It’s Day 8 of our Proverbs 31 Woman Bible Study!
Today, we’re going to dig into Proverbs 31:17-18:
She girds herself with strength,
And strengthens her arms.She perceives that her merchandise is good,
And her lamp does not go out by night.
In yesterday’s lesson, we learned being a Proverbs 31 Woman is about being resourceful and putting your skills to work for the good of our family. You can get caught up with yesterday’s lesson here!
In today’s video lesson we will look at understanding the worth and value of your work. We’ll also understand how to strengthen ourselves from a Holy source of power.
Be sure to grab your copy of my beautifully designed Proverbs 31 Woman Bible Study Companion Workbook!
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I’d like to invite you to pray with us! Today’s lesson pairs perfectly with our Proverbs 31 Woman Prayer & Affirmation Challenge. Join us in touching the heart of God with our prayers!
By the way, if you haven’t registered for the Proverbs 31 Woman Bible Study, be sure to do so NOW!
It comes with, Exclusive Study Video Lessons + Daily Study Blog Posts + Bible Reading Plan + Daily encouragement emails! Best of all it’s completely FREE!! You can register below. . .
Let’s Start Your Journey,
As A Proverbs 31 Woman NOW!
If you are new to Bible studies or are looking for ways to spruce up your study library, I have a list of my favorite Bible study resources. Some of them I’ve been using for over 20 years! You can shop my list here or check out a few of the items below.
I invite you to take a look!
Let me ask you this. . .
Do you have a full understanding of your worth and value?
A key component to being a Proverbs 31 Woman is knowing you are invaluable to the kingdom of God, especially your family! What you have to offer is necessary for others around you to thrive.
Tune into today’s Proverbs 31 Woman Bible Study video lesson as we discover more about understanding the worth and value of your work!
Proverbs 31 Woman Bible Study Video Lesson
Watch on YouTube (And Subscribe!)
Proverbs 31 Woman Bible Study Notes
- You need to be held together by strength – the kind that comes from a holy source!
- There is a difference between spiritual strength and physical strength. Focus on becoming strong in your character, spirit-man, and soul!
- Know the value of your work and be confident in what you bring to the table for your family and the kingdom of God. You are priceless!
- I’m also sharing a few of my favorite Bible Study Resources!
- My favorite Bible.
- Highlighters & Pens especially for Bible Studies (you’ll love these!)
- Strong’s Concordance (never study your Bible without this!)
- Halley’s Bible Handbook
- You can take a look at the whole list here!
- Here is a video explaining how I use some of these resources and why they are my favorites!
Now Keep Reading About The Virtuous Woman!
Proverbs 31 Woman Bible Study – Day 8 Overview
The Worth Of Your Work!
One big idea that pops out in this passage of scripture is “strength.”
Often when we think of ‘girding” we think of girding our loins, as described in Ephesians 6 with putting on the full Armor of God.
Here is a very insightful article on what it means to gird your loins. It brought new meaning and insight to me! #nerdalert
We do know that girding means to prepare and to hold things together. So in this case, the Proverbs 31 Woman was prepared and held together by strength.
Strength that could only come from:
- God
- Prayer time
- Studying Word
- Being a Godly woman
- Walking in righteousness
- JOY!!
I am reminded of the scripture, which says, “the joy of the Lord is your strength.” (Nehemiah 8:10)
The Proverbs 31 Woman’s strength came from a holy source of joy. In turn, she had supernatural strength to walk fully and confidently, as God designed her.
Spiritual Strength vs. Physical Strength
Interestingly, this scripture talks about how the Proverbs 31 Woman strengthens her arms.
When I think about that, I instantly flashback to my days, as a track athlete. We had to lift weights in order to strengthen our arms, legs, and entire body.
Those weights acted as resistance.
When lifted repetitiously, worked to make us stronger, so we would be well prepared for our races and field events.
I wonder what kinds of things the Proverbs 31 Woman did to ‘strengthen her arms.’ I imagine she:
- prayed
- praised
- worshiped
- studied the Word
- served her family
- worked to make her community better
And much more!
If you notice the difference between what athletes do to get stronger and the Proverbs 31 Woman did, were quite different.
