Motherhood is one of the most joyous, challenging, yet soul-searching jobs any woman can have. Whether you’re a stay-at-home-mom, like myself, or you work outside of the home, like I did for the first 4 years of being a mommy, this one thing is true…
The cooking, cleaning, changing diapers (all 1100 of them), wiping up spills and messes (over and over again), never-ending laundry, kissing boo-boos, refereeing (if you have more than one child), the tantrums, the tears, but Oh! The smiles, laughter, giggles, bedtime stories, tickles, whispers, hugs, prayers, talks, walks, playing – the bonding.
All of it is HARD WORK!!
It can pull on your soul in a way, that you don’t have words to describe. Such a range of emotions can happen all within one hour. (Let’s not talk about the emotions flailing through, all in one day!)
But at the end of the day, all the moms I know, say it’s worth it. Yes, even cleaning up the gazillion Cheerios off the floor, in between the cushion of the couch…and underneath it. And yes, that one Cheerio you missed that you stepped on, in the kitchen, on your way to grab a midnight snack. (Darn it!)
It’s all worth it!
Many moms I know, like the scattered Cheerios across their living room floor, have a gazillion ideas running around in their head. These are BRILLIANT business ideas! From their passions, expertise, experience, and skill – totally brilliant business ideas! Unlike the Cheerios, that get discarded, these ideas are worth gathering up and really considering. Please don’t dismiss you idea as silly or far-reaching. God gave those ideas, that dream in your heart for a reason!
Even if you absolutely love what you do, what would it mean to your family if you were able to take your passion, expertise, experience, and skill, in an area, and develop your business idea, market it and really put it to work for you?
Could it mean for your family…
Paying off debt?
Extra spending money?
Fun vacation?
You coming home full-time?
What would that mean to you and your family?
Many moms I work with have brilliant business ideas that they’ve been thinking about and pondering for years. They know, beyond a shadow of a doubt, their idea will succeed! They just haven’t taken the next step to fully develop their idea and to begin planning out the next phase of launching their business.
If that’s you…a mom with a brilliant business idea (even if you don’t know it’s brilliant, yet), then I want to invite you to grab my FREE Small Business Startup Success Guide
Don’t let your idea continue to be just an idea, let’s turn it in to a profitable business that you can manage and love! The last thing I want for you, is for your business idea to be like that lone Cheerio, on your kitchen floor, that gets crushed, by an innocent passer-through. Let’s be good stewards over the ideas and ingenuity God’s given us…let’s build a business you can be proud of!

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