Welcome to Episode #2 of Silk Over Steel TV {sos tv}!
I am so amped about this week’s episode!
Today I’m going to share with you how to get more people to buy from you on Facebook. This seems to elude nearly every new business owner. They know they need to be on Facebook, because it’s the #1 place to not only market your business and to connect with their clients. But they haven’t quite figured out the secret to getting more people to buy their products and services from them, on this platform. Well, today you’re going to learn what it took me YEARS to figure out and discover.
Here’s a quick preview of today’s episode:
- Does your audience know, like, and trust you? This is really where the sale begins. It doesn’t matter if it’s online, at your favorite boutique, or a car lot. Sales all start with a relationship. Make and maintain your relationship with your audience on Facebook and you’ll see your sales skyrocket!
- Be yourself. It’s a commonly held myth that you need to get all glammed up, have the perfect backdrop, and look totally flawless, in order to get noticed online. This couldn’t be further from the truth. If you want to people to get to know you, like you, and trust you, then you need to be YOU!
- Do you want to know the secret sauce on Facebook? Y.O.U. I see so many people on Facebook trying to build a business, but they are leaving themselves out of it. Remember Facebook was created around the idea of community and culture, so you have to have your eyes on that. Bring yourself into your business. Your audience will thank you!
Grab your journal and pen…let’s learn how you can get more people to buy from you on Facebook!
Tune into Episode #2 of Silk Over Steel TV!
How can you get your audience to know, like, and trust you? Name 2-3 specific things you can do this week to start building a rapport with your audience on Facebook.
Do you feel you are being yourself, 100% authentic on Facebook? Why or why not? List a few things you believe are holding you back from being yourself. Once you push past these and step into your own authenticity, you’ll see things soar!
Chime in, Ladies! 🙂
Links and references mentioned in this episode:
Facebook Marketing Made Simple – Grow your audience on Facebook with this class! I show you how to get your first 1,000 Facebook fans of highly targeted, ideal clients, who find you irresistible and keep coming back for more of what you have to offer. (Yes! They’ll want to buy from you, too!)
Check out the other episodes in this series!
Episode #3 – Creating Culture, Community, And Engagement On Your Facebook Page
Episode #4 – Debunking Facebook Myths

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