She did things that would strengthen her character, soul, and spirit. Which, at the end of the day matter more than anything else.
The Proverbs 31 Woman needed to be strong (spiritually, emotionally, and character-wise) to carry out her duties and calling on her life. And so do you!
Here’s why. . .
. . . your gifts will make room for you, but your character will keep you in the room.
Let’s focus on becoming strong in your character, spirit-man, and soul. This will have a lasting impact on your life in eternity!
Knowing Your Worth and Value
We see the Proverbs 31 Woman perceived that her merchandise (what she had to offer) was GOOD!
If you don’t know your worth and value, then there’s no one who can convince you of it. . . and anyone can convince you out of it!
The Proverbs 31 Woman understood her worth and value. She believed her gifts and talents were valuable to her family, neighbors, and community.
She was confident in her skillset and her God-given gifts and talents. She knew the worth of her work!
Do you know your worth and the value you bring to the table? What about the worth of your work? People need you to show up with that, so their lives are enriched!
The Proverbs 31 Woman knew her work was good and valuable, as a result, she was so energized by this, she would stay up late to complete her assignments!
Knowing the worth and value and value of your work is energizing!
Think for a moment a special project you may be working on. It could be a crochet or knitting piece, artwork, song, website, remodeling a room, sewing project – anything!
Have you noticed how excited and energized you get by doing the project? You know how you’ll stay up all night working on it because it’s something that fulfills you and gives you joy?
This is the same thing the Proverbs 31 Woman did!
You will be automatically energized when you are doing things you’re good at and believe those things have value to others. It’s instinctive! You’ll work on it forever!
(I’m not saying you cannot sleep or should never rest. Contrary! God employs rest as a design to make us better at our work. He gets not glory when we don’t rest. We should all take regular personal sabbaths to decompress, relax, and rest.)
I pray you know your value and worth. That you’ll be energized by the value of the gifts and talents God has given you. You’ll not want your candle to go out at night because you have a full understanding of the impact you can make on others.
May your work bring you excitement, fulfillment, and joy!
[clickToTweet tweet=”There is strength in knowing the worth and value of your work. It is ENERGIZING!! #p31″ quote=”There is strength in knowing the worth and value of your work. It is ENERGIZING!! #p31″]Want To Learn More About The Proverbs 31 Woman Bible Study Series?
I pray today’s lesson blessed you BIG! We have so much more to glean and learn in our Proverbs 31 Woman Bible Study together!
Be sure to check out the next lesson in The Proverbs 31 Woman Bible Study Series! We’re going to talk about creating a Legacy of Philanthropy.
Here are my other posts in the Proverbs 31 Woman Bible Study Series:
- Everything You Ever Wanted To Know About The Proverbs 31 Woman
- Proverbs 31 Woman Bible Study Companion Workbook
- Proverbs 31 Woman Bible Study Series – Day 1 (Virtuous Woman Character Traits)
- Proverbs 31 Woman Bible Study Series – Day 2 (What Does It Mean To Be A “Virtuous” Woman?)
- Proverbs 31 Woman Bible Study Series – Day 3 (Being a Proverbs 31 Wife – Are You His “GOOD Thing”?)
- Proverbs 31 Woman Bible Study Series – Day 4 (A Willing, Eager Worker)
- Proverbs 31 Woman Bible Study Series – Day 5 (How Far Will You Go For Your Loved Ones?
- Proverbs 31 Woman Bible Study Series – Day 6 (Being Mrs. Organized)
- Proverbs 31 Woman Bible Study Series – Day 7 (Are You Resourceful With Your Skills?)
- Proverbs 31 Woman Bible Study Series – Day 8 (Knowing The Worth Of Your Work)
- Proverbs 31 Woman Bible Study Series – Day 9 (Creating A Legacy of Philanthropy)
- Proverbs 31 Woman Bible Study Series – Day 10 (Being Prepared For The Seasons Of Life)
- Proverbs 31 Woman Bible Study Series – Day 11 (Your Impact On Your Man)
- Proverbs 31 Woman Bible Study Series – Day 12 (Are You A Proverbs 31 Business Woman?)
