It’s Day 6 of our Proverbs 31 Woman Bible Study!
For today’s scripture, we are reading, Proverbs 31:15:
She rises while it is yet night
and provides food for her household
and portions for her maidens.
In yesterday’s lesson, we learned the Proverbs 31 Woman went great lengths to nourish, nurture, and tend the needs of her family. She is a woman who always has the best interests of her family in mind. You can get caught up with yesterday’s lesson here!
In today’s video lesson we will look at how being well organized and prepared is not only a blessing to your family, but to those who come alongside us to help us, in our lives. It’s also important to note the Proverbs 31 Woman recognized she needed help and asked for help. That takes humility! It also lessens her load and gives her the freedom to flow in other areas of her life and home.
Be sure to grab your copy of my beautifully designed Proverbs 31 Woman Bible Study Companion Workbook!
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I’d like to invite you to pray with us! Today’s lesson pairs perfectly with our Proverbs 31 Woman Prayer & Affirmation Challenge. Join us in touching the heart of God with our prayers!
By the way, if you haven’t registered for the Proverbs 31 Woman Bible Study, be sure to do so NOW!
It comes with, Exclusive Study Video Lessons + Daily Study Blog Posts + Bible Reading Plan + Daily encouragement emails! Best of all it’s completely FREE!! You can register below. . .
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As A Proverbs 31 Woman NOW!
If you are new to Bible studies or are looking for ways to spruce up your study library, I have a list of my favorite Bible study resources. Some of them I’ve been using for over 20 years! You can shop my list here or check out a few of the items below.
I invite you to take a look!
If you are new to Bible studies or are looking for ways to spruce up your study library, I have a list of my favorite Bible study resources. Some of them I’ve been using for over 20 years! You can shop my list here or take a check out a few of items below.
I invite you to take a look!
Let me ask you this. . .
How are your organization skills?
I know I have seasons in my life when I’m super organized. Then other seasons where. . . let’s just say – not so much!
We can learn SO much about this woman’s organization skills and her ability to prepare for her household and “help.”
Tune into today’s Proverbs 31 Woman Bible Study video lesson to learn more about being organized and well prepared!
Proverbs 31 Woman Bible Study Video Lesson
Watch on YouTube (And Subscribe!)
Proverbs 31 Woman Bible Study Notes
- Organization is KEY! You need to be well organized and prepared for your help to actually “help.” Help is a blessing!
- All of the great women in the Bible had help. At some point in time, you will need help with some area of your life.
- Asking for help isn’t a sign of weakness. It’s a sign of strength and humility. Be willing to ask for help when you need it without feel shame or embarrassment.
- I’m also sharing a few of my favorite Bible Study Resources!
- My favorite Bible.
- Highlighters & Pens especially for Bible Studies (you’ll love these!)
- Strong’s Concordance (never study your Bible without this!)
- Halley’s Bible Handbook
- You can take a look at the whole list here!
- Here is a video explaining how I use some of these resources and why they are my favorites!
Now Keep Reading About The Virtuous Woman!
Proverbs 31 Woman Bible Study – Day 6 Overview
Is Organization Your Middle Name?
The big takeaway from today’s video lesson is the Proverbs 31 Woman is well organized.
And not just for the sake of organization, but so that your household can be well-prepared for their tasks, which serve in the efficiency of a well-ran home.
Which brings me to this, the Proverbs 31 Woman knows all of the daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, and yearly tasks and assignments in order for her household to run effectively. In this way, she can better organize everyone’s efforts to make her home run smoothly.
How well do you know the tasks and assignments for your household?
Just think. . . you want to be the woman who is organized enough that your “help” can actually help you. This is a blessing!
The Proverbs 31 Woman Had Help.
The Proverbs 31 Woman realizes that she needs help.
She understands she can’t do it all on her own and it takes everyone doing their part, in order for her household to run smoothly and effectively.
Do you realize you need help?
Help can come in many forms:
- Husband
- Children
- Family
- Friends
- Neighbors
It’s important to know which tasks you need the most help with and how someone is able to help you. Again this goes back to the organization piece.
