I remember working as an educator and being more excited than my students about the possibility of snow days. I’d hover over my phone waiting for “the call” to come through to say that we were out of school due to inclement weather. Why? Because I loved being home with my husband and children AND it gave me time to work on my business.
The dread always seemed to come the night before I knew it was it time to head back to work. It wasn’t that I didn’t enjoy my job. It was that I knew that being an entrepreneur fueled me in ways I simply cannot describe. I wanted to work for myself, homeschool my children, and be able to live life “off beat.”
There were some days I literally cried myself all the way to work! I’d have to sit in my car and wipe my tears away, dry my face, and pray the puffiness went down before I walked into the building. I was a MESS!
Have you ever been there before? (Maybe not the crying yourself to work part…maybe so!) But have you been at the place where you know this isn’t what you want to do or what you’re called to do? You know there’s more for you, but you’re not really sure how to get there, the next steps to take, or even if you have the skillset and stamina to get you there? YEP! I’ve been there. Done that. Wrote the book. Got the T-Shirt. (And sold the doggone thing! LOL) 🙂
I’ve always known, since I was little girl that I was called to business. Always!
Even while in college, I worked for a woman architect (she was one of three African American female architects in the State of NC), who ran her business out of her home. I got to see the inner workings of not only running a business, but raising a family at the same time.
I’ve spent many years, money, time, and resources learning about all aspects of business. What I know is this – we live in a day and time, where any woman with a calling and desire to be an entrepreneur can become just that! There’s no reason or excuse! We have the internet, blogs, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Instagram, Pinterest, and every other form of social media. For most women, all they need is a roadmap or a model to follow, so they’ll know the steps they need to take, in order to start and grow the business of their dreams.
You have the skill set or a passion or hobby.
You have no desire to waste time.
You are serious about business and life.
I bet if I could show you what to do, where to go, what steps to take and you’ll do just that and more! You’ll grow a wildly successful business and impact you family, friends, and community all for the Glory of God! (Wanna bet? I triple dog dare ya!) 🙂
Guess what?
Everyday can be a Snow Day, if you truly work hard, put your best out there, increase your skill level, and walk in your God-given design as an entrepreneur.
So what are you waiting on? You know you’re called to business. You know you have this nagging in the pit of your stomach. You know that snow days are ending and it’s agonizing to think you’ll have to leave your husband and children to go off to your job (though you love it) – you want more!
If I were you, I’d get registered for my class Business Launch Formula Class! Seats are filling up FAST! I can’t promise I’ll have extra room for those who wait until the last minute to sign up. I’m going to teach and show you everything you need to start that business of yours, so you can replace your current income (well, really exceed that) and work for yourself.
Let’s build the business of your dreams!
No More Putting It Off! Reserve your seat NOW!

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