- Proverbs 31 Woman Bible Study Series – Day 13 (Speak Wisdom, Kindness, And Life)
- Proverbs 31 Woman Bible Study Series – Day 14 (Let Your Husband And Children Praise You!)
- Proverbs 31 Woman Bible Study Series – Day 15 (The One Thing That Matters Most – Eternity)
In the meantime. . .
. . .if you are intrigued about studying more about the Proverbs 31 Woman, I’d like to invite you to join my Proverbs 31 Woman Bible Study!
I take a counter-culture, deep-dive approach into the characteristics about this woman and how we can apply them to our lives. It’s not a beat-you-over-the-head-with-an-impossible-standard type of Bible study, either.
It’s about liberating you, to know the truth of God’s Word, so you can live in the fullness of your calling and purpose.
It’s truly a deep-dive + life application Bible study that will transform, comfort, and inspire you, as you walk and live as a Woman of Valor!
Here’s what I’ve created just for you:
Exclusive Study Video Lessons
Daily Study Blog Posts
Devotional Journal
Bible Reading Plan
Daily Encouragement Emails
The best part is. . . it’s Completely FREE!
Let’s Start Your Journey,
As A Proverbs 31 Woman NOW!
Let’s Chat!
Today, we learned about understanding the value of your work. What is your work worth? What value do you bring to your family, friends, and community? I’d love to hear your thoughts! You can chime in, by clicking here!
Or you can head over to Facebook and share your thoughts with me there!

Thank you so much for today’s (day 8 for me) video, it was such a huge blessing. And hit very close to my heart, the area of my worth is very difficult for me to grasp. The prayer especially touched my heart, truly grateful. Thank you for the blessing! Hope and pray you have an abundantly blessed day.
Thank you, Jennifer!! Your comment blessed my heart today. HUGE blessings to you!!
P.S. You’re SO worth it!
I feel no strength and no value. I feel I have no skill sets and I do nothing of value no matter how hard I try. I feel worthless at my job and because of my job, I feel worthless at home as well. I feel I do nothing right.
Christy, you are ABSOLUTELY valuable, worthy, and priceless!!
You have purpose and God was intentional with your conception and birth!!
I pray the Holy Spirit fills you with the truth of the Lord’s love for you!!
Day 8 study is so encouraging & uplifting! I loved all of it! I don’t always see myself as valuable, I recently became a housewife & without my job I thought I wasn’t as valuable any more, but I am realizing through bible study & prayer that I am just as valuable with the work I do at home. God gives me strength, Joy & confidence. Thank you & God Bless you for this beautiful bible study.
The value that I bring is thru my experience of life storms, I’m able to offer help to others in the area of health and how to overcome sickness thru faith and belief and knowing you are already healed by Jesus strips.
I’ve really been struggling with this lately. I am a social worker, and my health hasn’t been good for the past year. I’ve been dreading going to work every day. I need to re-evaluate my heart : ). Thank you.
My pleasure. Praying you find the right flow for your life.
Thank you so much for praying at the end. It was a huge blessing to know someone is praying for me.
Today’s lesson was so great, I’m the type of person who’s true to my job and family. I make sure that I do my job very well when at work and I make sure that when someone in my family needs me I’m their if possible so I feel this bible study today in so many ways. Thank you until tomorrow
We are so worthful in Christ. With knowing and believing that truth, frees me up to move and be who God has called me to be in him.
I just DO and don’t really think about my value. This has enlighten me on my worth and value and that I need to continue to pray, study God’s word, to strengthen my spiritual self so I am able to continue to bring worth and value to my family, friends, community. Awesome prayer! Have a blessed day!!
Today’s study is so spacily for me , as read the scripture and your eleguante way 8f excplaing what it means to be strong spiritual it realy reminds me of my grandmother who was a women of God, she always new her Value and strength, today I learned the importance of knowing my Value through Gods eyes not mine nor others…thank you for your living spirit and soul thank you for praying for us…Gid bless you and your family abundantly.