I know how it is having your kids help you with certain tasks. Sometimes it can seem like a 2nd job or you could’ve gotten the task done much faster with less stress!
However, if we keep in mind we are grooming the next generation for success, we will teach our children both responsibility and independence, by giving them tasks and taking the time to teach him how to execute them well.. Once they are older they’ll be able to run the house by themselves…or at least a good portion of it!
A Virtuous Woman Has Humility At The Root Of Her Heart.
It’s important to know when to ask for help and to not be ashamed, as a Virtuous Woman.
I know this can be hard because it’s exposing a weakness and vulnerability within us. That can feel like open heart surgery, with no anesthesia, out in the middle of Times Square. So, when asking for help, be wise whom you ask. At the same time be open to the help you recieve.
There’s no shame in asking for help.
There is shame in not getting the help, when you need it most because you were too prideful to just ask. . . Can you please help me?
I pray you have a trusted circle of people you can go to and ask for help. It doesn’t have to be a large girl. I find that intimate circles are best – for me, at least.
Are you willing to ask for help when you need it?
Be like the Proverbs 31 Woman, who not only asks for help, but she’s well prepared and organized for her help to be a blessing when they show up!
Be the woman who is organized enough that your 'help' can actually help you. This is a blessing! #proverbs31woman #biblestudy Click To TweetWant To Learn More About The Proverbs 31 Woman Bible Study Series?
I pray today’s lesson blessed you BIG! We have so much more to glean and learn in our Proverbs 31 Woman Bible Study together!
Be sure to check out the next lesson in The Proverbs 31 Woman Bible Study Series! We’re going to talk about resourcefulness and putting our skills to work for the good of our family.
Here are other my posts in the Proverbs 31 Woman Bible Study Series:
- Everything You Ever Wanted To Know About The Proverbs 31 Woman
- Proverbs 31 Woman Bible Study Companion Workbook
- Proverbs 31 Woman Bible Study Series – Day 1 (Virtuous Woman Character Traits)
- Proverbs 31 Woman Bible Study Series – Day 2 (What Does It Mean To Be A “Virtuous” Woman?)
- Proverbs 31 Woman Bible Study Series – Day 3 (Being a Proverbs 31 Wife – Are You His “GOOD Thing”?)
- Proverbs 31 Woman Bible Study Series – Day 4 (A Willing, Eager Worker)
- Proverbs 31 Woman Bible Study Series – Day 5 (How Far Will You Go For Your Loved Ones?
- Proverbs 31 Woman Bible Study Series – Day 6 (Being Mrs. Organized)
- Proverbs 31 Woman Bible Study Series – Day 7 (Are You Resourceful With Your Skills?)
- Proverbs 31 Woman Bible Study Series – Day 8 (Knowing The Worth Of Your Work)
- Proverbs 31 Woman Bible Study Series – Day 9 (Creating A Legacy of Philanthropy)
- Proverbs 31 Woman Bible Study Series – Day 10 (Being Prepared For The Seasons Of Life)
- Proverbs 31 Woman Bible Study Series – Day 11 (Your Impact On Your Man)
- Proverbs 31 Woman Bible Study Series – Day 12 (Are You A Proverbs 31 Business Woman?)
- Proverbs 31 Woman Bible Study Series – Day 13 (Speak Wisdom, Kindness, And Life)
- Proverbs 31 Woman Bible Study Series – Day 14 (Let Your Husband And Children Praise You!)
- Proverbs 31 Woman Bible Study Series – Day 15 (The One Thing That Matters Most – Eternity)
In the meantime. . .
. . .if you are intrigued about studying more about the Proverbs 31 Woman, I’d like to invite you to join my Proverbs 31 Woman Bible Study Series!
I take a counter-culture, deep-dive approach into the characteristics about this virtuous woman and how we can apply them to our lives. It’s not a beat-you-over-the-head-with-an-impossible-standard type of Bible study, either.
It’s about liberating you, to know the truth of God’s Word, so you can live in the fullness of your calling and purpose.
