Happy Monday! It’s the start of a brand new week!
I know most people dread Monday mornings. Quite frankly, I look forward to them. It gives me another opportunity to go for my goals, achieve some great things, plus I get to G R O W!
Growth as a business person is crucial to your success. I’m not just talking about professional growth, either. I’m talking about personal growth. You have to be willing to take the time to work on YOU. The more you work on yourself, the more you grow. And the more you grow, the more your business will grow.
There’s no escaping it!
Let me ask you this…
When was the last time you saw someone who had booming Business success, but lacked in the area personal success?
When was the last time you saw someone who had lots of personal success, but lacked in Business success?
In either situation, you’d be led to believe that something was totally wrong with them, right?
You see, personal success and business success go hand-in-hand. You can’t have one area of your life flourishing without the other area also flourishing. Your business and your life should be beautiful compliments of one another. Both should thrive!
Here Are 3 Quick Ways You Can Flourish In Life And Business!
If growing as a person and an entrepreneur is important to you, then you’ll really want to pay close attention and take notes. I’m going to share with you 3 quick ways you can flourish in life and business.
What I mean by “quick” is that you’ll be able to take immediate action and implement these tips, in your life right away.
It won’t be quick results.
It won’t be quick change.
It won’t be quick work.
Actually, it’ll be hard work that will require reflection and introspection from you. But I can promise you this. If you take what I’m about tell you seriously and commit to implementing these tips daily, you’ll see all areas of your life flourish!
1. Inventory Your Life
What I mean by this is, you should be taking a constant inventory on where you are versus where you want to be in life. This is something I do regularly. While it may seem time-consuming, it’s worth it to reflect and reassess your current life status.
Look at your success. Look at your failures.
Are you satisfied with your results? If not, then do something about it!
In the areas of your life where you had great success, think about how you were able to achieve that success. Were there any key players, key moments, key ah-ha’s? What got you going and kept you going?
Brainstorm. Strategize. Plan.
Look at where you want to be and how far you are away from that goal. Like really, take out your pen and journal and start writing down how you want your life to look, your goals, your dreams, your wild-this-will-never-happen-but-I-can’t-stop-thinking-about-this ideas. (I know you have them. I do!)
As you’re taking regular inventory of your life, consider doing these things as you go along:
Clean up the areas that need cleaning up.
Sharpen your skills.
Polish up on formerly learned information.
If you’ll do this you’ll flourish! Remember, you want to always get better and better!
2. Be Honest With Yourself
This one is oh-so-very important.
So many times our dreams are sabotaged because we are not honest with ourselves and the things we REALLY WANT out of life. There seems to be this misconception that it’s not humble to say you want more out of life. Or that somehow you’re more righteous if you want less and have less. That’s one of the biggest lies I’ve ever heard!
Please don’t shame yourself (or allow others to shame you) for your big dreams and desires. So long as they are from God and you keep them in perspective of God’s Word, you’re good. Who knows! Your dream could be the answer to someone else’s prayer.
Believe it or not, God isn’t so much concerned about what you have or don’t have…or how much you have of it. He is concerned if things have you. He wants you to HAVE MORE and to BE MORE!
More of Him.
More of the Holy Spirit.
More of the teachings of Jesus.
More of your calling and purpose.
To keep things in balance, be sure to go about things His Way.
Seek him first and his righteousness and I promise you ALL things will be added to you, your business, and your life.
Try this:
Stand in front of mirror, look yourself in the eyes and ask yourself these series of questions. (Like, literally, answer the questions out loud. I know it’s going to seem silly talking to yourself, but you’ve got to have a personal breakthrough, before you’ll ever be able to breakthrough in business.)
- Are you sure of your calling and purpose?
- What has God called YOU to do and release in the earth?
- What progress are you making towards your calling and purpose?
- What do you want your life to look like?
- Does your life currently look like what you desire?
- What are three next steps you need to make to gain more ground in your life?
- What does God have to say about your desires?
Be. Honest. Totally. Completely. With. Yourself.
If you get nothing else out of this, please get and understand that you have to be honest with yourself. At the end of the day, you have to live with the choices you make and how you choose to progress through life, so it’s crucial to be honest with yourself and your desires.
3. Get Some New Friends
I once heard a multi-millionaire say that you will spend your first million dollars buying your friends. Now, in no way was she condoning the practice of “buying friendships.” Instead she was saying that as you make your way to earning your first million dollars, you will want to invest wisely in books, trainings, seminars, and mentorships, etc. that will align you and your life with the value set of millionaires. As a result, your mindset will change. And as your mindset changes so does your behaviors, lifestyle, and friendships.
So let’s relate this to business.
As you go out and begin building your business successfully, you will invest books, trainings, seminars, and mentorships, etc. that will help you with growing your business, marketing, sales, social media, personal development, productivity, mindset training, and the like.
All of this new information will change you.
It will change the way you think, your perspective, and your behaviors. As that happens, your life will begin to change. You will attract and seek out people who also have a similar value set as you do. Some of these new people will become your friends.
If you’re intentional about working on yourself, you will inevitably find yourself in the company of like-minded people.
That’s a GOOD THING!
Because your new friends will also think along the lines of a business owner, Kingdom leader, and disciple-maker. The cool thing is, you’ll get to do great exploits for the Kingdom of God together!
Here’s the other side of this though, as you are intentionally growing, you may also notice that some of your current friends aren’t growing in the same direction, as you. That’s ok.
Please don’t discard them. (Unless there’s some viable reason to do so. Toxic relationships are not the business.) Your current friends don’t have to grow in the way you are growing, in order for you to remain friends. Also consider, they may be growing in a way you are not growing, too.
Keep your old friends + be open to gaining new ones.
I pray you have an AH-MAY-ZING week! Dedicate some time this week to your personal growth and watch what happens!
I’d love to know how you are growing in your business and life!
If you had 30 days to focus with intentional pursuit in just one area of your personal life, knowing it would cause your business to breakthrough to the next income level, what area would you put your focus?
Why do you believe this area in your personal life is key to your business growth?
Share your thoughts with me below!
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