Happiest Friday! I want you to stop what you’re doing right now… …make spontaneous plans with your family and friends. I know you’re going all hard on growing your business, taking that online course to learn the latest in online marketing, or designing that really cool project because, well that’s how we entrepreneurs are wired. But tonight, I want you… Read More
School Is Never Out For The Pro!
Here’s your Tuesday Tip! I’ve been saying this for years…the best investment you’ll ever make as a business owner, wife, mom, sister, friend is in YOURSELF! As women it’s so easy for use to invest in others – their visions, dreams, aspirations because well God designed us to be helpmeets (helpmate or helpers). We are the receivers and whatever you… Read More
Personal Accountability And Ownership In Business
It’s a MARVELOUS Monday! I hope your day was great! I’m not sure if you know, but I post a Mindset Monday video every day over on my Facebook page. I chat about mindset issues facing most entrepreneurs and how to shift and fix those for your benefit. Believe it or not, these mindset issues will not only affect your… Read More
Encouragement For YOU! (January 9, 2016)
I know it’s late and I don’t usually post this time of night, but I wanted to simply encourage you. I don’t know the full depth and breadth and width of the dreams God has placed in your heart, but I do know that if He’s made a promise to you that He’ll move heaven and earth to make good on… Read More
The 90-Hour Work Week
Happiest Friday! 🙂 My husband, Michael, is always finding the best articles or books to read. One of this latest finds was this article about the work habits of high profile, highly successful people. The article went on to talk about the number of hours they work a week. In many cases they were working a 90-hour work week! So he… Read More
Why I Don’t Do “Work Hard, Play Hard”
I know you’ve heard it, at least a thousand times by “entrepreneurs,” especially those just starting out in business. “Work Hard, Play Hard” I mean, I’ve seen this phrase show up on my Facebook timeline, more times than I can count. It really frustrates me! Why? Because I think it’s misleading, overused, and just plain stupid. (There, I said it.) This… Read More