It’s truly a deep-dive + life application Bible study that will transform, comfort, and inspire you, as you walk and live as a Virtuous Woman of Valor!
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The best part is. . . it’s Completely FREE!
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As A Proverbs 31 Woman NOW!
Let’s Chat!
Today, we learned how being well organized and prepared is not only a blessing to your family, but to those who come alongside us to help us, in our lives. How do you feel about asking for help? Do you have people in your life that you can call on, if you needed to? I’d love to hear your thoughts! You can chime in, by clicking here!
Or you can head over to Facebook and share your thoughts with me there!

Another profound topic today from Proverbs 31. I would say that somewhere in the middle spectrum of organization however I am proud woman. I don’t like to ask for help especially when it comes to my household. Like many women, I view asking for help as a weakness. I like to be on the reciprocated side and offer help to others. Thank God for revelation and people in my life I can ask for help and who is willing to help. I am asking God to help in changing my perception about asking for help and to release all feelings of embarrassment and shame that accompanies it. I am a work in progress and grateful to be part of this online bible study.
If I may be a bit transparent here, I NEVER ask for help. I guess it’s because I have always done things myself being raised an only child by my grandmother. I also have no friends, hard to believe but true. I’m a loner. I guess I should open myself up and trust more. Not be afraid to ask for help when needed.
Yes. Asking others for help also allows them to enjoy the chance to serve you. I am often blessed by serving others. They too are blessed when they can serve us.
I don’t always ask for help from friends, but have asked my hubby & sons, they are who I ask if needed. I grew up in a huge family! My mother would put up a chore chart, so we all did our part to help. When my sons were younger, they also had chores & helped. Being organized as a mother & wife came natural. But, when my boys grew up, it has been alot different. I need to be more organized again. I am somewhat organized, but can do more. I know I need God to give me the strength & motivation I need. I am inspired by P31 woman. Thos was a good study! Thank you!
Yes I do have people in my life whom I can ask for help, but sometimes it seems like it’s better off not asking so I don’t get the third degree, I feel safe offering and helping other easily but often time I shy away, waiting until it’s to later or last minutes to do so, but after todays lesson I understand that it should not me shameful to ask for the help… thank you for simplifying..
I guess for me it’s a little pride in asking for help. When I try to do it all myself, that’s when the frustration comes in. I need to reach out for help and understand it’s ok to ask for help and to know nobody is going to look at me any less. Great lesson.
I’m not organized at all, and I really don’t have any one I can ask
It has always been my pride to not ask for help, because of people talking about you and the situation.
Also, it so difficult to trust people, and hearing the word “no” I cannot help you.
Thank you for this study of the Proverbs 31 woman. Each day I am learning and realizing new things. Today’s lesson (Day 6) showed me that although I like to be organized I’m not very good at planning ahead. This is an area that I will be praying and asking God for help in.
Good evening I just finish reading and studying about the Proverbs 31 woman who has and ask for help. I’m the type of person who loves to help others and if I can’t get upset with myself and feel bad, but on the other hand now that I’m older I realize I can’t do what I use to do so I have to ask for help and sometimes I still struggle with asking people for help. For some reason I would feel weak for along time asking people but God and I thank him
Hello, I am really enjoying the study very informative information. I have been re-evaluating my myself and how I’m running my family and their are a couple thing’s that I need to work on. Preparing for the day or weeks and asking for help. So those are my area’s that I need to work on. Thank you
And just letting you know that I didn’t receive the workbook sheets to print off. Nor is it in my spam. Thank you Monice❤
Organization is my middle name! I do need to work on asking for help more often. Thank you Angelica for pointing us back to the wisdom of God’s holy word! amen.
I used to be so prideful in asking for help. I had the mentality, I can do everything by myself. It was a process. I have gotten a lot better in this area. However, I’m very selective and wise on who I ask for help. Some people want you to overly work off the help and pay back extra for the help. I’m very open to help others. I don’t want to be ten times obligated because you helped me.
I struggled with asking for help about 8 years ago. As a Pastor’s wife, I felt embarrassed because I was the one people were supposed to call when THEY needed help! I was struggling with depression and anxiety, and I ended up having an acute stress reaction. Needless to say, it opened my eyes and helped me realize that it’s OK to reach out!
