If you’ve come to this article, chances are you’re here because you want to learn more about the Genesis Framework and likely for several other reasons:
- You are seriously considering buying the Genesis Framework for your blog or website
- You’ve heard a lot about it and want to know what the hype is all about
- You’ve just purchased one a Restored 316 Theme and you also need the Genesis Framework to get your blog or website up and running
Maybe you have some burning questions you need answered.
Maybe you want reassurance that you’re making the right decision.
Maybe you are looking for a few more reasons to choose the Genesis Framework. (As if you didn’t already know it’s awesome!)
Either way, you’ve come to the right place!
I think it’s really important to have a basic understanding of the Genesis Framework, which you’ll hopefully get after reading through everything.
Here’s what you’ll get answers to:
– What is the Genesis Framework? (Most people don’t know what it is and oftentimes think it’s more complicated than it really is.) I’m going to simplify it for you!
– Why should you use the Genesis Framework? (Outside of it being awesome, I’m going to give you some concrete reasons why you should be using it. From there, you can decide if it’s superior to anything else you’ve been considering.)
– What should you know before you buy the Genesis Framework? (There’s a lot to know, but you don’t need to know everything. I simplify and breakdown what’s most important for you to know, so you can make an informed decision. And hopefully that means going with the Genesis Framework!)
We’re going to cover a lot of ground, so hold on to your wig, be sure you’re steady in your stilettos (no newborn calf strides here), and clutch your purse!
Let’s talk about all the things you should know about the Genesis Framework before you buy and any other FAQs you may have!
1. What is The Genesis WordPress Framework?
The Genesis Framework is an underlying framework of code that empowers designers, developers, and users with the ability to quickly and easily build gorgeous, beautiful websites within WordPress.
Not only that, the Genesis Framework adds extra hooks, actions, and filters for developers to use, which gives you (the end-user) more flexibility with personalized customizations, without having to keep a developer on retainer.
Here’s how it all works:
The Genesis Framework is your parent theme. It’s where all the core website functionality exists. Think of it as a centralized location where the heart and brain of your website reside.
A child theme (like a Restored 316 Theme) is then layered on top of the parent theme. It adds all the beautiful styling, design, and other aesthetic features, which make your blog or website look gorgeous and unique!
2. What’s the difference between the Genesis Framework and a Child Theme?
Here’s the best way I know how to explain how this works:
What is the Genesis Framework?
The Genesis Framework is just like it says – it’s a frame. It lays the foundation and sets the structure for your website.
It is also what we call a ‘parent theme.’
The Restored 316 WordPress Themes make your website look pretty, by giving it design elements and functionality.
It is also what we call a ‘child theme.’
Both a parent theme and a child theme are needed. They work together in layers, with the ‘parent theme’ laying underneath and the ‘child theme’ laying on top.
Let’s Use The Analogy Of A Car!
The Genesis Framework is like the frame of your car. It lays the foundation and sets the structure for your car.
The Restored 316 WordPress Themes are like the exterior and interior features of your car. It’s the paint color, leather seats, spoiler, rims, and all the other exterior and interior features that really make the car valuable.
It’s both, the frame of the car and the interior and exterior features, which make the car a finished and functional product. You can’t have one without the other.
This is how the Genesis Framework and the Restored 316 WordPress Themes work in tandem. You need both to have a finished and functional website.
Amy Lynn Andrews has a great analogy for explaining this further, using the example of artwork. Check it out!
Speaking of child themes, if you’re a woman blogger or entrepreneur who’s looking for a beautiful, feminine WordPress theme to make your site not only look pretty and professional, but also have full functionality then I HIGHLY RECOMMEND Restored 316 Themes!
They will meet every need you have including:
- Ease of use
- Beautifully designed
- Fully customizable
- Completely optimized
- And more!
Related: Everything You Ever Wanted To Know About Restored 316 WordPress Themes
The ladies over at Restored 316 Themes have over 17 to choose from! (That’s a lot!)
