It’s Day 4 of our Proverbs 31 Woman Bible Study!
Today, we’re going to dig into Proverbs 31:13:
She seeks wool and flax,
And willingly works with her hands.
In yesterday’s lesson, we learned that being a Proverbs 31 Woman is about bringing goodness to our husbands and how valuable and precious we are to God, our family, and the Body of Christ. You can get caught up with yesterday’s lesson here!
In today’s video lesson we will look at what it means to be a willing, eager worker, as well as our attitude about work. Our perspective of work matters to God. It helps to shape and define our individual purpose and calling. The Proverbs 31 Woman is a woman who “works,” just not in the way the world views it.
Be sure to grab your copy of my beautifully designed Proverbs 31 Woman Bible Study Companion Workbook!
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Quick Links For Information In This Post
I’d like to invite you to pray with us! Today’s lesson pairs perfectly with our Proverbs 31 Woman Prayer & Affirmation Challenge. Join us in touching the heart of God with our prayers!
By the way, if you haven’t registered for the Proverbs 31 Woman Bible Study, be sure to do so NOW!
It comes with, Exclusive Study Video Lessons + Daily Study Blog Posts + Bible Reading Plan + Daily encouragement emails! Best of all it’s Completely FREE!! You can register below. . .
Let’s Start Your Journey,
As A Proverbs 31 Woman NOW!
If you are new to Bible studies or are looking for ways to spruce up your study library, I have a list of my favorite Bible study resources. Some of them I’ve been using for over 20 years! You can shop my list here or take a check out a few of items below.
I invite you to take a look!
Let me ask you this. . .
Are you a willing, eager Worker? Have you ever wondered what that means and how you can cultivate those characteristics?
Let’s dig in and discover the true meaning of being a willing, eager worker! You may be pleasantly surprised. . .
Tune into today’s Proverbs 31 Woman Bible Study video lesson!
Proverbs 31 Woman Bible Study Video Lesson
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Proverbs 31 Woman Bible Study Notes
- Wool and flax have very symbolic and practical uses in this passage of scripture. They were very valuable and versatile and a part of everyday life in biblical times.
- Being a willing, eager worker comes with recognizing that work is a gift from God. He wants us to find pleasure in our work.
- As we work, we want to find what is best (according to God) for our family and will bring value to their lives.
- I’m also sharing a few of my favorite Bible Study Resources!
- My favorite Bible.
- Highlighters & Pens especially for Bible Studies (you’ll love these!)
- Strong’s Concordance (never study your Bible without this!)
- Halley’s Bible Handbook
- You can take a look at the whole list here!
- Here is a video explaining how I use some of these resources and why they are my favorites!
Now Keep Reading About The Virtuous Woman!
Proverbs 31 Woman Bible Study – Day 4 Overview
A Willing, Eager Worker
So, let’s look at wool and flax and why these would be important concepts in this scripture.
Wool and flax were the two most important materials, in biblical times. They provided clothing, garments, fabrics for personal and home use, and the ability to use these items for trade and commerce.
Wool was a highly traded material in biblical times. It is actually one of the oldest materials used to make clothing, garments, fabrics, and other traded goods.
Flax is the material used to make linen. We see linen mentioned all throughout scripture:
- Jesus buried in fine linen
- Priests wore linen
- It is used in many analogies in the books of Proverbs and Psalms
Here’s something interesting to note about the harvesting of flax – they would take the entire plant (roots and all) out of the ground, then lay out on roof tops to dry, so it could be – closest to the sun.
This chore was especially observed for women because of the delicacy of this job. The roots were very delicate needed to be preserved. Traditionally, only women’s hands could handle and perform this task, as men would be too rough with the plant.
One final thing about flax. . .
From this plant could be made two kinds of linen:
- Fine and almost see-through, like silk. This was called “fine linen.” Royal people, the wealthy, and priests usually wore this. It was also used in the Temple and Tabernacle.
- Thick and hard. This was often used as carpet in homes.
As you can see, flax has tons of versatility and uses! This woman sought after the most versatile, most used, and highest commodity fabrics to work with willingly and eagerly.
What Does It Mean To Be A Willing, Eager Worker?
Work Is A Gift From The Lord
We are told she worked willing with her hands, using wool and flax. Here’s a question to ask yourself. . .
Am I a willing, eager worker?
