Here’s your Tuesday Tip!
I’ve been saying this for years…the best investment you’ll ever make as a business owner, wife, mom, sister, friend is in YOURSELF! As women it’s so easy for use to invest in others – their visions, dreams, aspirations because well God designed us to be helpmeets (helpmate or helpers). We are the receivers and whatever you give us, we have this supernatural ability to multiply anything given to us!
Give us a house – we’ll multiply it into a home.
Give us provisions – we’ll multiply it into long lasting wealth for generations.
Give us food – we’ll multiply it into a meal.
Give us good love **wink** – we’ll multiply that into children.
The issue happens when we don’t take the time to fully receive our gifts, talents, and calling God has given us and then MULTIPLY it for the good of His Kingdom!
How can I do this, in business? You ask.
You know what you know and you have a pretty good idea of what you don’t know or the skills you’re lacking to start and grow your business. In the areas where your skill level isn’t up to par, take a class, get some mentorship, and up-level your skill set. Not only will you gain new knowledge you can apply to your business and life, but you add more value to yourself. This is the one of the things that will make you UNSTOPPABLE (even for your competitors)!
Look, if you’re serious about mastering your skillset, starting and growing your business in 2016 and really stepping out on faith, to do great exploits for the Kingdom of God in business in life, then you need to sign up for my Business Launch Success class. It’s going to be a LIVE video class that I host next month. Right now, until 11:59pm est, the price for the class is $27 (including over $100 on bonuses)! That price and those bonuses end TODAY. After that the price spikes to $47. I want to see you in class and I want you to get in on this special price. Register NOW!
No Excuses! No Extensions! No Exceptions!
Here are a few places where you can gain new skill in business:
- Udemy
- Skillshare
- Angelica Duncan at Silk Over Steel! 🙂
There are a TON of resources at your fingertips (literally). I am so thankful to be alive in this day and time because I’m not limited to where I can take classes, learn new things, and become masterful at what I do and what I want to offer not just my clients, but also my family. I get to be a better homemaker, home educator, and a home business owner all from my kitchen table! We live in a digital age to where there’s no excuse to not go out there, learn all you can, become masterful at your skillset, and win in business and life!
I talk a bit more about this on a video I did on my Facebook page. Be sure to check it out!
School is never out for the pro!
Special price: $27
Bonuses: Over $100
Deadline: TODAY 11:59 pm est
Business Launch Success Reserve your seat NOW!
Don’t say you weren’t told! 🙂

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