If you’re reading this, then chances are it’s likely you’ve heard all the rave about Restored 316 WordPress Themes! Or you’ve seen a website you love that uses one of their beautiful, feminine themes. This is my personal, authentic review of Restored 316 WordPress Themes.
Maybe you’re on the fence about buying one of their themes.
Maybe you’re in need of just a little more information before you make the decision to buy.
Maybe you need someone to give you permission to go ahead and pull the trigger, on purchasing one of the Restored 316 WordPress Themes, because you KNOW they’re right for you!
(Permission granted.)
This post is for you.
✅ Restored 316 Coupon Code
Did you come here for the exclusive Restored 316 coupon code?
You can skip my full review and get all the deets on how you can access the Restored 316 discount (and other freebies) by clicking right here.
Here are other posts in my Restored 316 WordPress Themes Series (including my Restored 316 WordPress Themes Review):
- FULL REVIEW: Restored 316 Themes (Coupon Code + Freebies!)
- SHOWCASE: Restored 316 Themes (Examples of Top Bloggers)
- What Is The Genesis Framework (And Other FAQs)
- NEW in 2018! Anchored Theme Review: Restored 316 Themes (Showcase & Details)
- NEW in 2019! Beloved Theme Review: Restored 316 Themes (Showcase & Details)
Quick Links For Information In This Post
Restored 316 WordPress Themes Review
I promise to be honest, forthright, and to give you all the nitty-gritty details in my Restored 316 review. I want you to be able to make the best decision for you, your blog, and your business. You can only do that when you are armed with the right information. My Restored 316 WordPress review will do just that for you!
I remember the first time I laid eyes on one of Lauren’s themes. I literally fell head over heels in love with them!
I knew instantly it was for me!
(BTW Lauren Gaige is the owner of R316.)
Her clean, feminine, and user-friendly themes were what I needed to take my blog and business seriously and to the next level.
I had this dream in my heart to start my blog and business, so I could gracefully leave my 9-5 and come home to my husband and children full time.
God had given me a HUGE vision! And I wanted to do it justice.
I knew my website needed to have a professional and polished look, but I didn’t have the skills, time, or extra resources to design and build a website.
The Restored 316 WordPress Themes were an answer to my prayers!
I really think it’ll be an answer to yours, too!
Let’s jump right into my personal review of Restored 316 WordPress Themes…
Related: Restored 316 Feminine WordPress Themes Showcase
Not All Premium WordPress Themes Are Treated Equally
But first let’s talk about what you need to look for, in a premium WordPress Theme.
There’s a big difference in a free vs. a paid WordPress theme. (I’ll talk more about that later.) But for now, just know you really want to have a paid theme.
Here’s what you should look for in a premium (paid) WordPress theme:
- Out-of-the-box usable
- Mobile responsive
- Compatible on multiple browsers
- Supports popular plugins
- Aesthetically pleasing, modern design
- Customer support
- Fully customizable
- Easy “branding”
- Updated regularly
- Optimized for SEO
- Good, easy to follow Navigation
- Social Media Navigation
If that sounds like gibberish to you or your eyes are glazing over, no worries! I’ve got you covered. Just know these things are super important – and be glad you don’t need to be an expert at any of this, in order to have a beautiful, professional, and clean website.
The Restored 316 WordPress Themes have all of these features and more! They are a trusted brand of WordPress themes for successful women bloggers, coaches, and online businesses!
And there’s a good reason for it, too!
So, let’s get down into the nitty-gritty on my Restored 316 Review. . .
. . . Here’s everything you ever wanted to know about the Restored 316 WordPress Themes!
Restored 316 WordPress Themes Use The Genesis Framework
Before I can talk about my Restored 316 review, I have to give you some background information about the Genesis Framework first and why that’s important with making a decision to buy a Restored 316 WordPress Theme.
The Genesis Framework is the creme de la creme of WordPress themes. It lays a nearly perfect foundation, for you to be able to design and build the perfect website for your blog and business.
However, it’s a parent theme. You will need a child theme (like one of the Restored 316 WordPress Themes) to make your blog look pretty and have all the bells and whistles your heart desires.
Here’s a really quick explanation of what the Genesis Framework is and how all of this works (especially if you’re tech-challenged and your eyes are glazing over right now):
What is the Genesis Framework?
The Genesis Framework is just like it says – it’s a frame. It lays the foundation and sets the structure for your website.