I love organization !!!! The key is being wise enough to know who to ask for help.
Hi Angelica, this particular study was an eye opener for me. It made me realize that while I am very organized, it is my pride that keeps me from asking for help. I was raised by a very strong women that instilled in me that first I don’t need a man to do things for me; that I can do it myself. Second, don’t be an imposition on anyone. I’m all for helping people but I find it hard to ask for help. I only feel comfortable asking God for help and he always does.
Good thoughts here!
Sometimes we have to unlearn or relearn things that were taught to us from well-meaning people who wanted the best for us. Let’s learn God’s way of asking for and receiving help.
I’m a proverb 31 woman, I do not like to ask for help much, unless I really really need it. I most do it all by myself anyway, and just ask for help in the household, to make them feel like they helping out. God will always send you help, Amen,.I enjoy the Proverbs 31 Woman, it’s so amazing and helpful, I enjoy each day of it.
This lesson is a good for me, is an area that is most difficult. My inner circle is tight. Relationships are real and there is never a lack of support around. That being said, it took a village to help me see that. with my cancer diagnosis, vulnerability was a huge factor. to worry about people seeing me less than what they knew of me, to have them in my home to help me bath, dress, eat and clean was a pride too deep for me. I’ve learned the definition of asking for help and not being ashamed. So, very blessed with unconditional love that paying it forward is part of my daily life.
in regard to being prepared and getting up as the scripture shares, this is essential to my health. It is important that I am prepping all my meals for the week as to stay on course. It has been hard work losing 70 pounds and now with the cancer it is important to choose the right foods. prepping is key, and being able to do this has proven a help to my family and friends. They now ask me for recipes and if they can come and cook with me. This is how I have been able to put this verse into action. Blessings and Peace…..
I’m awful when it comes to asking for help, whether it’s at home or work. I grew up in a household but was always by myself so could only depend on myself. At home I assume my husband should know I need help so I huff and puff to gets his attention and draw him in to help me. At work I haven’t a clue on how to successfully delegate or ask for help.
I do ask for help but I’m one of those “your not doing it right just let me do I can do it faster” type of person…lol it’s just me and my husband at home and when I want something done I want it done now not later and my husband is one of those yup I’ll get to it…I normally get made after about an hour and again I just do it myself. I need to learn patience with the help I ask for.
I try to be organized but I it just do not work. No I don’t have anyone I can go to for help. People always telling me you got it but I really don’t.
I understand that. I do!
Ask the Lord to show you how to be more organized as best you can. There are some great YouTubers who specialize in this!
I am so thankful for this study it has opened my eyes in new ways and given me new understanding. What a blessing it is to gain knowledge. Thank you Angelica for being a vessal God can use.
Hi really enjoy Proverbs 31 it’s helping me to overcome a lot of little things shyness is my most difficulty I want to be more involved with talking in groups but I know with God and Praying I’m get there
I believe now as I have gotten older that God has put many talented people in my life as a blessing to help me when I need help. This is not a selfish thing to say but a humbling to say. God knows what and who I need in my life to help me be the woman he created me to be. Isn’t God’s love amazing!
I’m very organized and categorize everything very nicely. I have always had this skill mastered. This message was very powerful today. I am working very hard on asking for help. This is something I am definitely struggling with I’ve always had to do things on my own and it’s hard for me now having a help mate to come in and help alleviate the pressure of doing everything. I’m praying for God to show me how to relax and take things slower.
I usually don’t like to ask for help because I have experienced people being lackadaisical(not moving fast enough or putting it off too long). But, today’s lesson has revealed that I must delegate more. I do have people that I can call on. If I let them help more, they may step up more.
I am very strong in this area; I am beyond organized but I do struggle with asking others for help when needed. Eventually, I do reach out but…….
I am ready for help it comes from the Lord.Right now in life help is needed and I accept.