To make your selection easier, I’ve created the Restored 316 Buyer’s Guide.
Download Your FREE Restored 316 Buyer’s Guide!
To help you decide which Restored 316 Theme is best for your business, blog, and brand, I’ve created a buyer’s guide just for you!
I remember when I fell in love with the Restored 316 Themes, but I couldn’t decide, which theme I wanted and NEEDED for my business. (There are so many to choose from, all with great features and options!)
Now, I’m taking the guesswork out of selecting the perfect theme!
The Restored 316 Buyer’s Guide will help you compare and contrast all R316 themes. I want you to keep this handy and refer to as often as you need. This will help you decide which theme is perfect for you!
- Download the Restored 316 Buyer’s Guide. You’ll get the buyer’s guide, access to my Business Vault, plus advanced notice of all the exciting happenings around here!
- View in your browser. Any device will do. It’s a quick read-and-scan.
- Keep it in at your fingertips! You’re going to need it handy, as you read this post and decide which Restored 316 Theme to buy.
Grab Your Own Copy of
The Restored 316 Buyer’s Guide
(Don’t buy your R316 Theme without it!)
3. Who created Genesis?
It was created by the guys (and gals) over at StudioPress. They offer website hosting, premium themes, and the Genesis Framework. (<<< Which is what we’re talking about today.)
4. Why should I use the Genesis Framework?
There are lots of reasons to use the Genesis Framework. Here are just a few and the ones I feel are most important to you!
Search Engine Optimized – Genesis has been fully search optimized by Greg Boser, search engine optimization pioneer and industry expert.
This basically means they’ve put a lot of time, effort, and design to being sure that search engines (like Google, Bing, and Yahoo) can find your website easily. It’s designed so you can rank well and be found by your readers, clients, and Nigerian Princes. 🙂
State-Of-The-Art, Airtight Security – Because hackers are whack and ain’t nobody got time for that!
In general, WordPress sites can be vulnerable to hackers for malicious and exploitative reasons. This can be a very expensive, time-consuming hassle — and really damage your reputation.
The StudioPress guys brought in WordPress developer Mark Jaquith in to make sure the Genesis Framework has the best security possible. With his guidance, they’ve built a framework that follow all of WordPress’ security best practices.
Easy Customizations – They make it really, really easy for you to customize your site and having it looking just the way you want it! Here’s what I love most about their customizations:
Theme Options
If you want to change your site layout of color scheme, you can easily do does with a few clicks and the changes update immediately!
Widget Ready
WordPress widgets add powerful functionality to your site. Without having to know anything about code, you can use simple widgets to add sidebars, social media sharing buttons, opt-in forms, and much more!
Ready For Advertising
Most of their themes are ready for advertising. Just insert your advertising code, from Google AdSense, ShareASale, or any others, into a text widget and you can start collecting advertising revenue. Easy, peasy, breezy!
WordPress and Theme Tutorials
If you want to go a bit further with WordPress or get even more out of Genesis, they have tons of tutorials to teach you all you need to know. (I do this kind of stuff for fun. Anyone else?) #nerdalert
Updated Regularly – Most websites are hacked, simply because they haven’t been updated. The guys (and gals) over at StudioPress make updating to the current version of WordPress and Genesis a snap. Everything is integrated and they test all updates thoroughly. Just click the update button and you’re done!
Community – They’ll never brag about this because StudioPress is too modest, but their community is simply awesome! It doesn’t matter your level of expertise, there’s someone ready and available to help you. No question is too silly or novice.
5. Exactly what do I get when I buy the Genesis Framework and/or one of their Child Themes?
You’ll get the following:
- Your own account at my.studiopress.com, which houses all of the themes you have access to. You can log in to your account at any time and download your theme(s) on demand.
- Access to all of their tutorials. (Super helpful by the way.)
- Superior one-on-one customer support by filing a ticket with their fab support team.
(Here’s more deets on the kind of support you can (and cannot) expect from StudioPress.)