Am I willing and eager to find the best for my family and then put my hands to work with it? (Like the Proverbs 31 Woman?)
Here’s one caveat. . .
Colossians 3:23 tells us that we are to work as we are working unto the Lord.
Our focus is to be on God – not our husband, family, children, or anyone else.
(This is where it gets a little bit tricky.)
Yes, we want them to be happy with our work for them. But let’s face it, sometimes our families can be thankless for the work we do for them. If we are relying upon their thankfulness or praise for our work, we can become very disappointed and disillusioned. This is where we have to remember who we ultimately work for – God and Him, alone.
We also want to remember that work is a gift.
Ecclesiastes 3:13 tells us – we should take pleasure in our work, as this is a gift from God.
In other words, God wants us to find work that is enjoyable and pleasurable. Work is indeed a gift. It is His gift to us.
Regardless of the work you do (homemaker, work outside of the home), God’s gift to us is, in fact, this work and we should enjoy it!
It’s a whole lot easier to be a willing, eager worker, when the work you do is enjoyable, wouldn’t you agree?
Now granted, not all work is fun.
Scrubbing toilets, cleaning poopy diapers, and tending to children with projectile vomit is not fun. At. All.
(Can I get a witness?)
I’m sure there are a number of tasks we can add to this list of not-so-fun-or-enjoyable-work.
However, this is where we go back to Colossians 3:23, and remember who we are working for. We also need to shift our focus about our work.
- Scrubbing toilets means that I have a home with indoor plumbing and people in it, whom I love dearly.
- Poopy diapers means I’ve been blessed to be a mother, either by birth or adoption.
- Projectile vomit means I have children who are on this side of heaven, which I have the pleasure and honor of caring for.
Being an eager, willing worker is really all about perspective.
A Woman’s Worth According To Proverbs 31
Bringing The BEST To Our Family And Home
We see from the Proverbs 31 Woman that she sought the best (wool and flax), brought it home, was willing to work with her hands, for the benefit of her family and home.
Here’s a question I want you to consider. . .
Are you seeking what God considers valuable, bringing it home, and then working willing and eagerly with our hands for our family and household?
Our best work will lead to profit! – Proverbs 14:23
Our best work will lead to riches! – Proverbs 10:4
Our best work will lead us to plenty! – Proverbs 12:11
I believe, the Proverbs 31 Woman gave her best and worked with what she had. In the end, she wound up having plenty!
She found valuable things, with multiple uses, which could be used to bless her husband, children, family, and home!
You don’t have to have the best of the best (home, car, clothing), but be willing and eager to use what you have to Glorify God. With this mindset and character trait, you will have plenty for you and your household!
Work your land!
Be diligent with work!
Be willing and eager to work!
Watch how God transforms your work, into His best for your life and your family!
Work is a gift! Let's be willing and eager to embrace it! #proverbs31businesswoman #proverbs31woman #biblestudy Click To TweetWant To Learn More About The Proverbs 31 Woman Bible Study Series?
I pray today’s lesson blessed you BIG! We have so much more to glean and learn in our Proverbs 31 Woman Bible Study together!
Be sure to check out the next lesson in The Proverbs 31 Woman Bible Study Series! We’re going to talk aboutgoing to great lengths to nourish, nurture, and tend the needs of your family.
Here are other my posts in the Proverbs 31 Woman Bible Study Series:
- Everything You Ever Wanted To Know About The Proverbs 31 Woman
- Proverbs 31 Woman Bible Study Companion Workbook
- Proverbs 31 Woman Bible Study Series – Day 1 (Virtuous Woman Character Traits)
- Proverbs 31 Woman Bible Study Series – Day 2 (What Does It Mean To Be A “Virtuous” Woman?)
- Proverbs 31 Woman Bible Study Series – Day 3 (Being a Proverbs 31 Wife – Are You His “GOOD Thing”?)
- Proverbs 31 Woman Bible Study Series – Day 4 (A Willing, Eager Worker)
- Proverbs 31 Woman Bible Study Series – Day 5 (How Far Will You Go For Your Loved Ones?
- Proverbs 31 Woman Bible Study Series – Day 6 (Being Mrs. Organized)
- Proverbs 31 Woman Bible Study Series – Day 7 (Are You Resourceful With Your Skills?)
