- Professionalism and excellence are not options. They are requirements. When working from home successfully, you need to keep in this one question back of your mind – What would I do, if I ran my business from a storefront? Answering this question changes the way you go about business and sets you up for success right from the gate.
- Where do you work in your home? Do you have a dedicated space or are you working all of your house – kitchen table one day, the couch the next day, and your bed the following day. Having a dedicated workspace is crucial! It actually make things more real for you, as you are just starting out and building your business.
- Many people don’t realize this, but a HUGE SECRET to working from home successfully is setting your business hours. Here’s the deal, most of us women are running our businesses in the margins of our lives, especially if we have young children we are caring for, husbands we are wiving, or are just starting out. None of this prevents you from setting business hours. As a matter of fact, it should motivate you to do so, you can spend more quality time with the people you love most. Isn’t this why you wanted to start your business in the first place and run it from home? Don’t lose sight of this!
I want you to be able to enjoy the freedom and flexibility this kind of “working-for-yourself” life provides. That’s why I’m sharing some insights about working from home successfully with you. If you learn how to manage the reality of your life, as a wife and mom, you’ll have the structure in place so you can do your best work, as a business owner.
Grab your journal and pen…Let me share with you some insights about working from home successfully!
Let’s Chat!
Links And References Mentioned In This Episode:
Passion To Profit – My #1 Best-Selling Class! It’s the framework for your business, especially if you want to run your business online.

So true in training your family to respect your work schedule and yourself being task focused in the time (s) you’ve allotted yourself to work
Hello Angelica, first I am very grateful for you. I find that I am more productive at home because I set the atmosphere. Bible sermon or gospel music in the background. Not conversation that most often is inappropriate at the least