6. Do I need to buy the Genesis Framework?
Only if you want to have a fabulous looking site that represents your blog, business, and brand, at it’s best! Then absolutely YES!
(BTW if you’re using a Restored 316 Theme, then that means you!)
If not, then you are more than welcome to use a free WordPress theme or something by another designer that you may not be able to fully customize, lacks security, and will frustrate you more than burnt bacon.
Pppsssttt…I HIGHLY recommend using Restored 316 Themes. They are built on the Genesis Framework and are feminine, classy, and oh so beautiful!
Related: Restored 316 Feminine WordPress Themes Showcase
7. Do I need special software or system requirements to use Genesis themes?
Yes, you do, but nothing complicated, at all. Here’s what you’ll need:
- Your own domain and and self-hosting
- Have WordPress installed on your site
- You’ll also need to have a basic understanding of how to move around and work within the WordPress dashboard.
I talk all about how to do this in my “Fail-Proof” Beginner’s Guide To Starting A Blog.
Note: WordPress.com does not allow theme installation. The Genesis Framework and child themes are made, with love, for the self-hosted version of WordPress (WordPress.org).
8. How many sites can I use Genesis Framework on?
As many as your heart desires. The guys over at StudioPress do not limit your useage or the support they offer you. So if you have 10 sites, you can use the Genesis Framework on all 10.
There’s only one caveat. . . say you’re building a site for a friend or client, they will not have access to your customer portal, unless they purchase the Genesis Framework themselves.
So it’s wise to just use Genesis on your own sites.
9. Does the Genesis Framework and Child Themes work with mobile devices?
Absolutely! Their themes are designed to be mobile responsive, which basically means your website will adapt the way it looks and feels when someone accesses it on a mobile device.
10. Ok, so I’m down. I’ve purchased the Genesis Framework and a Child theme, now what?
First of all CONGRATULATIONS!! You’ve just taken a very important step into growing your business and blog online (and to be taken seriously)!
I’m crossing my fingers hoping you also purchased a Restored 316 WordPress Theme!
Here’s everything you ever wanted to know about them!
I’ve also created a showcase of all of their beautiful, feminine wordpress themes + real-life examples! So be sure to take a look, if you haven’t already.
I show you what to do next, after purchasing the Genesis Framework in my “Fail-Proof” Beginner’s Guide to Starting A Blog. Specifically, you need to check out this video tutorial. You get to look over my shoulder as I install Genesis and Restored 316!
Want More?
I hope you have a better understanding of the Genesis Framework and I’ve answered all of your FAQs!
Hopefully, you’ve had a chance to take a peek at some of the Restored 316 Themes and have fallen in love with a few. (I know I did when I first laid eyes on them!) If you’re on the fence about which one to buy, be sure to grab my Restored 316 Buyer’s Guide! I take the guesswork out of selecting the perfect theme for your blog, business, and brand!
Grab Your Own Copy of My Restored 316 Buyer’s Guide
(Don’t buy your R316 Theme without it!)
Also, you may want to learn more about the Restored 316 Feminine WordPress Themes – here’s everything you ever wanted to know about them! I give you 7 reasons why you should choose Restored 316 Feminine WordPress Themes and more!
Knowing which Restored 316 Themes is a good fit for you is priceless! This is a crucial step in building your blog and growing your business. Here’s a showcase of R316’s WordPress Themes with real-life examples from other women bloggers and entrepreneurs!
To learn how to start a blog or website, I’d like to invite you to check out my “Fail-Proof” Beginner’s Guide To Starting A Blog where I show you how get your blog up and running. . . we’ll start with selecting your domain name, to getting started with WordPress, to installing one of the Restored 316 Themes, and so much more!
It’s really and truly “fail-proof” (even if you’re tech-challenged).
Let’s Chat!
Today, I explained, the Genesis Framework, in a simple, easy-to-understand way and answered a bunch of FAQs
Is there something I missed? Do you have any other questions? I’d love to answer them for you! You can chime in, by clicking here!

Thank you, Angelica, for putting this article together. It was very helpful and informative.