As a woman, you suppose to know your worth, if not anyone can rob you of anything that you think you know if yourself, for as doubtless. You have to have the confidence, prayer, emotional self worth about whatever you do. I know my value of myself, being a Proverbs 31 Woman and a woman of God, whatever I am working on, I just have to finish it, right then and there, I don’t care, It just have to be done right, that’s just me, and everything in me.
Today’s lesson really blessed me! At times I feel myself working so much for my family that I am completely exhausted by the end of the day that I don’t notice or think about my worth to my family. Today’s lesson really opened my eyes to all the tireless nights, the 3 jobs at one time and coming home at late. As, I look back now, I can see my worth. Thank you for this lesson! It really blessed me!
What a joy it is to come to sit and study this word you have prepared, I am gleaming so much from the nuggets of wisdom that you were inspired to share, and I know I will be a better person for having taken the time to avail myself of the proverbs 31 bible study.
May God bless you Angelica….
Linda Mills
Thank you Linda! So glad you’re learning and so glad you’re here!
I am loving your study! Thank you!!!
May God bless you in abundance, the same way you have blessed me. Thank you again!
This study is so amazing it has opened my eyes to alot of things in my life and in my marriage. So traits I have and so I just wasn’t putting to use. Thank you so much for allowing me to join in
I totally agree with you…we need to know our self worth! Agian, another amazing Lessson. I am learning so much about myself, my capabilities, abilities and who God designed me to be !
I work hard for my family, sometimes I get exhausted doing for them and not me. Now I take time for myself. I don’t always see myself as valuable. I thank God for loving me the way I am. I love the Bible study.
God Bless
This has been a joy to me. I love to serve my husband family students church etc
I want to do it well.
Thanks for God’s word and truth!!!
I am a ministers wife of 30 plus years and I want to make a difference in the lives of my church family as well as my own. I have been dealing with how I can be a mentor to my daughter in law.
What a blessing you are, Kelli!
This lesson have motivated me to step out there and do something that I love doing to help bring income to our home. For the last 4 years I have taken care of my parents and now that both have gone to be with the Lord, I felt so worthless and sad. I think part of it is that I am probably still grieving the loss of both of them within 6 months apart. I hadn’t been able to really concentrate to read or pray, so I saw this bible study and thought that it would help give me the boost I needed. I’m so glad I did. Thank you so much for walking in your calling and blessing us with your prayer.
Dearest Rhonda… please accept my deepest condolences on the loss of your parents. I’m so glad the study blessed you. ♥
Amen! Thank you. I didn’t realize it, but yes I am energized when I am doing something that I enjoy. I am energized when I use my gifts to bless others. Thank you!
My pleasure, Felicia! ♥
so much but today i am taking away .your gifts will make room for you -but your character will keep you in the room. our identity is rooted in Jesus . thk you
I needed to know that my work has value. Thank you for reminding me where my strength comes from and how the Lord sees me. He has equipped me to do His will and will renew my strength each day. I loved the word “gird” and it’s meaning of being the center of our strength, kind of like Christ being our foundation. I’m so enjoying this study!
Wow strength in character and the ability to finish everything you do with vim and vigor she would be the women to pray yout son would fall in love with. With all she can do up till now I have a lot of work to do heehee. Have a blessed day
Hi Anjelica, I am enjoying your Bible study. Glad I got the companion workbook. I am having trouble for the last several days accessing the videos though. I am able to access your written instruction but am missing out on hearing what you have to say to accompany the written lessons. Please advise… Thank you for your encouragement!
Hi Gail! I’m so glad you are enjoying the study. Please send an email to about the video issue and we’ll get you taken care of.
Prob.31:17-18— Such a blessing,to learn about my worth,I so believe that the joy of the Lord is my strength. I have to know the value of my work. I always try to avoid job at whatever I do, but sometimes I do feel unappreciated, but,I have to come to myself and say, it’s unto the Lord. Sta in the word to remain strengthened Good word.
Thank you for your study of #p31. I have completed day 8 and am enjoying the studies thus far. I had prayed to God to lead me to more in-depth Bible studies and as usual he has honored my prayers. I am learning some new things in these studies of which I can use in my everyday life. Thanks again for your Bible study.