It is also what we call a ‘parent theme.’
The Restored 316 WordPress Themes make your website look pretty, by giving it design elements and functionality.
It is also what we call a ‘child theme.’
Both a parent theme and a child theme are needed. They work together in layers, with the ‘parent theme’ laying underneath and the ‘child theme’ laying on top.
Let’s Use The Analogy Of A Car!
The Genesis Framework is like the frame of your car. It lays the foundation and sets the structure for your car.
The Restored 316 WordPress Themes are like the exterior and interior features of your car. It’s the paint color, leather seats, spoiler, rims, and all the other exterior and interior features that really make the car valuable.
It’s both, the frame of the car and the interior and exterior features, which make the car a finished and functional product. You can’t have one without the other.
This is how the Genesis Framework and the Restored 316 WordPress Themes work in tandem. You need both to have a finished and functional website.
Related: What is the Genesis Framework? (And Other FAQs)
Chrissy touts about the ease and functionality of R316 theme:
I have just changed my theme to R316 and use the Captivating Theme. I totally LOVE it! The thing that drew it to me was the flexibility and support. They felt like they would be around for a long time, and so the themes would be looked after (I had to move from my old theme as it stopped being updated). I love the idea that I can change themes within R316 easily if I wanted a change at all, and I really couldn’t be happier with what my site looks like at the moment. (Chrissy uses R316’s Captivating Theme at organisemyhouse.com
Be sure to grab the Genesis Framework, if you don’t have it already. You need BOTH to create the beautiful blog you’ve been dreaming of!of!
Nearly all website developers swear by the Genesis Framework. And rightfully so! They’ve earned a great reputation and standard, by keeping their developers and customers happy!
Here’s a short list of reasons why:
- Fully customizable
- SEO-optimized
- Amazing Customer Support
- Updated regularly (for both WordPress & technological trends)
I talk WAY more about What Is The Genesis Framework? (And other FAQs) here, but for now, just know. . .
You want this.
You need this.
The Genesis Framework is Bae!
Restored 316 WordPress Themes Are Beautifully Designed & Feminine
Any honest Restored 316 review should tell you about the beautiful feminine aesthetics of this WordPress theme.
(Plus, there’s over 15 to choose from.)
These aren’t just girlie-girly themes, with a sugar plum fairy look. Not at all.
The Restored 316 WordPress Themes are beautifully designed and feminine, yet uphold a classy look and feel, which will poise you, as a knowledgeable, go-to expert in your field.
Myra had this in mind when choosing R316:
When I was looking for a theme for my blog, I chose Restored 316 for a few reasons. They have a very clean, attractive, and professional look, and are very user-friendly. They have strong capabilities and support. They also came highly recommended from other people. I chose the Market Theme and have absolutely loved using it. I’ve had many compliments about how nice my site looks, the good feel it has, and the ease of navigation. I’ve been very pleased! (Myra uses R316’s Market Theme at AHeartFullofJoy.com)
Don’t forget about the Genesis Framework! You need BOTH to create the beautiful blog you’ve been dreaming of! You can save a few coins by purchasing Market and Genesis as a package here.
Here’s what research tells us. . .
It takes about 3 seconds for someone to decide if they will take you and your business seriously online.
Your website often gives that first impression.
Restored 316 WordPress Themes will not disappoint with impressing and captivating your readers!
(And they make it SO EASY for you to do!)
Before you pick a Restored 316 WordPress Theme, READ BELOW FIRST!
Download Your FREE Restored 316 Buyer’s Guide!
To help you decide which of the Restored 316 WordPress Themes is best for your business, blog, and brand, I’ve created a buyer’s guide just for you!
I remember when I fell in love with the Restored 316 WordPress Themes, but I couldn’t decide, which theme I wanted and NEEDED for my business. (There are so many to choose from, all with great features and options!)
Now, I’m taking the guesswork out of selecting the perfect theme!
The Restored 316 Buyer’s Guide will help you compare and contrast all R316 themes. I want you to keep this handy and refer to as often as you need. This will help you decide which theme is perfect for you!
- Download the Restored 316 Buyer’s Guide. You’ll get the buyer’s guide, access to my Business Vault, plus advanced notice of all the exciting happenings around here!
- View in your browser. Any device will do. It’s a quick read-and-scan.
