to help her spouse, because she is consistent in her practice of being righteous. Her spouse couldn’t put a price on her, as she’s priceless to him. Now, that is a bad sister! Who would not want to be loved and admired and recognized by others in that manner?
Thanks for sharing your insight, GiGi!
Just Finished Day 2!!! WhoooHooo! I Love It!!!
Virtuous Woman Priceless!!!
Last night I had a conversation with my Mom about being exhausted about being the one who everyone relies on for their strength when in return I have no one to rely on for the very same thing. This makes me look at life differently. People use to always tell me , well you’re the strong one that’s why I’m so hard on you, including my Mom. But when you said we are not damsels in distress…I had to exhale and truly get over it. I was made for this! However I can definitely allow God to work on me about the silk part because I can be just as rough on the outside, mostly as a defense mechanism. I am strength, powerful, upright, war like, full of wealth in knowledge, rich in love, integral, and of valor. However, I am so in your face with the ones I love. Like, I need them to understand! And I want so badly for my son and husband to possess that same strength and war like mentality. So I guess my biggest lesson is character not deed. Action speaks louder than words. Do as I do, not as I say! A huge take away for me!
Way to grow, Nicole!
Day 2’s lesson on what Virtuous really means has opened my understanding to a new level. It makes me rejoice to know that this is how God feels about me and this is what is has created me to be. For a long time I thought that virtuous only meant a woman that was modest, but now I know that this goes far beyond modesty and it really digs deep into a woman’s character. I can honestly say that I really know my worth and how valuable I truly am.
Way to grow, Ileyah!
When you compared being virtuous with a tree, I understood that we become that virtuous woman with time. Our experiences in life, our testimony, everything that we learn in the path, strengthen our core in the same way a tree get stronger as it grows. Nowadays, we want to get everything as fast as possible, but there are things (like our character) that will be build through time. At the beginning of the blog, what you wrote about postpartum depression touch my heart, because that was a time were I didn’t allow my self to broke and recognized what’s going on. My thought always was that I shouldn’t be feeling that way because I was (and I’am) a God’s daughter. Now, I understand that my character and my core/ stem was getting stronger with that process to become a virtuous woman. There still lot of room to grow, but this is the first time in 7 years that I can think about my postpartum without crying.
We are priceless!!!
Way to grow, Mariel!
I couldn’t afford any of the books so I was just going to use my journal, but I can’t figure it out without the questions from the workbook. So I guess what I am asking is I am not sure what to do with out the workbook.
Many women go through the study without the companion workbook, just like you are doing, with only a journal and their Bibles. Much like taking notes during a sermon, they are listening to the lesson, reading the Scriptures, writing the Scriptures, and meditating on God’s Word. What is He speaking to your heart, Michelle? Jot it down. Is there a question on your mind? Jot it down. Was there an ah-ha moment? Jot it down! I hope that helps you move forward.
I hope you don’t mind if I share my reflection on Zephaniah 3:17 that was mentioned in the Day 2 lesson. I was struck about the fact that God sings over us! It made me think of a mother who sings to her precious child to bring comfort…and God sings over me. I can only imagine His words being pure, positive, loving, encouraging, soothing while bringing peace, comfort and calm. I am precious to the Lord!
I love this, Pamela. Thanks for sharing that with us!
My thoughts for Day 2 are WOW. I’ve been thinking about a lot of things all wrong. I realize I have many of the qualities of a Virtuous Women but I was exercising them in a lot of the wrong ways. I am definitely going to seek God more to allow my true self to be transformed.
Way to grow, Gail!
I am joying this bible study . It given a whole new outlook on the Proverbs 31 Woman. The example about the tree really got my attention . I grew up as weak little girl that was afraid of everything and everyone. Now that I am older am becoming stronger and conquer a lot things that I was afraid of.
Way to grow, Rhoheda!
I felt strong and competent during my 30 years of marriage. When Paul decided he preferred a man over me, and trashed my reputation, I have like a damsel in distress. After thinking about virtuous, I realize I am still that strong competent person I have been. I realize I have been listening to the lies of Satan. Wow, speaking of being set free!!!
Debbie, we are so very sorry this happened to you! But, you are right — those are Satan’s lies. Listen to the Truth of God!
Hello Angelica,,
Thank you for sharing your time and insight. This gives me a better view of what a virtuous woman is. Now I see it isn’t what she does but who she is
It is nice to know that a virtuous women is beautiful on the outside and beautiful and strong as a man on the inside. In this world we live in we need to be strong with the faith of our Lord beside us. I know I am worthy to my husband he lets me know every day but when it comes to my kids not so much and I am hoping I can change that with the help from our God.
I love the discussion of the importance of work and being wise with using what we have.
Day 2. Proverbs 31:10 has a new meaning for me. I am strong like a fruit bearing tree, I am fit, healthy, with integrity, and uprightness. I am silk over steel. Feminine on the outside, strong and Godly on the inside.
I love this! Way to GROW, Coral!
Just completed day 2 and I am in awe of the strength, integrity, and valor that God gives us. I really appreciate learning how God uses the same word to describe the valor of a man, to describe the virtue of a woman. I pray God will continue to cover me as I cultivate what he already know is within me. I tell myself the scripture at Psalms 138:14 all the time and I thank you for sharing the scripture at Jeremiah 29:11.
In this first lesson I learned that I saw myself through the eyes of the world and not through the eyes of God. That was a great observation for me whose lens am I viewing myself. My prayer was to take off the the world’s perception of diamonds and I then renewed my mind and began to see myself through the lens of Jesus. My value and worth are priceless because God said so in Prov. 31:10. From Jer. 29:11 I asked the Lord to reveal to me his thoughts of me as the proverbs 31 woman. So now I see with his eyes and I have his thoughts concerning me and I no longer have the world’s thoughts contaminating my perception of me. This second day was awesome I thank God for renewing my mind and giving me the mind of Christ. I thank God for this bible study it is right on time for where I am and where God is taking me.
Hi! I’m on Day 2 and I enjoyed the lesson. I could go on to lesson 3 and so forth but I really want to take my time and unravel the Word. Thank you so much and I look forward to Day 3. God Bless
Today’s lesson was so exciting. I loved bringing the Hebrew word for virtuous into the picture. Looking that up helped give a fuller view of what I need to strive for daily.
I’m behind in the study, but I’m so glad I am following through on my commitment. I’ve done lessons 1 and 2 and have learned so much already. I need to be more mindful of my heart and focus on rebuilding my character. I’ve let my guard down. This has snowballed into how I value myself and the value I bring… I have forgotten my self worth. I’m so sorry I have forgotten I am the daughter of the King. I am more valuable than rubies! I am silk covered steel! Thank you for reminding me of this!
So many times the world tries to influence our worth, even our own families. I felt the healing balm of God’s love and my worth to him.
I don’t feel that I’m valuable, that I have these virtuous. Seeing it and hearing it this way helps me see some of the worth that I have . I’m priceless and strong with the Lord at my side, my I learn what I mean to him and how I can serve him . My I be virtuous.
Day or so behind but so glad I did not let that stop me, knowing what the scriptures say about how I am valued and really knowing it so hard at times. I struggle with this. I get to the point of knowing this but then that person who knows just what to say so that doubt is back. Today’s lesson is what I needed to get me back on track to know how valuable I am to God. Thank you. My prayer for today is for me to believe this and to be that steel on inside to become strong for Jesus. And keep that light burning bright.