- Proverbs 31 Woman Bible Study Series – Day 8 (Knowing The Worth Of Your Work)
- Proverbs 31 Woman Bible Study Series – Day 9 (Creating A Legacy of Philanthropy)
- Proverbs 31 Woman Bible Study Series – Day 10 (Being Prepared For The Seasons Of Life)
- Proverbs 31 Woman Bible Study Series – Day 11 (Your Impact On Your Man)
- Proverbs 31 Woman Bible Study Series – Day 12 (Are You A Proverbs 31 Business Woman?)
- Proverbs 31 Woman Bible Study Series – Day 13 (Speak Wisdom, Kindness, And Life)
- Proverbs 31 Woman Bible Study Series – Day 14 (Let Your Husband And Children Praise You!)
- Proverbs 31 Woman Bible Study Series – Day 15 (The One Thing That Matters Most – Eternity)
In the meantime. . .
. . .if you are intrigued about studying more about the Proverbs 31 Woman, I’d like to invite you to join my Proverbs 31 Woman Bible Study!
I take a counter-culture, deep-dive approach into the characteristics about this woman and how we can apply them to our lives. It’s not a beat-you-over-the-head-with-an-impossible-standard type of Bible study, either.
It’s about liberating you, to know the truth of God’s Word, so you can live in the fullness of your calling and purpose.
It’s truly a deep-dive + life application Bible study that will transform, comfort, and inspire you, as you walk and live as a Woman of Valor!
Here’s what I’ve created just for you:
Exclusive Study Video Lessons
Daily Blog Study Blog Posts
Devotional Journal
Bible Reading Plan
Daily Encouragement Emails
The best part is. . . it’s Completely FREE!
Let’s Start Your Journey,
As A Proverbs 31 Woman NOW!
Let’s Chat!
We learned that our work is a gift from God and we should be eager and willing to work. What is your attitude towards work? How does today’s reading change your perspective of work? I’d love to hear your thoughts! You can chime in, by clicking here!
Or you can head over to Facebook and share your thoughts with me there!

There are days when I get home from work and believe me, I don’t feel that great. There are days I’m stressed or upset at something that occurred at work. But I’ve noticed that at times I also bring that same frustration home with me. I need to learn to let go and let God. Not worrying about the things I can’t change and enjoy what I do and bring to the workplace. In this I’ll bring joy and blessing to everyone around me.
Thanks for putting this comment out there. It’s a cicular problem I have at work, one in which I keep working at re-adjusting myself to with regards to the part I play in it. And yet, there’s that coworker that….
I sometimes question the task being asked of me. This lesson helped me to realize to remove “self” and just perform the work.
I don’t have a job but I used to have a volunteer job and there was a point that I hated doing the chores. Now I view it differently as volunteering and working for the Lord and ministering to others.
I love the way the Word changes our hearts like this Becky!
This lesson was so helpful for me today! For some years now, God has been dealing with me to study Proverbs 31. I grew up in a broken home and did not have a good example of what a virtuous woman should be. I am married…for 23 years this month! We have a wonderful son who is a senior in high school and I am a critical care cardiac nurse – working on my Bachelor’s. We are extremely busy! I am extremely busy! Up to this point, I had been complaining about not having time to really keep my house the way I like it and fusing at my husband and son about cleaning up after themselves (which is a losing battle- by the way). But God is really dealing with me and changing my stinking thinking through these lessons! I have gotten all wrong all these years! He wants me to look at my family and the work I do as a gift from Him and not a burden! It makes so much sense now why I was always so frustrated. I wasn’t accepting the gift that God has given me! And I was looking to man instead of Him in my labor! Thank you so much for allowing God to use you to enlighten women to their true calling! A virtuous woman! Many blessings to you and your family!
YES!! Look at you GROW in God and His image of YOU!!
I am recently a current housewife after working for so many years. I loved my job & worked as unto the Lord. My office closed, but I feel that as I search for new work, I can be of value to God & my husband at home, that this is where God wants me to be rt now. I haven’t really practiced this at home, but after today’s study, I understand that it is a gift from God too. Wherever He choses me to be, I am thankful. I will have willing hands & be eager! Thank you! Love today’s Study!
I love the way you’ve reflected and introspected on today’s lesson, Mary!
Yes! All of our work is a gift from God. Homemaking and working outside of the home…it’s all a gift!
Thanks for commenting! I’m so glad you’re here!