- Keep it in at your fingertips! You’re going to need it handy, as you read this post and decide which of the Restored 316 WordPress Themes to buy.
Grab Your Own Copy of
The Restored 316 Buyer’s Guide
(Don’t buy your R316 Theme without it!)
Ok, so let’s keep talking about everything you need to know about the Restored 316 WordPress Themes…
Restored 316 WordPress Themes Are Startup And Budget-Friendly
My Restored 316 review would fall flat if I didn’t talk about the cost.
Look, I get it.
You’ve got this super huge dream, in your heart, for your blog and business.
You’ve also got a budget.
Because let’s face it, your family still has to eat, have a warm home, and has other life’s essentials that need caring for. #adulting
This is where people completely bust their startup budget – on a website design.
They end up with a professionally and beautifully designed website (which is stunning by the way), but then they have no money for marketing, professional development, backend systems, and other incidentals that are needed, to build and grow a blog or business.
I’ve seen people drop $5,000 or more on a website and they haven’t even made their first $100, yet. And this is becoming a growing trend in the blogging, coaching, and online business space.
Not wise, ladies.
Not. Wise.
I’m not sure where this whole trend came from, however, if you’re going to splurge on something, then you need to splurge on either your marketing or your professional development and courses – not your website.
So, just how much are Restored 316 WordPress Themes?
I’m so glad you asked!
Restored 316 Themes are only $75!!
(Yep! You read that right!)
That’s less than a cup of coffee (or chai – my fav) for a month at your favorite coffee shop.
You honestly can’t beat that price with a stick!
To hire a website designer, it will cost you $1,000 – 5,000 easily! They are certainly worth their rate, however, when you’re just starting out with building your business and blog, this isn’t a very wise investment. (I’ll talk more about why hiring a website designer is not a good idea, when you’re just starting out, with building your blog and business, later on.)
Pricing and value means a lot to repeat R316 customer, Diana:
I originally chose Restored 316 because I thought their themes were more professional, less cluttered and easier to navigate compared to other themes in that same price point. I use the Divine Theme, on one of my blogs. I am now switching my second blog and store to Simply Charming based on the great experience with the previous theme and amazing support they offer their customers. (Diana uses R316’s Divine Theme at travellinglitelife.com and Simply Charming Theme at pronappingcircuit.com)
Don’t forget about the Genesis Framework! You need BOTH to create the beautiful blog you’ve been dreaming of! You can save a few coins by purchasing Divine and Genesis as a package here.
If paying only $75, for a professionally designed website (that you’re going to love), isn’t motivating to you, then I don’t know what is!
Go ahead, grab your Restored 316 WordPress Theme TODAY!
Your Branding And Business Depend On Restored 316 WordPress Themes
(This is where my Review of Restored 316 gets serious.)
Here’s what I mean.
Yes, there are other themes out there that you can use – both free and paid.
However, from my years of being online and following all of the successful women bloggers and online business owners – when asked what theme they use, most of them say they use a Restored 316 WordPress Theme.
Mauri found this to be true, too!
Oh my gosh, I LOVE Restored 316! I initially chose to use one of Lauren’s themes because that’s what so many bloggers were recommending and I also loved the idea of supporting a Christian company. I continue to use her themes (I’ve since switched themes from the Darling Theme to the Refined Theme) because they are SO easy to customize and their customer service is unmatched. I’ve asked about a million questions, and I’ve gotten every single one of them answered very quickly. They are awesome!! (Mauri uses R316’s Refined Theme at theamericanpatriette.com)
Don’t forget about the Genesis Framework! You need BOTH to create the beautiful blog you’ve been dreaming of! You can save a few coins by purchasing Refined and Genesis as a package here.
I don’t know about you, but that says something to me.
After all, there’s a reason why other successful women bloggers and online business owners are using Restored 316 WordPress Themes.
Just think about it, these women’s businesses and brands are unmistakeable and thriving! Yet, they have chosen to trust their business and brand to the Restored 316 WordPress Themes.
If they can trust the Restored 316 WordPress Themes, so can you!
Success leaves clues. . .
And I’m Matlocks’ much younger, beautiful sister!
Give me all the clues, honey! LOL
That said, there’s no magic fairy dust that can suddenly make your business profitable and successful. So, don’t be misled or delusioned into believing any theme will suddenly make you successful.
It won’t.
You HAVE to do the work!