Day 6 lesson is something I often struggle with trying to stay organized while being so busy. Great lesson
My husband, our kids, his mother, my parents, my siblings, and my best friends are a blessing to me each and everyday. They show up even when I don’t know I need them and provide support, encouragement, and love always.
I am a person that I am not going to say afraid, but not really open to asking for help. I’m the type as to where if I ask and you don’t move when asked or wanting to do it on your time, I would be like never mind I will handle myself. Even though people that know me knows that if I’m asking I really need your help, because I don’t ask often. The some people don’t take me serious because they know I seldom ask, so they may feel as if I’m joking. But it is so stressful at times and it feels like I’m in my situation all alone and I just crash. My small kids see it in my face how drained I am, and they try to help as much as they can, but their hugs and smiles are really what gets me through. I give out as much help as I can to other’s even though I’m struggling and need help myself. That’s just me. But I am tired and I ask that the Lord everyday to keep me strengthened so that I may be able to press on..
This lesson really helped me today. I was once in that place where I wouldn’t ask for help not so much of being too prideful but just didn’t want to seem to be a burden to anyone. I’ve learned that it’s nothing wrong with needing or wanting help
I am thankful that most of the time i’m Organized. God has blessed me with family who are willing to help anytime I ask. Some days I say forget it, I’ll do it later, but when I start look out.
I feel like this lesson is really speaking to me and my situation right now…I think its the answer I have been looking for…
Yes. It spoke to me to because my pride has been very strong in that area. You don’t find good people to help without purpose and of course I’m single with adult children.
Hi Angelia❗️I enjoyed Lesson 6. I don’t have a problem asking for help. Having others to help releases me to get other things done. Thank God for Help
I have always been somebody help. I never had people I could go to for help lately. My family can’t help when I need nor can my associates. I always get I’m broke from everyone or they don’t have the resources. But. I’ve always been the helper so how do I go for help? It’s easy to be spoken but it’s hard to get.
It *is* hard, Toni. Sometimes you just have to keep asking, until you get the help you need. ❤
Great lesson for today!!! This is one that I really struggle with. I have a hard time telling my husband and my children what to help me with especially when my husband thinks that is my responsibility. I also have a hard time asking my friends for help. I AM NOT ORGANIZED at all. Even when someone ask me what do I need help with , I have know idea where to even start. Thank you. I will work on being organized!
My pleasure, Felicia! Be sure to take your desires to the Lord in prayer. He can help you get more organized!
Hi Angelia I enjoy all the sessions so far, I am learning allot about myself, have a great day!
I’m so glad, Ana! ❤
I am not getting the video portion of the daily Bible study. I see it in your review notes but not the video itself.
Hi Louise! Be sure you have popup blockers turned off to view the videos! If you still encounter problems, please contact us directly via email so we can offer further assistance. (
I’m a very organized person , and yes it does take a lot of courage and strength to ask for help. I like how we are reminded that God didn’t make us to be alone ,Andrew should rejoice in asking for help. It’s one area I need to work,because I don’t like asking for help. I pray the Lord God will see me through
This is a difficult verse for me. I have no family, friends or neighbors that I can ask for help
Pamela, we are praying that God will bring someone into your life whom you can trust.
Good Lesson Today; this really spoke to me today, because I do struggle to ask for help. I am organized most of the time, but sometimes my schedule can be full and instead of asking for help I end up stressing myself out. No bueno! Not good! Lord help me humble myself and ask for help when I need it the most.
Prov.31:15—– We can learn so much from this woman,and her organizational skills. This is an area that I have to work on, because I have always gotten up early and taken care of what needed to be done for my family, asking little help from anyone. This verse helps me to see that it’s ok to ask for help and that it’s all part of God’s design to be helpers of one another.
I consider myself to be organized. One thing I’m not good at is asking others for help. I’ve always been a do it yourself person because I don’t like it when people complain or hesitate so I’d rather do it myself. Another thing is when you ask someone and give a time frame and they don’t do it at that time I’d tell them don’t bother I’d do it myself.
I usually do not ask for help, which I sometimes find hard to do. However, people usually come to me for help. I find pleasure in helping others. I am a very independent person, but would not turn down help if offered.