I mean, I’ve seen this phrase show up on my Facebook timeline, more times than I can count. It really frustrates me! Why? Because I think it’s misleading, overused, and just plain stupid. (There, I said it.)
This somehow assumes that working hard means that you’re getting the kind of results that will allow you to play hard – what playing hard really means is taking a vacation to a tropical island, traveling the work, buying yourself those HAUTE leather boots that you’ve been eyeing for some time now, getting that blinged out Apple Watch band, or any number of things that are considered “play” as a reward.
Look, here’s the deal…lots of people work hard and never, ever really get anywhere, especially in business. 9 times out of 10 those broadcasting this whole “work hard, play hard” mentality, all over social media, aren’t really working THAT hard – or at least not that smart anyways.
Tell me this, when was the last time you saw Oprah, Jay-Z, or anyone listed in the Forbes Top 20 give into this notion of “work hard, play hard”? NOPE! Here’s what they are saying though:
Use your resources (time, money, talents) wisely
Network with others to get more done in less time
Change the group of people you hang around
Change your mindset
Invest in yourself
This is what we call “Work Smart.”
Am I saying you shouldn’t work hard and be lazy about growing your business? Absolutely not! What I am saying is, it’s not enough to just work hard. You actually have to work hard at working smart, in order to see the kind of success you want to have in business and life.
Please don’t allow yourself to be disillusioned by the whole “Work Hard, Play Hard” mentality. It’s unfair to you and your business. Be a smart business woman by improving your skill set, learning your target market, building your brand, and changing lives along the way. This is how you “Work Smart” (and then you get to play anyway you want to! BOOM! POW! 🙂
PS I’ll be showing you how to go beyond this work “Work Hard, Play Hard” mentality and into how to “Work Smart” by starting and growing the business of your dreams! My LIVE class Business Launch Formula will show you how to do this in 2016 and beyond. It’s only $27 (price goes up Wednesday to $47) Grab a seat now before it’s too late! Don’t kick yourself later! https://proverbs31businesswoman.com/business-launch-formula/

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