All I can say is WOW!! Happiest New Year 2016 to you and your family! 2016 is here and I don’t know about you, but I sense an urgency to move fully into the things God is calling me and my family to do and explore and discover and become.
Like everyone else, on the cusp of the new year, I have quite a bit of reflection over the past year and I look at the things I need to do more of, improve upon, and change completely. But the recurring themes for me is:
Laser-sharp intentionality
High-level accountability
Purposeful relationships
Comfortable peculiarity
This is where my focus is for me, my family, and my business. All. Of. This.
You see, you have to get to place where you are ok with the chatter and murmur of others that it doesn’t bother you. You’ve got to get to a place where you’re not going to play small so others can feel big. You’ve got to get to a place where you’ll no longer worship at the throne of other people’s opinions. When you get THERE that’s when things really being to shift. This is where your faith and action shift! Are you there yet?
Are you tired of compromising what you know, believe, and are called to walk in so others around you don’t feel intimidated and become envious? Intimidation and envy are nothing more than admiration that’s been perverted into fear. Don’t play into that, by forfeiting your call and purpose.
I’ve been there and my family and I are doing something about it. We’re rising up as “The Duncans” and we’re going to live the kind of God-fearing, darkness-piercing, faith-walking, kingdom-seeking lives God has designed for us. I know this isn’t going to be easy, but I know within all of my being that it’s what we’re supposed to be doing. If that’s you and your family too, then I want you to join me. Keep hanging out here and on my Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram pages. (If you haven’t connected with me there, please do. I’d love to meet you “face-to-face.”) It’s my goal to serve you with the best of what’s in me, so the best of what’s in you can come out! PHEW!
I have so much in store and one the horizon for you in 2016. I’m honored and excited to be able to pour it all out to you!
Happiest New Year 2016 to you! May God’s favor, grace, peace, and love be with you always. May your plans for business and life succeed beyond your wildest dreams! 🙂

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