Today is the final lesson in our mini series on “The Fail-Proof Beginner’s Guide To Starting A Blog.” Today I’m going to show you the 12 things you need to do after starting your blog. While that seems like a lot, it really isn’t — it’s very simple stuff!
In the last three trainings, we learned how to:
- Pick the perfect domain name
- Install WordPress in 7 minutes or less
- How To Choose The Perfect WordPress Theme For Your Blog
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The 12 Things You Need To Do After Starting Your Blog
So, you just started your blog and you’re ready to hit the ground running making money and crushing your goals, right?
Well, not so fast!
In order for your blog to be ready for publication, there are a few things you’re going to need to do first, right after stating your blog.
After stating your blog, it’s important to know your best next steps.
This is designed to set you up for success from the beginning. You don’t want to have to come back later and work on these foundation pieces later on.
It’s a pain.
Trust me.
Today I’m going to show you exactly what you need to do after you’ve started your blog. These last few steps are crucial, so be sure you’re paying attention and don’t miss a step!
Related: A Showcase of Beautiful, Feminine WordPress Themes
Today’s training will include a step-by-step instructions on the 12 things you need to do after starting a blog. It’s not as long or difficult as you think!
I’m going to make this part of starting a blog super easy and simple for you. One way I’m doing that is by giving you my “Must-Have” Blogging Terms Cheat Sheet. It will save you a ton of time. . . and massive headaches with all the new techy stuff you’ll be learning soon. (I tell you how you can grab it right below the video.)
I’m keeping my promise to you…
. . . by the end of this training series, you’ll have a working blog you’ll be proud of! I hope you’ll hold me to it!
Let’s show you the 12 things you need to do after starting a blog!
Tech Tools You’ll Need
- How To Pick The PERFECT Domain Name – P31 TV | Tech Thursday Training
- How To Install WordPress In 7 Minutes or Less – P31 TV | Tech Thursday Training
- Restored 316 WordPress Theme (This will make your blog look feminine and pretty with all the bells and whistles!)
- The Genesis Framework (You need this in order to be able to use Restored 316)
- My “Must-Have” Blogging Terms Cheat Sheet in my Blogging & Business Vault.
Now Keep Reading!
Here’s A Quick Preview Of Today’s Episode:
- Here’s a quick break down of the 12 things you need to do after starting your blog:
- Update your blog title & description
- Adjust dates
- Choose permalink structure
- Establish Google Analytics account
- Submit your sitemap
- Install the WordFence plugin
- Create your About & Contact pages
- Include your privacy, disclosure and terms of use
- Claim all social media accounts
- Design & add your favicon
- Brainstorm post ideas
- Determine brand colors
Grab your journal and pen. . . Let’s help you choose the perfect WordPress Theme!
Watch Over My Shoulder In Today’s Tech Thursday Training!
Want More?
Today we learned how to choose the perfect WordPress theme for your blog. But things don’t end there!
We’re also going to learn about:
- Designing your own logo
- Choosing your brand colors
- Including a blog signature
- And more!
Download Your FREE Cheat Sheet
To help you get started with building your blog, I created a cheat sheet of the most frequently used blogging terms. I remember when I first started out – blogging was like learning a new language. So I’m making it easier for you! I want you to make this your go-to resource, as you’re building your blog!
- Download the Cheat Sheet. You’ll get the cheat sheet, access to my Business Vault, plus advanced notice of all the exciting happenings around here!
- Print. Any paper will do. I recommend either laminating it or using a sheet protector. (Yes, you’re gonna get a lot of frequent flyer miles with this!)
- Keep it in your Personal Learning Library to have it easily accessible, as you’re building your blog!
Grab Your Own Copy of My “Must-Have” Blogging Terms Cheat Sheet
(Don’t get caught blogging without it!)
The perfect WordPress Theme has never been so feminine! #restored316 Click To TweetLet’s Chat!
Which step did you find the most challenging? How can I help you with that? You can chime in, by clicking here! 🙂
Links And References Mentioned In This Episode:
Buy A Restored 316 – Feminine themes for your blog/website. Also known as a child theme. (You need this to easily create a beautiful website for your “online real estate.” This is what I use!)
Genesis Framework – The creators of the Genesis Theme. Also known as a parent theme. You need this to be able to use Restored 316 themes. (It won’t work without it.)
All About Restored 316 WordPress Themes – Giving you all the deets on these beautiful, feminine WordPress Themes!
Restored 316 Showcase – A robust showcase of real-life examples of other women bloggers and online entrepreneurs using the R316 Themes!
Genesis Framework FAQs – Get all of your questions answered about the Genesis Framework
Top 7 Rookie Branding Mistakes To Avoid – Branding Epic Fails That Can Cost You BIG!
How To Pick A Blog Niche That’s Perfect For You – 7 Steps To Creating A Blog You Can’t Wait To Write About!
101 Blog Niche Ideas – Endless Topics & Ideas You Can Use To Start Your Blog!

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