Everyday I go to work I treat it like it’s the first day of a new job and I have always had the same mindset for 29 years. The total years I have been employed. Great message to work for God only…
Working hard is gift We learn something everyday by working hard taking care of my children, cleaning house, cooking, going to church and helping others but it is a great thing when you working for the Heavenly Father that’s a honor
For the most part, I enjoy the work that I do (career) however at times it seems burdensome (housework) – not realizing I have a house to clean and for that I’m thankful. I now have a new prospective, work is a gift and should be viewed as enjoyable. Thanks for the eye openers. So glad I joined the study!
My prayer
Lord God, please help me to remember that work is a gift from You. Some people desire a job and either can’t find employment or are not physically able. Please forgive me of the times when I seem ungrateful. In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen.
What a beautiful, sincere prayer, Ella!
For me work is very demanding and draining. I’m a property manager, I take care of 115 houses .
This is very depressing at times because all I do is solve problems all day long. I bring bad news to landlords about their home and tenants situations, or I deal with vendors about their bill not getting paid and I deal with tenants and their issues on not paying rent on time and the possibility of getting evicted. Problems, problems, problems …. and this is all done at the same time meaning your constantly multitasking. From one to the next layer after layer. not one problem at a time but problem on top of problem.
Exhausting demanding and draining. So when I get home I’m done! I’m done but at times work is not done with me because I’m still on call with emergencies or issues on text.
So What to do you think my family gets from me?
Where do I find the gift of God
I’m just being honest this is my situation and YES I need to change my perception and be thankful I have job I know all that, but I’m being real. Thank you Jesus for this study I needed to hear the that. Change needs to happen.
Work in progress…I’m sorry if I sound crazy but I wanted to be as transpered as possible – thanks for your prayers.
I knew you should enjoy work so after 11.5 years on a job that I was struggling to get there I quit and went back to doing what I love to do and enjoy how it makes people feel. But its slow with me starting over. Even in the slowness of building im at peace.
Thank you Angelica so glad I joined this study I pray God helps me to do and see my job with a new prospective . Thank you for the reminder that our jobs are a blessing from God
Today’s lesson was very educational for me. Learning how valuable flax and wool was and is today after reading the lesson. I didn’t know that wool was one of the oldest fabrics used and the interesting way flax was prepared a job for women because we have the gentle hands to prepare it. I have truly learned a lot in just a short period of time thank you God I’m ready to learn even more.
Fabulous teaching! So challenging! The part that really hit me was work your land! Work with what God has given you with eagerness and God will bless you!
I am loving this Bible study!
Thank you and God bless you Angelica!
I never thought of work as a gift and now that I understand and do I Thank God for the work I do. I love what I do, which is help people.I meet new people and unique people everyday and they always put a smile on my face.
After reading and listening to today’s lesson it makes me look at the work I do and need to do at home differently. I am a single, divorced mom who raised her children and now I’m a grandmother who loves and feel blessed with waking up each day seeing their smiling faces. I work to keep things up for them and make sure they’re okay. I feel truly blessed.
Today’s lesson taught me that I don’t need thanks for my work from people. I only need the glory from God. I have a perspective shift in my thought pattern.
Thank you Angelica! I am so behind on my lessons but I know I have to take time. I have been blessed with these lessons and it has touched home with this one. At times I have so much mixed emotions with my job. Don’t get me wrong I know I’m blessed upon blessed with my job but the dealing with co workers who are not in the same level as I am is hard. I pray that God gives me wisdom to understand them all and instead of being a stumble block for them that I am able to guide them to our Daddy God.
I’ve always been a physical work
as a regesitered nurse. Caring for others in the home and outside the home can be thankless. But knowing I work as unto the changes my perspective. I understood this concept for church but not home and business. I’m retired now but this concept makes it all worth it even now! Thanks
I’m not good with money I have trouble sticking to a budget and dont always tithes. I need prayer and more strategies to be a better mother
Have you heard of Dave Ramsey? His Financial Peace course is excellent! It will help you get your finances in order. Also, his podcast is great! Check him out!
Greetings All!!
Angelica, I have been at my current job for 18 years!! I love my job. If I don’t get anything else from this lesson, I definitely understand my job is an absolute gift from God. And with that blessing, I gladly bring my 10 to the storehouse.
Mal 3:10. Be blessed my sisters!