But your work ethic, stewardship, and God’s grace will open up amazing doors for you, your blog, and your business!
One thing I often do (and I tell my clients) is to research other blogs. When I find a website I love, I like to research its theme. (I show you how to do that here.) I’m always amazed (and not totally surprised) when I discover they are using a R316 theme.
There’s just something about R316!
If there’s a particular Restored 316 WordPress Theme you’re considering, I’d recommend viewing their showcase gallery, where you can browse other women entrepreneurs’ websites and blogs.
This will give you some great ideas on your own customizing, branding, and how a $75 theme can change the look and feel of your blog and business.
Take a look at the Restored 316 WordPress Themes Showcase here!
CLICK HERE!! Join Me & A Beautiful Community of Women Building Spirit-Filled Businesses!
Restored 316 WordPress Themes Have Top-Notch Client Care & Customer Support
I’d be remiss in my Restored 316 review if I didn’t talk about their client care, customer support, and backend help.
Do you have any Apple Products?
Have you ever had an issue with your Apple iPhone or MacBook and you needed to go through AppleCare?
I have.
My experience has always been a good one!
Like always.
They are second to none!
Outside of their wonderful products, Apple prides itself with having an excellent customer service experience. I really believe this is what keeps their customer base loyal and coming back for more!
As an owner of a Restored 316 WordPress Theme, you are partnering up with a client care and customer support experience, which is second to none!
In my opinion, they are like the Apple Care of feminine WordPress themes.
Don’t just take my word for it, read about Heather’s experience!
I loved the look and how much freedom I had to customize. What I really love about R316 though is the hand holding they provide in the setup process! I am not great at all the technical stuff and I would never have been able to change themes myself without the step by step instructions. (Heather uses R316’s Delightful Theme at HappyHumbleHome.com)
Be sure to grab the Genesis Framework, if you don’t have it already. You need BOTH to create the beautiful blog you’ve been dreaming of!
Here’s what you get access to, as an owner of a Restored 316 WordPress Theme:
- Private Facebook Group – where you can ask questions and get the help you need. The help is not just from the owner and staff, but from other R316 clients (like myself). It’s a very supportive and informative group, even for newbies or the tech-challenged. As a matter of fact, that’s who it’s for!
- Online Support – you can submit a ticket to get more advanced help (some for free and some paid). Their response time and solutions are one of the main reasons people love them!
- Tutorials + Documentation – there are a host of tutorials and theme-specific documentation to show you how to do just about anything with their themes. If you have a question – they have an answer!
The extent to which they go to help you and be sure you are a happy customer is refreshing!
The Owner Of Restored 316 WordPress Themes Is A Wife & Mom (So She Gets Us!)
(This is where my Restored 316 review gets personal.)
Lauren Gaige is the owner of the Restore 316 WordPress Themes.
She’s passionate about you.
She’s passionate about me.
She’s passionate about helping women like us “build a successful blog or business by giving you luxury and affordable design, amazing support, and lots of encouragement.”
Lauren’s words. Not mine.
She understands that you and I have dreams, goals, and a big vision for your blog and business! And she wants to see you reach those goals.
She also understands that building a website can be an Achilles heel for many women, which can delay you from starting your business and getting off the ground, in the first place.
As a wife and mother of 8, Lisa admits to not being tech-savvy, but loves R316!
I just adore my Refined Theme! It’s so easy to customize and give my readers a clean, professional, and simple experience when they visit my blog. My favorite part is all of the ways I can customize it to showcase my growing business. (Lisa uses the Refined Theme at gracefulabandon.com
Be sure to grab the Genesis Framework, if you don’t have it already. You need BOTH to create the beautiful blog you’ve been dreaming of!
Her whole passion and purpose of the Restored 316 WordPress Themes is to make this one aspect, of building your blog and business, simple and budget-friendly.
“We are Restored 316 and we’ve got you covered. We create beautiful WordPress themes to help you have a gorgeous web presence without eating up all your dollars.”
She totally gets you!
Restored 316 WordPress Themes Is A Christian Business
As a Christian Business Owner, I feel responsible and compelled to include this perspective in my Restored 316 review.
This matters to some. It may not matter to you, at all.
I am a Christian ministry leader and business owner and I LOVE supporting other Christians in business, especially women!
There is absolutely nothing wrong with buying a theme (or anything else) from a non-christian.
Nothing. At. All.
