I LOVE studying the Word of God! I also know how challenging it can be, when you’re not sure where to start, what books you need, and how to make your study and devotional time power-packed and effective. Knowing which must-have bible study resources and tools are best for you, can be a bit intimidating.
So, I’m making it super simple for you!
Watch the P31 TV Episode below, for my favorite (and recommended) Bible Study resources. Also, if you’ll scroll just below the video, you can get the complete list, PLUS more of my bible study teaching tools recommendations — not mentioned in the video.
I promise. . . you are sure to find these, as valuable investments into your discipleship, helping you to grow as a Daughter of the King!
P.S. (My old blog name was Silk Over Steel, so if you hear me say it, in the video, that’s why!)
Related: Busy Woman’s Guide To Studying The Bible
My Favorite & MUST-HAVE Bible Study Tools
Below are some quick-links and a more expanded list of the best Bible Study Tools I can recommend. I have them all broken down by category. Some of these bible study references can be found strictly online or you may have to invest a little bit to get them delivered to your door.
But trust me, it’s TOTALLY worth it!
These tools and resources, for studying the Bible, are great for beginners or more advanced bible study goers — and everyone in between. There’s something here for everyone!
There’s no need to feel intimidated by any of these bible study teaching tools, either.
If you’re just starting out and not quite sure what you should get first, I’d go this route first and then add different Bible Study resources, as you become more comfortable or feel the need for more.
If you’re anything like me, then you’re an all-or-nothing kind of girl and will probably grab all of these Bible Study tools, at once! LOL #nojudgement #nerdgirlsunite
Beginner’s Bible Study Resources And Tools
If you’re just starting out studying your bible and delving deeper into God’s Word, you really don’t want to overwhelm yourself with too many bible study tools and resources. Here’s what I’d recommend for you:
- Easy-to-read Study Bible for Women
- Strong’s Concordance (online version here)
- Halley’s Bible Handbook
- Accu-Gel Bible Hi-Glider Highlighters
- Pigma Micron Bible Study Pens
- You can save and grab them in a combo pack together.
- Pretty journal or composition book
- Colorful Post-it Notes
Be sure to bookmark this post! I’m planning to do a follow-up video, showing you how to use each of these, as you’re learning how to study your bible, more in-depth. So no worries, if you’re brand new to all of this. I won’t leave you hanging! #pinkypromise
You can find the full list of my favorite bible study tools and references, over my Amazon List!
The BEST Study Bibles For Women
So, let’s start off with a great study bible. A Bible is the foundation to your study, so you want to have one that will go the distance with you, as you grow as a disciple of Christ.
Here’s what I recommend, when you’re looking for a good study bible:
- A Bible version that’s easy to understand, but not too far off-track from the original text. For that reason, I tend to stick to King James Version (KJV); New King James Version (NKJV); and/or English Standard Version (ESV)
- Font size that’s readable and easy to see. Look — my eyes are aging right along with me, so I need a slightly larger text these days! LOL PLUS I absolutely LOVE writing in my bible, so the larger text gives me room in the margins and lines to write and not have a mess everywhere on my pages!
- Parallel version of the Bible. I really do enjoy digging into God’s Word and seeing other expressions of the text. I don’t like deviating from the text too much, but it’s always fun to see how others express the same text, but in different ways. So, a parallel version of the Bible allows me to do this with ease (and without guilt). This way I can always reference back to one of my preferred versions to be sure I’m not wandering too far away from the Lord’s original meaning of that passage of scripture.
Be sure to check out the full list of my favorite bible study tools and references, over my Amazon List!
Bible Study Reference Books You’ll LOVE!!
I’m a total #nerdgirl and I geek out over studying just about ANYTHING!
(Little known fact. . . I used to read the dictionary and thesaurus “for fun” growing up — and if I’m being totally honest with you, I still do to this day!)
Below, you’ll find my favorite Bible Study reference books.
You can use these to REALLY dig deep into the historical context of scripture; figure out timelines (because oftentimes different books of the bible overlap); understand the hebrew and greek meanings of words; and use maps to visualize where certain events happened + overlay where those ancient sites were in comparison to today.
If you’re a nerd, like me, you’ll LOVE these!
You can find the full list of my favorite bible study tools and references, over my Amazon List!
Bible Note-Taking & Journaling Made Simple
One of the things that’s really important, in order to be effective with in-depth bible study, is to have note-taking and journaling supplies.
These bible study resources will make it easier for you to document your studies, organize all of your biblical findings, and have nostalgia moments, when you flip back through your bible and journal years later and discover all those hidden treasures of bible study!