Good Morning! I’m so thankful for this Bible study. It really has put things in perspective. As I mentioned earlier, I’m very burnt out with my job. I’m a special education teacher and have been for 20+ years. For the past few years I’ve been wanting to leave this profession. I don’t understand God’s plan for me to stay where I’m at. I don’t understand His plan for this job. While I am blessed to work in this field and have wonderful coworkers the negative, unfairness, and miscommunication far outweighs the passion and love I have for this job, therefore I’m feeling very insecure to see His plan through. I have 5 more years before I can retire. Please help if you can. Oh I have a disability-I’m hearing impaired. I’ve tried to discuss my feelings with husband, father, and pastor and it didn’t go too well and I was very hurt by what they told me. I feel hopeless.
I am a “retired” educator. Ao I understand the politics, too.
Maybe God has you there to be a blessing and give hope to the children you are working with and serving.
Im learning so much with these short studies. I now to work eagerly and remember Im not doing it to please my husband, nor family but to be pleasing to GOD. This have me thinking differently now. Thank you so much for the valuable lessons Im learning. Keeping me in my place. I would love a hardcopy of this bible study, to have on my at all times.
Thank you soooo much for the lessons..
Today lesson was very inspirational for me and I loved it. First, I love to be a social worker I feel that God has given me the gift of service and I love helping people instilling hope and encouraging the way God has helped and encouraged my walk and path. Being a social worker has its challenges but I believe I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me and he has taught me that I am working for him and not others and my seeking approval and likeness should not come from man but from him. This lesson reminded me who in fact I am working for and my purpose for doing so.
Thank you for the lessons. Coming home from work n just sitting down for a moment to rest my mind from the day and letting God speak to me. It helps.
My pleasure! So glad God is speaking to you!
This was a good lesson. It served as a reminder who I’m working for and why. It’s easy to get lost in the things but in the end my who and why make it all worth it. God’s approval and blessing come first then all else will come. Thanks KS for the lesson.
Sometimes I tend to let the negative things of my job get me down but this lesson encourages me to look for God in it all. He has placed me here for a reason. I will rejoice in it. I will be a willing and eager worker.
I believe you have to put in work in order to reap the rewards and blessings. God has given us a gift and we must be willing to use it.
I am learning so much! And I can’t stop from smiling! I love this study and the breakdown of each scripture1 I feel so empowered and delighted in becoming who God designed me to be!
May God continue to Bless you and your family!
My perspective of work has now changed regarding being a wife and mother because it often makes me feel brunt out and unappreciated , however my father always told me view working as work for the Lord I am Willing and Eager to be a worker for Christ everything that I’ve done as a worker in the world I am happy because I know the Lord rejoices .
Pray for me that God makes me feel great about my current job – not just money coming in but gives me pride in what I do. I need to feel great full. Thank you
I have always being willing and eager to work. I have been off from work for six weeks and I truly miss talking with my patients. This lesson has been such and inspiration to me. I am grateful to know and realized that my job is a gift. This is a blessing from God and I’m eager to get back to my gift.
Lately I’ve been pondering on this. I really want to work from home, but aleast bring in what I’m now making to help contribute . I just haven’t discovered my gifts and talents yet. I know that I’m an encourager and I can see others strengths , gifts, & abilities but not mines. In this lesson the word seeketh hit me ( HEB= darash: ask, at all, care for, diligently, inquire, make inquisition, question). With that said I guess I will be staying my quest.,,
This study has been bittersweet for me. My children are all adults now and I am only learning NOW the things I wish I would have known THEN. Praying that they will see the love of Jesus through me and want what I have in Him. God is faithful even in our older years. Thank you so much for this study!!! I truly love you sister!!!
I am an eager worker. I enjoy the job I do outside the home. It makes others happy, which in turn is a blessing to me. I also enjoy making thing nice for my husband. My son’s tell me I am too helpful. They want to do it themselves.
It’s just hit me n make me realised Yes!! work is a gift from God…we should work for the Lord regardless of the work we do.
Praise God for this lesson!!
Iam a nanny for 4 kids between 8-2 years of age.
Day 4 lesson is really an eye opener for me .. making me to believe n do my best in my work
Thank you Jesus
Thank you Angelica!!
