Welcome to our 25 Days of Advent Bible Study Series with Angelica Duncan!
I’m so glad you’ve joined us in journeying through Scripture to discover the foretelling and fulfillment of the Messiah all throughout the Bible.
Today is Day 7 of the 25 Days of Advent Bible Study Series and we will be looking at the foretelling of Christ as being the Chief Cornerstone.
Yesterday, we studied about the foretelling of Christ as being a Priest like Melchizedek.
Let’s dig into the 25 Days of Advent together!
25 Days of Advent Book Recommendations
Some of my favorite Advent devotionals, books, and family readings!
Before we go into today’s lesson, I wanted to give you a few Advent book recommendations that will help you and your family maintain the holiness and sacredness of this Christmas season.
Below are my favorite Advent books for you, your children, and your family.
By the way, if you haven’t registered for the 25 Days of Advent Bible Study Series, I’d love to have you join us!
It comes with, Exclusive Study Video Lessons + Daily Study Blog Posts + Bible Reading Plan + Daily encouragement emails through the study! Plus, you’ll have a chance to grab the study materials I mentioned in today’s video lesson.
It’s FREE to register. You can join us any time!
Study Along with 1000s of Women as We Discover the Foretelling and Fulfilling of the Messiah in Scripture!
Our 25 Days of Advent Bible Study Series is a Perfect Compliment to this Holy Season of Our Lord!
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25 Days of Advent Daily Scripture Reading – Day 7
Our daily Scripture reading for the 25 Days of Advent Bible Study Series is Psalm 118:22-23:
22 The stone that the builders rejected
has become the cornerstone.
23 This is the Lord‘s doing;
it is marvelous in our eyes.
25 Days of Advent Video Lesson – Day 7
(Watch & Subscribe on YouTube!)
25 Days of Advent Reflections & Commentary – Day 7
The Chief Cornerstone
In today’s lesson of the 25 Days of Advent Bible Study Series, we discovered the foretelling of the Messiah as being the Chief Cornerstone (Psalm 118:22-23).
This is later fulfilled in the New Testament.
Here’s what we know in this Scripture:
A cornerstone is the part of a building that literally holds everything together. Think of it like the corner of your room. Without the corner, the room wouldn’t exist. You’d have no walls, no need for a door, and nowhere to put your windows.
The cornerstone is essential to have a building that lasts and lasts for years to come.
That’s exactly what Jesus is – He is the Chief Cornerstone!
(“Chief” meaning the most important.)
He is the essential piece that makes everything come together and holds everything together. Without Him, the Kingdom of God and the Body of Christ would not exist. Thank God for the Messiah – the Chief Cornerstone!
25 Days of Advent Prayer – Day 7
Pray this with me for our 25 Days of Advent Prayer:
Dear Lord, I thank you for your fulfillment of Psalm 118:22-23.
Jesus the Messiah was prophesied about in this Scripture as being the Chief Cornerstone.
He is the most essential element in the building of the Kingdom, the Church, and the Body of Christ.
Without Him, it all falls apart. But with Him, it all holds together and will last for eternity!
May our hearts keep the focus on Christ’s birth, purpose, and fulfillment during this Holy Season.
In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
25 Days of Advent Discussion – Day 7
Let’s Chat About Today’s Lesson!
In today’s lesson of the 25 Days of Advent Bible Study Series, we discovered the foretelling of the Messiah as being the Chief Cornerstone.
I’d love to know any cross-references, reflections, or deeper meanings + understandings you gained from today’s 25 Days of Advent study.
Chime in below with your thoughts. You can even head over to Youtube or Facebook and share your reflections there, too. I can’t wait to hear from you!
Want to Learn More About the 25 Days of Advent Bible Study Series?
There’s more to the foretelling and fulfilling of the Messiah in Scripture!
I hope you learned something new in today’s lesson of the 25 Days of Advent Bible Study Series! There’s so much more for us to learn and discover about the foretelling and fulfillment of the Messiah all throughout Scripture!
Be sure to check out the next lesson in The 25 Days of Advent Bible Study Series! We’re going to discover the foretelling of Christ as the King Who comes in the name of the Lord.
You can also register for FREE to get Exclusive Study Video Lessons + Daily Study Blog Posts + Bible Reading Plan + Daily encouragement emails through the study! Plus, you’ll have a chance to grab the study materials I mentioned in today’s video lesson.
Here are my other posts in the 25 Days of Advent Bible Study Series:
- 25 Days of Advent Bible Study Series (Day 1) – The Seed of a Woman
- 25 Days of Advent Bible Study Series (Day 2) – The Star of Jacob
- 25 Days of Advent Bible Study Series (Day 3) – Declared as the Son of God
- 25 Days of Advent Bible Study Series (Day 4) – Blessed by the nations
- 25 Days of Advent Bible Study Series (Day 5) – The firstborn of God
- 25 Days of Advent Bible Study Series (Day 6) – A priest like Melchizedek
- 25 Days of Advent Bible Study Series (Day 7) – The Chief Cornerstone

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