For me, this is THE BEST part of all! Being able to see how I’ve grown over the years and all the neat things I found in God’s Word, as I was studying is SO gratifying!
I want you have that same experience, too!
Be sure to check out the full list of my favorite bible study tools and references, over my Amazon List!
Bible Journaling & Art Supplies
For my creative SisterFriends, I thought you’d enjoy knowing you can totally combine your love for Jesus and the Arts, with your Bible Study! Bible journaling and other forms of artistic expression can absolutely be part of your quiet time. So, it’s important to have the right artsy bible study supplies for that!
My friend Lillian over at Embracing the Lovely has a whole, entire blog dedicated to helping your grow your creative faith! She teaches you how to express your faith creatively through all kinds of art forms — micro bible journaling, washi tape, embrodiery, crafts, watercolors, photography, even using digital design from Adobe products, and MORE!!
The girl is BAD to the bone!
I recently signed up for her Micro Bible Journaling Challenge! I’m so glad I did!
I ended up purchasing this journaling bible just for the challenge. It’s a BEAUTY!! It has a cloth floral design on the outside, plus has wide margins to journal, draw, paint, or create. I really needed to get a new bible anyways, so it was perfect timing!
Take a look, below, at some of my recommended bible study resources and tools for bible journaling and worship arts!
Put All of Your New Bible Study Resources & Tools To Use NOW!
By the way, if you’re interested in an in-depth Bible Study and you’re ready to use some of those bible study teaching tools and resources, then this self-paced study is just for you!
I’d like to invite you to join me, in my Proverbs 31 Bible Study!
It comes with, Exclusive Study Video Lessons + Daily Study Blog Posts + Bible Reading Plan + Daily encouragement emails! Best of all it’s Completely FREE!! You can register below. . .
Let’s Start Your Journey,
As A Proverbs 31 Woman NOW!
Let’s Chat!
I’d love to hear from you! Tell me two things. . .
- Let me know — What’s your favorite Bible study resource or tool? (I might add it to my list above, if I don’t have it already.)
- Which of the teaching tools, from above, will you be adding to your personal library or wish list?
You can chime in by clicking here!

I purchased the digital companion workbook but I did not receive – should it be immediate or a certain day? Thank you for checking
Hi Bridgette!
You should have received an email with a link to download the PDF almost immediately after signing up.
(Be sure to check your Junk/SPAM folder.)
If not…
Could you please send an email to our Client Concierge Team? clientcare@proverbs31businesswoman.com
We’ll look into this and promise to get back with you!
It’s an honor to have you here! ☺️
The beautiful journal & post it notes
Wonderful! I hope they’re helpful to you in your studies!
I just recently bought the She Reads Truth Christian Standard Bible in Poppy and I love it! And I will definitely be trying a lot of your suggestions! Thank you so much for your list.
My pleasure!
I’m enjoying this so much. I love all the resource information and links.
Thank you!
I Can’t wait
Reading the dictionary and thesaurus for fun? I didn’t realize we were twins!!! 🙂
Great post, sis!
Thanks for sharing, this was some amazing resources. I can’t wait to purchase them and get my studying on.
My pleasure!
Easy to Read Study Bible For Women
Halley’s Bible Handbook
The Study Bible for Women -Holman Christian Standard Bible
By Holman Bible Publishers.
I love it.It had the lineage, it has a Hard Question section,etc. It really breaks the Bible- down step by step.
Thanks for that! I’m going to check it out!
I’m reading between the KJV Bible and the NIV I also have a devotional book called Jesus Always by Sarah Young and I have this other devotional that’s almost like a way you can Bible study.
I have the complete guide to the Bible and I love it. It tells in detail the Old and New Testament. Very easy to read.
I have all the resources.
Where is the video that goes with the workbook? It says it’s online here
Hi Nicole! Please send us an email and we can walk you through finding the videos for each daily lesson. (ClientCare@Proverbs31BusinessWoman.com)
I’m excited to join the proverb 31 women
We’re so glad you could join us, Donna! ❤
Hi! First, my name is Dana and not Donna but I get that or Dianna a lot. I’ve found two online resources other than the Strong’s concordance of the Bible. The first is called “Constable’s Notes Plano Chapel. He was a leading seminary professor for years at Dallas Theological Seminary until he retired. The other one is Study Light.org: read study and search God’s word with our Bible resources.
Just thought I’d let you know the three things I’ve been using pretty regularly now.
I alReady have most of your resources but I like a good old fashioned dictionary. I break down the passage I am studying by each word, looking at each definition. Sometimes what I thought a word meant isn’t always true. It helps me get a better handle on my studies.
I am a note taker, highlighter and you can’t study without a good dictionary! Love Word studies.