The lesson today really helped me to realize how lucky I am to have a job I enjoy.I haven’t been as grateful as I should be and I’ve let anxiety and fears keep me from going to work. I want my job as a assistant teacher at a Christian daycare to be bountiful.I ask an interest in prayer. I want my job to honor God and be done for him,not just for my own wants .I want to never forget my work is God’s and never take it for granted.
I have been trying tu o watches video for it they are not downloading at all today is the 4th day
Any idea why?
Hi Ana!
Do you have popup blockers turned on? You will need to turn them off for our site in order to view the videos.
I hope that helps!
I believe that we should work as unto the Lord. I believe that this message opened up my understanding of how we should live the work we do as unto God. I am going to begin to pray for a new area of work that would give me the ability to work diligently and happily- still as unto God for my near approaching retirement a few years from now.
I am so happy to start with my proverbs 31 bible studies. I have read a lot of times, but this time has a new meaning. Thank you for putting this together.
My pleasure, Rebeca!
This is such a good lesson! I loved the phrase, “work with what you have.” It teaches contentment and humility. We don’t need “the best” to be the best.
I’m glad you enjoyed the lesson, Mirley!
As a woman who retired just a couple of years ago, I’ve got to say that I have probably never been so busy in my life as I am during this season of my life. 🙂 I love being busy, but I also like my down time. Today’s teaching was very heartfelt for me. I have not been close to God for many years now and I am so grateful that He has directed me to this study. I pray that I grow in His grace to become the person He desires me to be.
Looking at the things I do as doing them unto the Lord has refreshed my heart with joy and eagerness. Because I know that nothing is by, that God has a hand it my life no matter how far I may walk away from Him, He is always there by my side because He never leaves. It was easy to change my way of thinking and go throughout my day as unto the Lord, and it was so much nicer. Don’t misunderstand me, it’s not something that comes automatically, I definitely have to continue to bring this thought onto the forefront of my thoughts. I do trust God to continue to bring those thoughts and prayers though, and I expect His guidance and wisdom to help me through it all.
God bless all those here. I pray God’s success in this study for each and everyone of us. I thank God for our teacher Angelica and her dedication to share and follow His guidance to bring hope and joy into our lives. Work is a gift from God–Thank you Lord.
You brought a different perspective on working – a gift from God. I’m so glad it is.
The lesson put things into perspective for me. My husband and I live in a 2 bedroom 1 bath apartment and have been saving to someday purchase a home. I appreciate what I have because I know God has provided us with all we have. I sometimes get inpatient I want out of this place now. But I after spending time reading Proverbs 31, I will work with what I have and appreciate it and make our home a peaceful place until God says it’s time.
Thank you so much for your wonderful
Ministry to us women , wives and mothers!
Your Bible study insights give inspiration and hope for us who love to work hard as unto the LORD ,but sometimes we feel our joys are gone when we are not appreciated . His Word is like a two edged sword , it pricks our hearts and rebukes us. Thank You for Your love in sharing the Word of God to me and many others . God bless you.
I’m so glad it’s blessed you!
This lesson was a reminder to me of who I am and whose I am.
I truly enjoy my job teaching and strive to let my actions, words and love of people be a ray of light that cause others to want to come to God and develop a relationship with him for themselves. I always knew it was a blessing to have a job but did not realize the deeper meaning of the word “WORK” . Thank you for tonight’s lesson and helping me to have a better understanding of being a willing and eager worker.
Enjoying the study! It’s so interesting, the scripture says she seeks wool and flax, and willingly works with her hands.i like what Ecclesiates3:13 says, we are to enjoy working, because it is a gift from God. That’s mind blowing. I have always like helping people, and God blessed me to work in the Healthcare field! Not working now because of covid, but that’s my passion.
I am enjoying how the study takes you deeper into the Word of God. It gets me excited and anticipating how I can apply what I’m learning in my everyday life. I am thankful to God that my job is not boring and that I am kept busy from the time I walk office until the time I leave.
My children are grown with families of their own but I still get to see them on a regular and I am glad they still enjoy coming to my house in which they all grew up in. My family life is a busy one. I thank God!
Thank you for day 4, it has put me into a different perspective about the work I am allowed to do through our savior Jesus Christ. I’m a Registered Nurse and it can become very overwhelming at times and reading and learning these scriptures and lessons on working in and outside the home has given me the will power to continue and appreciate my career and what we have worked for through the grace and mercy of God. Thank you God for all you have done for me and my family.
I love you Lord for your mercy has never failed me….:)