Today, I’m going to talk about the #1 ad you should run on Facebook 100% of the time AND WHY.
One of your main goals on Facebook is to grow a LARGE AUDIENCE quick, fast, and in a hurry! It’s hard to market to {crickets}.
Here’s the deal, you can have a great product or service, have irresistible branding, and have all of your passion, product, and processes in place, but if you have no people, then you’re not going to make any money!
Here’s what happens to many biz owners – they give up and quit at this very point…
NOT because they didn’t have a good product or service
NOT because there wasn’t a market for their product or service
NOT because they didn’t have the right processes in place
NOT because they weren’t passionate
NOT because their branding was off
But because they didn’t have enough people, to whom they could market their products and services!
- Do you struggle with finding customers and getting people to buy your product or service? It’s a lot easier to build up your client base, engage and create relationships with them…THEN start selling your product or service. This is actually the natural way to do business.
Your job, as a business owner, is more than just product creation. It is convincing people why they cannot live without your product and why it’s THE BEST thing next to sliced bread. We call this MARKETING! However, in order to market effectively, you have to have an audience.
There is one Facebook Ad, I truly believe you need to do 100% of the time. I tell my VIPs to run this one ad BEFORE they start selling their products and services. Trust me when I say, it’ll make your journey in biz ownership, so much easier and way more FUN, simply because you’ll be making money in your biz, much faster!
Tune-In To Episode #5 Of Silk Over Steel TV!
Let’s take a deep dive into your Facebook Page!
Take a quick inventory of your Facebook Page, how many fans do you have?
(If you don’t like that number, then let’s change that, ok?)
Are you currently running any “page like” campaigns?
(If not, then you HAVE TO run ads, if you want your Facebook page and business to grow. My class, Facebook Marketing Made Simple can help you…join me!
Chime in, Ladies! 🙂
Links and references mentioned in this episode:
Facebook Marketing Made Simple – Grow your audience on Facebook with this class! I show you how to get your first 1,000 Facebook fans of highly targeted, ideal clients, who find you irresistible and keep coming back for more of what you have to offer. (Yes! They’ll want to buy from you, too!)
Check out the other episodes in this series!
SOS TV Episode #2 – Yo Baby, Yo Baby YO! How To Get More People To Buy From You On Facebook
SOS TV Episode #3 – Creating Culture, Community, And Engagement On Your Facebook Page
SOS TV Episode #4 – Debunking Facebook Myths

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