Hello! I am Angelica K. Duncan and I am Cheerleader of Women for ladies who are Kingdom-focused and purpose-driven, by their calling in business and leadership.
Welcome to the place where you can let you hair down, kick off your heels, and expose your heart about the truths and triumphs of being a woman in business and leadership!
Through my invitingly-witty blog posts, TV show, and on-demand classes, I’m here to encourage, equip, and empower you to build a spirit-filled business you love and lead with Kingdom purpose.
I help moms and wives, just like you, find your sweet spot in business, by taking your ideas and fashioning them, in such a way you can start and grow a profitable business you love and create an incredible life!
My passion is to empower everyday women, to live extraordinary lives! I take a counterculture approach to discipleship, leadership, and business, by encouraging ladies, like yourself, to live with intentional, wholehearted devotion to Christ. My biggest hope is to challenge and inspire you to be intimate in faith, diligent in business, and lead with grace – all for His Glory!
Look, I get it!
I am a wife and mother of 5 children. I had 4 babies in 5 years (born 2009, 2011, 2013, 2014). The “mom-guilt-career-guilt” cycle sucker punched me shortly after returning to work with my first child.
After the birth of my second child (pictured in my belly above), it was way worse. We had a traumatic birth with him, he was in the NICU for two weeks. For the first 10 days we really didn’t know if he was going to make it. (But God’s Grace!!) I had a little more time off, but then I back to work I went. . . but I felt guilty.
- Guilty for wanting to stay home with my children.
- Guilty for loving my job one day.
- Guilty for resenting my job the next day.
- Guilty for feeling like I might be wasting my education.
- Guilty for going to work just to have my check pay for daycare.
- Guilty for not seeming grateful for the educational opportunities I had been given.
- Guilty for dedicating my daytime hours to my career, which I loved!
- Guilty for not being able to spend the kind of time I wanted to, with my family.
Guilty. Guilty. Guilty.
The guilt trip sucks!
I knew that it would be totally irresponsible of me, to just up and leave my job, without a plan and some way to generate income. My family’s budget was also dependent upon my income, at that time. That’s when I started looking for ways to make the transition from corporate office to home office. It was during this time, I met so many women like me (married with children), who loved what they did and who loved their families with all their hearts, but lived in this crazy guilt-cycle over the things they loved that seemed to all contradict one another.
So, I started building businesses from my kitchen table. (Literally!)
(Most days I still work at my kitchen table.)
Not everything was successful. But I learned the ins and outs of business.
I learned what was a good match for my family’s situation and what wasn’t. I learned how to start a grow a business, from my kitchen table, that would allow me to do what I love and still have the time for the people I love…with ZERO GUILT!
With everything I’ve learned (the successes and failures) I now coach women, who are just like me, how to start and grow their own business from their kitchen table. I offer services and products that are designed with the woman in mind, who needs to grow her business, after hours, while her family sleeps. She wants to use her passions, education, and expertise to grow an incredible business that honors God and her family, alongside working her 9-to-5.
Here’s what I’ve discovered, for most women, who’ve been wise about their family’s finances, it does not necessarily take replacing their full-time income, to allow them to make the move, from corporate office into their home office. For most women, (as in my case), all it takes is about 25-50% of their current income and they could make it happen!
Here’s the deal, virtuous women don’t mind cutting back on luxuries and non-essentials (eating out, manis/pedis, vacations, shopping, etc.), so they can hit their goals. They’re used to doing this kind of thing, in their current careers. With this work ethic and mindset, I show women how to apply these same principles to starting and growing their business and creating an incredible life, right from their kitchen table.
Quite simply put. . .
Because I believe YOU can do it!
I believe in you.
I believe with you.
I believe God for you!
I’m cheering you on behind the scenes, on my Facebook page, in my prayer closet, and bragging on all your accomplishments with everyone I meet! Just consider me your personal cheerleader!
If there’s one thing I’ve learned over the years of building businesses, it’s this – belief matters. If *just one* person believes in you and your silly, crazy, off-the-cuff, wild dreams, then you might just go out there and pursue it! By pursuing it, you might just be successful. I’m not a betting woman, but I betcha you’re the kind of woman who would love to build a successful business!
If so. . .
. . . you’re in the right place!
If you’re ready to step out on faith and build the business of your dreams, then pull up a chair, grab a chai latte, and hang out for a bit. You can find me here, on my blog, or on my Facebook Page with daily encouragement, support, and all the training you’ll ever need to build your business.
“I really want women to know they are precious Daughters of the King. God loves them passionately. I want to see a new generation of Christian wives and moms rising up boldly, confidently, and wisely, in their calling to lead and build businesses that do more than just cater to their families, but serve their community and the Kingdom Agenda. This is what impacts eternity.”
Here’s my promise to you. Authenticity.
I promise to be open, honest, and real with you about what it takes to build a business. (It ain’t always pretty, either.)
If I haven’t tried it, I’m not going to teach it. Period.
I have no issues sharing with you things that don’t work (or at least did not work for me). What I don’t want to do, is to mislead you business-wise or biblically.
Which brings me to this point, everything I teach you about business, leadership, and life will be in alignment with biblically sound principles. If we’re going to build a business God’s way, then there’s no other way I know how to do that, than with my bible wide open. I’m a Jesus Girl through and through. I pray the anointing of the Holy Ghost oozes out on my posts, pages, and products and women are able to walk fully in their design as entrepreneurs and leaders. At the end of the day, this isn’t about me or you, but about Him working through us to reveal more and more of God’s Glory in the earth.
I hope you’re ok with that!
When I’m not helping ladies to strategize their next move and build strong families, I’m baking up sweets in my kitchen (Pinterest is my muse), dancing the night away, birthing my next brain-child, cheering on the Lakers, and indulging in something dripping with chocolate.
Here are 10 things you may not know about me:
♥ I was born in Stuttgart, Germany
♥ I am Hispanic (Yo soy Panameña)
♥ I am a homeschooling mother of 5 (I had 4 kids in 5 years – one was an unplanned homebirth)
♥ I graduated from North Carolina A&T State University – AGGIE PRIDE!!
♥ I’m a product junkie (hair products, lotions, nail polish, lip gloss. . . ok, all cosmetics)
♥ I am a record holding track athlete
♥ I love things that sparkle, shimmer, and shine…especially if it’s in pink and purple
♥ No one in my family calls me by my birth name. No. One.
♥ I appreciate the simple pleasures of life (sunsets, flowers, hugs, & kisses)
♥ I have a secret stash of chocolate, my husband knows nothing about! (ssshhh!)

PS. . . Here are a few articles you may enjoy!
My Biggest Regrets In Business
Why Your Business NEEDS A Blog Or A Website
How To Stay Focused On Your Day Job, While Growing Your Business On The Side
The Real-Deal Nitty, Gritty Truth About Working From Home Successfully