I patron non-Christian businesses all the time.
For me though, Lauren’s Christian faith, vision for life, and philosophy of business are all interwoven. As a blogger and business owner whose vision and mission is to “equip women to build spirit-filled businesses they love” – this was a match made in heaven for me!
Knowing the deeper “why” behind the Restored 316 WordPress Themes gives context and reveals the heartbeat of the business.
(And I’m a sucker for a business with a heartfelt story.)
The “why” behind R316 was important to Micah, as well:
I chose Restored 316 because I knew I could have a professional looking website that was crisp and professional looking while still portraying my personality. I love their company’s mission and the reason behind the “why” to their name in reference to their Christian beliefs and their love for families. (Micah uses R316’s Captivating Theme at HomeFaithFamily.com)
Be sure to grab the Genesis Framework, if you don’t have it already. You need BOTH to create the beautiful blog you’ve been dreaming of!
So if partroning other Christian business owners, who live out their faith in their lives and businesses matters to you, then I think you should seriously consider Restored 316 WordPress Themes!
After all, mission matters right?
Restored 316 WordPress Coupon + Freebies
Ok, so let’s talk about the REAL reason why you’re reading this article. You want a Restored 316 coupon, right?
Well, you’ve come to the right place! (And it’s fairly simple to snag.)
Just head on over to the Restored 316 Themes website scroll all the way down to the bottom and look for this picture below.
From there, all you have to do is join the Restored 316 mailing list by entering your name and email address. After that, they’ll send you a coupon code for 10% off your first purchase. SWEET DEAL!
Just so you know, you’re not only going to get an exclusive Restored 316 coupon code to use for the purchase of your favorite Restored 316 WordPress Theme, but you’ll also gain access to Lauren’s Private Facebook Community and Free Resources Library.
I talked earlier about just how helpful her Facebook community has been to me. Just in case you missed that you can scroll up and read all about it and their top-notch client care + customer support here.
I haven’t had a chance to take full advantage of the Restored 316 free library, yet, but I did take a peek and let me tell you what you’ll gain access to:
- Lockscreens + Wallpapers for your phone.
- Ebooks and Guides to help you on your blogging + business journey.
- A FREE Restored 316 WordPress Theme! I won’t spoil the surprise – check it out for yourself! (FYI it doesn’t have all the nice features and functionality of the paid Restored 316 Themes, but it’s a great starter theme if you just need something to get up going and you’re low on startup funds.)
Don’t see the Restored 316 coupon code in your email inbox? Two quick things you’ll want to check:
- Check your Spam or Promotions folder. All kinds of things land in there and depending upon who hosts your email, the
- Be sure you confirm your subscription. Your Restored 316 coupon code will only be sent once you confirm that you want to receive emails from Lauren and her Team. Once you do that, they’ll automatically send a follow-up email with your exclusive Restored 316 coupon code.
I hope you enjoy the Restored 316 coupon!
Want More Information About Restored 316 WordPress Themes?
This sums up my Restored 316 WordPress Theme review! I hope I’ve given you everything you never knew about the Restored 316 WordPress Themes! (And I gave you all the deets on the Restored 316 coupon, too!) Hopefully, by now, you’re ready to make that small, yet very important investment in your blog and business
Don’t forget to grab my Restored 316 Buyer’s Guide! I take the guesswork out of selecting the perfect theme for your blog, business, and brand!
Grab Your Own Copy of
The Restored 316 Buyer’s Guide
(Don’t buy your R316 Theme without it!)
Knowing which Restored 316 WordPress Themes is a good fit for you is priceless! This is a crucial step in building your blog and growing your business. Here’s a showcase of R316’s WordPress Themes with real-life examples from other women bloggers and entrepreneurs!
To learn how to start a blog or website, I’d like to invite you to check out my “Fail-Proof” Beginner’s Guide To Starting A Blog where I show you how get your blog up and running. . . we’ll start with selecting your domain name, to getting started with WordPress, to installing one of the Restored 316 Feminine WordPress Themes, and so much more!
It’s really and truly “fail-proof” (even if you’re tech-challenged).
Let’s Chat About Restored 316 Themes!
Today, I gave you the skinny and everything you need to know about the Restored 316 WordPress Themes.
Is there something I missed? Do you have any other questions about Restored 316 Themes? I’d love to answer them for you! You can chime in, by clicking here!

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